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Everything posted by MisterBlackJack

  1. I have been playing the game since Open Beta. And I completely disagree with you on that part. Each planet I leveled through when the game launched I was able to easily find groups of players to do the Heroics even the world bosses. So you're argument falls fat there. I still return to older planets and look for groups to do Bosses, but I also know that there's no point in grouping currently because it can pretty much be done solo. the reason they will return to these older planets because with a little push, their mentality will change. Soon after coming to terms that they can't just faceroll and they see people constanly asking in General or a cjoin group for more people for heroics they will soon realize "hey there's people I can run with. let me join them." This is always proven with the Gree event. People are constantly looking for groups for the heroic areas and the world bosses. And people come and do them. and it seems each day I always find someone looking to do the heroics on coruscant, or the King Pin Contracts during bounty week. All these events prove that when push come to shove, players will get grouped together because THEN it's the easiest path to getting it done.
  2. Unless the story entails you to return to these older planets Again it's not about farming but more of the fact of doing things with other people. What happen to the concept of completing a boss or a difficult mission with friends in MMO? Again you are thinking of the issue as an individual instead of the collective, which is what bioware, myself and others are looking at. This change makes the greater better rather than the individual.
  3. Only time will tell if people will like it or not. I believe people will acutally appreciate it over time. Even if it comes out and people rage at it, It doesn't hurt them for trying something to make Everything relevant and keep the game interesting. You don't change mindsets by just doing the norm, that's what I believe had them loose subs in the first place instead of trying to do something more creative. I want to see this go through first, especially since there is no Ops coming in 4.0 (It seems there's new heroics though), so why not EDIT: Also those that voiced there cons towards certain things is the reason why Light side and dark side alignments mean nothing, why you couldn't kill off companions. Yet this is changing now with 4.0 Bioware is saying "you know what, let's just do us, lets make a game we enjoy making where consequences matter, because that is what we are good at" I have no problem with them sticking to their guns on this because I believe they compitulated to much before launch, now we are getting those back.
  4. Pretty much agree with this 1000x more. There is no way an optional version for this will work simply because of player mindsets. Just because it's not the easiest way doesn't mean it's a bad idea. Clearly there's too many sith in this thread !
  5. BTW if the leaks are true, your are only scaled down to 2 levels ABOVE the planet's max level.
  6. It's not just about the challenge, it's also about the fact that it appears they want to add NEW content on old planets without having to scale everything up to max level only to be made irrelevant again 6 months later
  7. There have been leaks and datamined info that point to this. Also remember bioware talked about "Streamlining leveling" and "redesigning the group content where it's always relevant". It's not official but I am almost certain when they talk about the streamlining this week, this will be officially confirmed.
  8. It's a false choice just like it was a false choice with skill trees. Yes you could do it, but you won't be effective or taken in endgame content with a hybrid spec, because the devs didn't design the game for that. The same thing can be said here, yes you can do it by group, however what's the point in trying to form a group when random A hole #278 comes in engages the boss and kills him easily. People will look and go "What the **** is the point of this scaling?" In most cases I would agree options are the best, but this instance it's farther from the truth because its purely an illusion to choice. When you have a drastic difference like this case, the easier path WILL ALWAYS be taken.
  9. I guess what I am trying to say is that it appears Bioware no longer share that philosophy, instead want to adapt a concept where all group content will be made relevant regardless of level. It's not like I hear the arguments you and others are making, I just also am looking at the devs perspective and their ultimate endgame with this change, which I believe is to make more group content relevant but also make it easier to create new content without the worry of having it go out of date in 6 months. The pros with this decision (for the many) out way the cons (the one) in my opinion. I hope it's implemented. There will be an adjustment period, I know that. Nevertheless, after thinking about it throughout this weekend, I believe this is the best decision for the game in the long run.
  10. I can tell you what's more enjoying. Fighting through a huge mob of enemies, using all the powers of the force, or your skills with a blaster, to take them all down and ultimately come out on top. That's a far better for me than just one hitting everything. It keeps me engaged and on my toes. When it comes to a world boss I enjoy the feeling more of me and my buddies having to get together and bringing down this massive foe. This is after all an MMO But even if I didn't want to do that. I now have so many mobility abilities that I can simply just run past them until they reset.
  11. Your completely missing the whole reason why they said they didn't add any ops. They want to change how Group Content is OUTLEVELED FIRST so then all they have to worry about is add New content without worry about it being old and outdated when a new level increase comes. And they want to add this to ALL GROUP CONTEN, i.e. MORE heroics, MORE world bosses, MORE open world activities, that players, regardless of level, can get to gether and do.
  12. You don't seem to understand that adding an option IN THE OPEN WORLD pretty much means you are creating an disadvantage to those who don't use it. I'ts better everyone has to use it than to force people to NOT use it.
  13. well let's be honest, Gear is pretty much irrelevant now until max level with all the changes they made.
  14. NO it hints at the fact players will go the lazy route and find the best possible way to gain rewards and achievements. This argument is like saying well if people use win-trading in ranked because it's faster than actually playing by the rules says there's no desire to play rank, which showing the higher pops in rank lately proves that's not the case. Or people who cheese under lurker by using the exploit, does that make fight undesireable. NO just that without restraints players will take the fastest route to gaining rewards regardless if affects other people.
  15. well according to the leaks THAT"S EXACTLY WHAT"S GOING TO HAPPEN.
  16. If your trying to use Immersion as a valid argument to not implement an MMO feature, that shipped had sailed long ago
  17. Again I am not talking about Flashpoints or Operations when it comes to this point. I am talking about out in the open world scaling (which all the datamine and pts leaks along with Bioware's statement of "Streamlining the level process" is indicating that it's going to happen). You really believe that players will give up a significant advantage to kill a world boss in order to group up with people? What's going to happen if an option to scaling is there is that people that are going to try to do it the correct way will be waiting for everyone to get there only to have one jerk pull and kill the boss leaving them 2 hours respond wait time (minus dreadtooth and worldbreaker). Options are not always the best for a gaming community or players, especially if the developers have a particular philosophy they want to use. Which seems to be the case in fallen empire, is that they want ALL GROUP content (including heroics and world bosses) from here on out to be valid regardless of level. And I personally don't think there is anything wrong with this philosophy. It has potential for Bioware to create MORE group content at a faster rate then it currently is and it opens to possibility of more Options TO GROUP for.
  18. If it was optional, then NO ONE would do the scaling. It would defeat the whole purpose of adding it in. Let's just be honest, players will look for the easiest route, plain and simple. Sometimes barriers need to be put in for our own good.
  19. You don't have to fight them, at least not most of them. Because even at level they can easily be avoided if you know the knicks and cranny's of getting around. I ran through all the planets AT level and was able to avoid most of the mobs that I didn't want to fight. Also There is this thing called a speeder that can zoom you past most mobs without having to fight them. Far as I can tell you can still hop on that and run past them. So again where's the problem. And if you have to fight someone, well you just kill them in 2 or 3 hits instead of one [because you still will have better abilities that are past the level.. It's not a bid deal as you all are making it out to be. Also the whole I am a dark council vs an initiate is ludicrous argument, if I recall your path to your dark council membership involving killing a member Darth when you were mearly an apprentice coming just off of Korriban. RP answer: the initiate is strong in the force The reason no one gathers for world bosses is because they CAN be solo'd. There's no point in forming groups if they can be brought down by yourself. So removing the solo aspect will actually encourage people to group together to down bosses. So I don't see it working out the way you guys believe it will be. I think more groups will form to kill world bosses because of this change. Which is still a great change imo.
  20. Here's my problem with all these arguments against the level scaling. You guys saying like it will be a burden to kill all the crazed people on the Dark Temple on Kaas is going to be the this difficult chore. 1. It was never difficult to defeat adds when you were at level let alone 2 levels over the planet level (if the leaks are to be believed) 2. You still have all your abilities from max level with all your cooldowns bonuses. So this whole argument of it will be difficult to kill trash again on Kaas is ludicrous because it was never difficult to begin with before all your 65 abilities. So you can't solo any of the world bosses anymore. GREAT! it means more people can form up and try to work on bringing them down as they were meant to be. It also opens the door for many cool scaling of loot and rewards for the older content. Maybe get people to explore parts of the planet they never thought of looking before. None of this is actually bad IMO
  21. Again not talking about that blog. I am referring to planets not flashpoints.
  22. They are not referring to Flashpoints. without going into breaking ToS territory, the word going about is players will now be scaled DOWN to the level of whatever planet they travel to. I.E if you are lvl 65 and go to tatooine you will be scaled down to level 25 (stats and all)
  23. Wrong! They spoke about it at a cantina tour and stated they weren't going to touch them anymore after the fiasco and won't bring anymore out
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