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Posts posted by Santium

  1. It took you 30 minutes to get anywhere on Voss?


    You should have bought a speeder IMO. They make getting around so much faster.


    oh yeah great and travel a little faster- its a Boring Crap game, be honest with yourself

  2. This is a matter of player skill and coordination. They have a lot optimizing to do on their end, but it is doable. I'd rather not see them change the locations. I find datacron hunting to be a refreshing change from the same old same old.


    what ever he had written you would have wrote the opposite --

  3. Never. Game uses the Hero Engine.


    Think of Wal-Mart, then picture yourself purchasing something on "Rollback" to save 50cents.


    That's what we're working with here.



    64bit, we're lucky to get 32 bit. Can you believe it's running DX9? DirectX 11 is almost old!


    ..there are no words..


    OMG It never crossed my mind the game only runs in Dx9 - jeez wow even uses 11, it doesn't do much but its there-


    I think my Kettle runs Dx9, I know my Toaster Does - You would have thought this game was A Console Port -

  4. Its a New mmo you would have thought people would be bursting to get up at the weekend to play it- but they cant play it due to them cancelling their sub-



    the game is in the toilet- give it another month and it well get flushed

  5. OK overlay of FP and OP @ level 50


    Most FP/OP consist of a space station or ship ! : - Enter walk up to static mob pack 3/5 kill - move along Conveyor Belt of an instance to next generic & static mob pack - Find boss, hope the boss wont evade and reset half ways through fight- kill boss - hope loot is gettable -


    Leave Instance - Repeat the same thing on a hight level - oh more bugs -


    Unsub while yawning- uninstall game whilst smiling -

  6. In light of all the negative posts, I felt I should share. I'm having a great time. I'm republic too, and that's saying a lot after today. Never a dull moment.




    /your life saddens me

  7. Vanilla MMO Games are for bygone now- its when MMO was in the infancy -


    Today they should know how to make them now.



    Also Most of the on-line coding stuff was already implemented into Hero Engine -


    This game was basically copy and paste- and they still couldnt get it right- 50% of the time was voice acting 45% marketing 4% closing threads on this forum 1% programming.

  8. Its Because we enjoy MMO's and Wow Hasn't really had any major competition in years- Rift tried but people wanted something away from fantasy & D&D style game-


    This was Wow Set in space for some, And Starwars to boot- and it was being made by Bioware ( Now BIOWARS to me ) And it looked great- but it was crap..


    Also what else has been out in the last month that we can play- nothing, the game scene is pretty quiet at the moment -

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