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Posts posted by Bristag

  1. A+.


    I was never deluded about how it was to be done. I was not lied to. I was told there'd be a possibility of up to 5 days of early access - the chance at that or more than that (I'll probably be in today) being a bonus on top of the game itself.


    I'm not trying to be a d-bag, but frankly I think that if those few days of a head start that other players have over you are making you that distraught, you should probably stop playing video games. It's just not worth all the angst.

  2. I prefer to believe there are many Bioware employees yucking it up at all the whining right now, sifting through the hundreds of pages of QQ posts to find the choicest bits of nerd rage to pitilessly mock.


    But in all seriousness, I don't know what all the fuss is about. Go outside, toss a football around with some friends. Take a walk. Read a book. Spend a few hours pouring over random Wiki articles. I don't know...just do something other than this. I say it for your sake, not mine.


    It's a game, people. We'll all be in soon. Chill.

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