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Posts posted by nite_shade

  1. Bioware needs to change this anarchy lootsystem where everyone can roll on everything.


    The basic rule is that if you can equip it and benefit from it (most with a IQ of 35 or more understands that you let the tank have the tank gear and healer healinggear and so on) the item is yours to needroll on if your character is in the instance can use it. If the item will be used in some other way like for a complanion, to sell it, to eat it, to let it collect dust in the bank the greed roll should be used, or pass.


    Some guilds tend to set up special lootrules that are based on progression, a tank benefits more from having tank items and healer healer items.


    This has gotten out of hand completely, last night I got kicked from a team by simply asking politely why a pistol using merc took a lightsaber with needroll. I got called lots of names and ofcourse I reported it for Bioware to let them see how bad the community has become.


    Need rolls has to be blocked form players that cant handle the difference of need/greed/pass


    So many other MMOs has done it with great success, why should The old Republic still live in the stoneage when it is such a simple thing to change.


    After all we all wants to get along and get new friends, arguing about a unclear lootsystem are creating more war then peace. I know that for a fact since launch.


    Well, put! I've seen this growing worse ever since F2P.... When I see a player in a Flashpoint without a Legacy name these days it's fills me full of dread. You just know what's going to happen.... need I say more?


    I understand the need to get some new blood.. but the f2p model is just not Flashpoint friendly. I hate to say it, but can we please have a similar/same system as most other MMOs, or even WoW...... THe only issues I see, is that you would not be able to roll on companion loot if every one passes or greeds... which also bring me to those that need for their companion, even when there's a class that needs it on the group!

  2. Welcome to a single player game trying to be an MMO..


    I could never understand, when I first join SWTOR, I had to queue for ages.. then when I got in there was no one around?! Yeah yeah, all zones are instanced, but still!!


    I've been playing Rift and WoW again.. due to my MASSIVE dissapointment with SWTOR.. you know they are supposed to be dead now...??? I've seen more people on those two games in the past two days that I saw on TOR in like a month from launch!


    I decided (as I've got loads of 85s on WoW) that i'd start a mage on a different server... the starting area had loads running around! You really feel part of something when you see other peopel questing away around you, it adds to the emmersion.

  3. has anyone noticed how little spam we get from gold sellers?



    I have to say a big THANK YOU for that, as much as I like to complain about other aspects of the game, the absence of Gold spam is really enjoyable.


    And yes I know credits are easy etc... but still!


    Yeah that I must say was the one of the top 5 things I loved about SWTOR... do you thikn those farmers knew something?? :D;)

  4. I can't understand how people who are comfortable in populated servers complain about us, complainers of empty worlds, is just funny. Is like a healthy guy telling cancer is not that bad.


    It's simple. The mayority of players are stranded in severs who have around 200 lvl 50 players in peak times, which is TO LOW, no matter if standard, low or heavy... people available to do things is to low, for a mmo which has no cross server, and this aplyes to PvE and PvP.


    In Ilum should be mandatory to have at least two groups of 20 people fighting for objetives (aiming low!), instead i spend the day picking boxes in a deserted ice mountain with 4 more imps, whith casual skirmishes of 2-3-4 vs 2-3-4. The largest "battle" i saw was a 10 vs 10 for 15 minutes.


    Narak, Bounty Hunter of the single player MMO.


    It's just the sad state of the gaming community in general. Many gamers spend their lives shacked up in their rooms, with little, if no day light at all. They become introverted, in their own selfish epocs... i find it funny, when you spend ages grouping for an instance, for someone to say 'Am only here for xxxx, so lets make this quick!'.. or they simply get their Item and then AFK/Log off!!! I seem to forget I pay to play a game for other peoples pleasure and not my own...


    Don't worry due to costs of maintaining Servers, BW will merge realms soon enough. They are just waiting for the fallout to settle before doing so. I think they also need to get rid of the instanced zones, they are so EQ2!! This will also make zones look a lot fuller....

  5. I'd say there's proportionally more whiners in Rift than here. There are lengthy threads on their OT forums that are nothing but insecure "TOR threatens Rift so it sucks" marathons.


    If you read general chat in Rift, you'd hear it differently. People hated TOR that much they went back to Rift. They have pointed out how Linear the game is, small, tunnel driven and so on.. they even said like I do, TOR is not like a true open world/galaxy MMO.


    Rift is much better than SWTOR, so is WoW.. I said I'd never go back to WoW!! So I patched it up the other night and started a brand new char on another server.... Diablo3 or GW3 for me.. but until then, WoW it is.. at least I can venture where I want, pretty much level where I want... and so on!!


    Don't get me wrong, the comcept of being able to play a Star Wars MMO excites me, but not in it's current state.. still hanging here to see what they are going to do to bring this game truely into the MMORPG genre.. i need full emmersion into a Star Wars universe/galaxy.. not a single player game, with some online elements.

  6. Bored and annoyed. Just my two biggest peeves:




    What is with the gimped out "space combat"?


    I use quotes because that is NOT aerial combat. Have these developers ever used a flight simulator? Hard to have a dogfight when you are stuck on an invisible rollercoaster track, unable to move off the path and only able to throw things at people as you pass by. I keep wanting to dodge and weave, do a 180 and follow the ships that pass by, tuck under the destroyer I am disabling instead of running along the pathing that takes me by everything I already blew up. Did these yahoos learn anything from SWG? "Space combat" in TOR is a waste and designed for 8-year-olds. Difficult to have "star wars" with this useless space combat system. The ships, ship parts, actual space movement, everything to do with "space combat" is oversimplified. Much preferred SWG's space combat, with parts and ships that can be damage, a sandbox style space experience flown like you are flying a ship, not some little kiddie train at the Mall.



    Not being allowed to pick a surname someone else already picked.


    ...like, no one in the universe shares the same last name?! Sorry, I was forced to play this game when Lucas Arts killed SWG, so I figured I'd remake my main here with the same name. Forcing me to pick a surname I don't want, such as some blasphemous alternate spelling, as if I cannot spell or read correctly, or making me change servers repeatedly until I can get the surname I DO want is bunk. Plus, if I don't pick one, I keep getting that stupid Legacy window popping up everytime I log in or change planets or something, constantly reminding me that I was not allowed to have my surname, rubbing it in, over and over...


    Only going into two, not wanting to rant here for pages/hours of typing.


    Most of the game is tunnel driven, very cleverly in places, but very linear tunnel driven... no openness at all....... linear, boring, boring...boring

  7. NO chance!


    1) Way to linear to be an MMO

    2) worlds are way to small and instanced, not to mention you are tunnelled around

    3) environments are static, so no real immersion

    4) PvP - lol!

    5) Space - ermm... hello?!


    BW really need to go back to the drawing board imo. SWG was a very good game for it's time, well, until the stupid changes! I would hae built upon SWG and took itto the next level.


    BW should have also looked at other MMOs out their, for me a new MMO has to beat it's competition. The only way to achieve this is to do what they do, but do it better.......


    The game has great potential but not in it's current form. Sorry.

  8. Personally, when this game was launched we had to Q for ages, on a couple of servers.. then they increased the Pop size... now that people have left, or continue to leave.. it makes sense as a company to reduce the number of overheads and servers is one of them so this serves two purposes.


    1) cost cutting for BW

    2) increase population by merging servers, due to the drop in subs.


    Personally, they also need to remove this instancing of zones.. I ran around many zones thinking I was the only one. Which made me feel like I was playing a single player game. When in real terms people where in my zone (Hutta for instance) but in a different insance.


    However, the numebr where still low.


    The sad truth is, that this game just has not lived upto people expectations, and that's why people are leaving. I've been on Rift and the chat is full of how bad TOR is... same on WoW.... simple facts that relate to the issue that bring BW to merge servers.


    I'm a great fan of SW and have been sinse I was a nipper (kid). I think TOR is a good game, but it's not what I'd expect from an MMO, nor is it what I'd class as an MMO:confused:.

  9. while SWG let poepel do waht tehy wanted there really no direction or reason to do anyhting. in SWTOR you have a reason why you doing things, kill guy X, save X, you have a long term goal in mind.


    i was in SWG when it came out and i roamed aorund fun a good place to vll and stared my grind to get a jedi. after that i likely been ok did it..now what? would been bored once i was done. really no reason long term to do anyhting beside just for kicks.


    Yeah, SW:TOR is like getting in your car (assuming you can drive :cool:) driving down the road, going basically where the road leads you. Not having the freedom to turn off down a side street when it suits you. Only to get to a 'T' junction, and given a choice of left or right..... ummmm.. both turns bring me to the same place.... Feels like being on one of the tour buses, I was on once in Paris, after an hour I said to our lass 'Get up we're getting of to explore on our own', 'I hate being taken where the driver takes us....'


    SWG was awesome for it's time.. pre Jedi village.. best commnity ever.... and good emmersion.


    Hope Tera or GW2 delivers!

  10. A bit of both for me, but overall I would have to say No sadly.


    Its early days though, so will give it a chance yet.


    They DESPERATELY and I do mean DESPERATELY need to add in speech bubbles to this game however, the worlds feel unbelievably empty to me without them, even if the option is there to switch them off for people who dislike them, and/or remove them from BG's and PVP zones only. Without them the game feels utterly hollow and a complete solo journey at times. Its truly, truly awful, and for me such a small thing which is UTTERLY spoiling this game for me, I never realised such a small thing would irritate me to such a degree that I no longer enjoy playing? But it does, it just feels like a big solo game and not an MMO at all...PLEASE BIOWARE FIX THIS!!! Small as it may be, this could easily be fixed, and with it my enjoyment and desire to log back in may come back with it.


    Grouping is another major issue in this game, all too soon one of your mates is either to far behind you, or too far in front of you to help you or for it to be worth while for them to come back and help you that few seem to do so, this forces the player into a solo levelling process, something which is sadly becoming the norm in MMO’s and simply just being accepted but it need not be if you ask me? Simply scaling groups down or up to meet the content they are playing and a reflective amount of XP given would be far better. Penalising people’s time for helping others is such an appalling game mechanic. If I am running say a level 21 quest and my mate is level 28 why not let him choose to drop to level 21 to join me and gain level 21 XP whilst doing it? It won’t be huge XP for them obviously but at least it is some, it also means the content is still fun to play and not a whitewash where the higher level guy simply cleans out house.


    I will say that this is above all, what bothers me about SW:TOR. It is the lack of community this game portrays. The sad thing is I know how awesome many of the player base are, especially on Juyo which I play on most of the time, but I rarely see them, group with them, or speak to them whilst I level my characters, at end game sure that will change, but honestly should you have to play a game or stop start on chars which you only use when X or Y person is on for a few months before you get to hang out with them? No. That’s an appaling mechanic, especially for a game which is supposed to be an MMO.


    SW:TOR more so then any other MMO I have played over the passed 10 years or more is so incredibly insular and linear. This is fine in many regards, the combat etc can flow nice and quickly, and one bit leads in to another and so on, but it feels to me at least it is very much at the expense of the multiplayer aspect of the game? I like many, do not play MMO’s to play a slightly bigger online version of KOTOR, even if KOTOR is one of my all time favourite single player RPG’s it is not why I bought this game, I bought it to play with my mates, to group up and have a laugh with them, and I want to do that even when I level, or to feel like helping out other people is not stopping me from progressing my own character etc as well.


    Also the imbalance of some of the classes and the inability to gain a healer (so badly needed by most classes when levelling especially if you don’t opt to be a healer yourself which many don’t is awful in some classes, Inquisitor especially for me, until very late in your levelling process??) why can we not respect our companions to more fit our own playstyle and class choices? Again small things, they already have the same names, the same basic looks are we not going to be able to customise these things at all?? come on…


    Honestly overall I still maintain this game has arguably one of the best basic platforms at launch to progress and improve from in any MMO since the unmentionable one….lol, but it still has a TON more to do to make this a truly awesome game, again potential is the word here, but this is still not an MMO if you ask me, it is still an online RPG with MMO plug-ins. BioWare, your story is awesome, the worlds look fine, though I would have preferred more realistic worlds and characters so be it, you went for longevity and that’s fair enough, (though please do something with Tattooine, that planet is awful…just awful…enough of the darn tusken raiders already!! Lol) its pretty bug free considering it has only just launched, especially in comparison to most if not all other MMO releases I have been a part of. You have in fact done a great deal of things right, but its those things which are wrong that are really hindering this game and me loving it. I don’t dislike it as it is, I simply don’t like it either though, I kind of nothing it if anything.


    Oh and one last thing, allow communication between x-faction friendly guild members as well, I don’t see why I cannot talk to people who are my friends just because they play on a different faction, whats the logic behind that? Again perhaps not in PVP zones, but outside of that? Whats the issue?


    Wow! You basically summed up what i've been driving at for ages!! Linear, static, hollow, single player... blah! blah!! Thank you for putting this into words I could not.


    I always remember the first time I stepped out into Mos eisley on SWG! People running around, chatting, laughing.. Blaster fire sounds in the distance, as some got on with some missions... then, wow!! Was that someone on a Bantha MOUNT!!!?? I want one!! It felt instantly as I'd just gone to bed and woke up in my dream and I was in Star Wars!! Now that what's I call emmersion, a true MMO.. not a linear SP game with some online content.. in a boring static environment


    BW please don't send me another mail warning me about my posts... it's ridiculous, or are you scared of the truth????????!

  11. I can always remember the first time I stepped out of the starport on Tattooine, on SWG... it was so emersive.. people running around, chatting.. things moving, people fighting.. blaster fire wizzing by.... it was simply amazing! Ohhh! Was that someone on Bantha?!! :eek: Oooooo! A Speeder!!


    I fealt like I'd just woke up in some kind of, ermmm?! STAR WARS game!!

  12. Tell me what an MMO is then?


    I'm dying to know.


    A non-linear massive open world game, one where you are not tunnelled down any given path, freedom to wander. freedom to level where you want.


    I've played many MMORPGs (age will remain anon! :D ).. and to be honest. They have never felt Linear, tunnel driven, static... my List include (SWG, EQ2, WoW, Conan, Vanguard, Rift.....).. whilst I've played these I've always felt as though I’ve been part of something big, real....


    I can walk out of Stormwind.. walk straight through Childville (or whatever it's called.. it's been so long I forget it's name....), carry on across the fields and over a river. Now this is where it gets tricky... dodge the highish level wolves n spiders, and so on... but it's safer to go left or right... it's just open to explore.... Same with Rift, EQ2, SWG...... I remember, starting WoW in the good old Vanilla days and me and my mate would dare to explore as far as we could. It seemed endless, off the beaten track and all!


    TOR gives the impression of openness, but it's not... people see an MMO as an escape to there normal lives, to exist in a seamless world/universe/Galaxy... I mean come on the planets are that small I did em in no time.... Alderan was a little more open granted, and Hoth.. but most others are way to small, I felt like I was wearing blinkers, and guided down each path.. I wanted to explore, discover.. be adventurous.. It felt like I was in a shoe box and wanted to punch the sides out!! I felt claustrophobic!

    Space? Don’t make me larf!!


    Granted the general MMO definition is:



    1.(online gaming) A massively multiplayer online game. A computer game in which a large number of players can simultaneously interact in a persistent world.

    2.(colloquial) A massively multiplayer online role-playing game.


    But it's in my view loosley based on what most people generaly expect from an MMO, true MMO that is.


    Visually SWTOR is superb, if not static. But it's not a true open world mmo... perhaps later things'll change. I do like the game as well, but itbasically KOTOR3 with some online play.. a bit like ermmm Battlefield 3, ermmm MW3.... and so on. So yeah for the not so fussy, I suppose it's a little like an MMO....


    If you played some of those above mentioned MMOs you'd get what, I'm failing to get at...

  13. Or possibly they have lowered the Population size on the servers to give a false representaion of numbers?? I know initially they had to increase it as there was an influx of people trying the game out, so the queues where jsut stupid... but now people have left in dissapointement, they have no need for the population size, so it makes sence to lower this cap?? just a thought?


    I think it'll take a lot more than 1.2 to bring me back, the game is just to linear. The zones/worlds are WAY to small, and very channelled.


    I think BW should do away with the area zoning too, this might make it look busier??


    This isn't the MMO you're looking for.... oh, it's not an MMO.. that's ok then :p

  14. I played for a month, forgot to cancel and ended up paying subs for another month, but stopped playing.


    Went to play an MMO instead of this Linear piece of.... bahh! That's harsh, it's ok for a linear game, it's jsut that it's not an MMO.


    Prays for GW2... so back to playing Rift and having loads of fun! Glad I got a new PC, to play it, in it's full glory.. pretty much why I left rift in the first place due to my crappy machine... but now!! fun times!! :D

  15. It's got till GW2 comes out, then all these servers will be empty.


    /poop on SWTOR


    I didn't give it that long, I'm on Rift... and to be honest, I'm loving it. But yeah, I'm not holding my breath, but GW2 for me too.


    I was so excited I wet myself, when they announced TOR. I was thinking SWG++ but, like so many times before, so let down.


    TOR is a great single player game, but that's it.. and that's what they should have plugged it as.... KOTOR 3 with some online bits... a bit like BF3 I suppose??

  16. Every MMORPG I've ever played has given you different options to level Alts through.


    You may come back at to the same path at points, but there were always 2 or 3 options for you to level through.


    SWTOR is the first one (going way back to 1998) where there is a strict 1 road path.


    I understand why SWTOR had to do this (the massive resource-hog nature of voicing quests), but it's still a retrograde step.




    Personally I think they should put in optional zones WITHOUT VOICE ACTING, giving players a different path, and without the massive resource issue of voicing quests (they could voice them later if they really wanted too).



    Although that's a bit OT for this thread.


    You nailed it when you said other MMORPGs, they are true NON-LINEAR MMOs.. nuff said

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