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10 Good
  1. I am totally light sided, I have 5000+ affection points with Kira and I've never once gotten a chat option with the [Flirt] prefix... The only dark side points I got was from ONE option (not a [Flirt] option) I chose when chatting with Kira and then, well nothing has come of them. Is it possible that the Kira romance bug is alive and well and in my case, Kira is simply NOT romanceable?
  2. Well I'm level 31 and I've finished everything past Tatooine and on the way to Alderaan. I've never once ever got a [Flirt] option in my dialog with Kira. I'm told that romanceable NPC's eventually offer [Flirt] options. Does that mean that there is no romance option with that NPC?...
  3. In the "My Account" front page, why is there no check mark besides the "Redeem you registration code" even though I clearly redeemed my code when I purchase the digital copy through EA/Origin a month ago?
  4. That is pretty disappointing. So all anyone has to do to screw it to Bioware and this entire game is to create 10,000 toons and take over every single name, thus ruining it for everyone. Poor foresight on the part of the developers and a definite source of frustration for people who had early access, but not quite that early...
  5. Precisely, the irony is strong, like the force
  6. Seriously, I've read a bizillion threads on how people are unhappy about the phased early access thingy. Seriously?... Here's a little something to somber you up. http://burningbabylon.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/christmas-define-necessity.jpg Now, stop complaining, feel happy and joyous! We are all going to have a ton of fun which is way more than what I can say about at least half the planet right now.
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