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10 Good
  1. Leave the instance (you can just run out the door) and reset the phase. It worked for me when I had the same issue
  2. I've been a sub since launch and this has caused me to finally unsub. I wasn't onboard with the new GC system in the first place and as soon as I find an upside to it they slashed and burned it. I'm a filthy casual who doesn't have a lot of time to grind and BioWare's response to this is just mind boggling. Whether intentional or not they actually gave us a reason to finally stop skipping all non quest mobs. It's like they don't understand their players at all, some people may spend hours grinding these mobs like it's their job but that's probably only a fraction of the player base and instead of doing something less intrusive like just lowering the weekly cap which would only impact those grinding their asses off (more power to them) they cut the kill CXP which likely affects players like me who only can only play a single digit hours a week most of the time more than those who can spend all day grinding Maybe I'll check back next expansion
  3. The reward change was just me thinking out loud and I'm sure Bio or someone else could do better It's not just the max influence although that is one major reason but also the fact that there are now many, many more companions on top of that max influence. That coupled with the fact that there are now only 3 missions and the interface being somewhat cumbersome make it a bit of a bother. It's not a life or death issue by any means just a request/suggestion.
  4. I recall there used to be missions in grade 6 which now seem to be absent. My request/suggestions is to add it back and keep it going all the way to grade 9. Keeping the rewards as grade 5 gifts is fine but as the tier increases I would increase the chance for more gifts and/or the quality of those gifts
  5. I can't find it either and the Colonel in the spaceport has nothing for me
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