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Posts posted by Liaskar

  1. I've tried both DPS specs out, and balance is superior, in my opinion. Telekinetics might have the upper hand in situations where you are able to stand completely still and run through your rotation without interference. But that rarely happens in my opinion. Balance is highly mobile and flexible. It never runs out of force thanks to telekinetic throw, where as Telekinetics runs out fairly easily.


    Plus, you don't have to use disturbance as a balance sage and disturbance suuuuuucks.

  2. I love people who think anyone against damage meters must be bad at playing the game. Yes, because no other cause for opinions are valid. Don't be so naive.


    I understand why some people like damage meters, I truly do. But I've hardly ever seen them used for good. Ive never seen a group stop and help a player who was under performing. I'm sure there are exceptions of course, but most often I've seen them used as obnoxious chat spams and something to look at instead of the battle at hand.


    The amount of people asking for more freedom in this game, yet support damage meters, also confuses me. Damage meters cause every class to have a specific routine/rotation that you have to use, or be forced from a group. It doesn't matter if your DPS is fine. If you're not using the specific order of abilities, you suck according to the populace.


    In the end, I won't care if they allow damage meters, because I just won't use one. I play this game for fun. Not for work. Yes, I understand some people claim that damage meters are fun for them, but I am still skeptical of that.


    If the community could handle damage meters maturely, then I think they would be a nice addition. But I just don't trust the gaming community as a whole.

  3. If this were true why did they at one time have one in the game? It was taken out because it didnt function well enough for release. You have an answer for that my kind sir?


    When I was in beta, they had no such thing. And since the game seems to be perfectly playable without it, I don't see how that even effects my point.


    I also love that people are so quick to say that people against damage meters are horrible players who never got group invites. Because no good player could possibly have a different opinion than yours, right?

  4. If the developers designed the game to be played with damage meters, then I would understand their inclusion.


    They did not. This game should be fully playable without using damage meters, and that's how I intend to play it. It's not that hard to figure out who isn't pulling their weight in a group. Especially when flashpoints are 4 man groups, and operations can be only 8. You shouldn't be running an operation of 16 people with strangers anyways.

  5. It's not bad, but it's a little weird.



    Also, sidenote not directed at anyone in particular in this thread who posted before me: I refuse to group with people who want to skip all the cut scenes. :jawa_angel:

  6. Writing a story for a human/mirialan/pureblood is not going to be the same as writing one for a wookie/jawa/etc. You would need a whole different story, otherwise it would just feel a little awkward. Not to mention a lot of the stranger races don't speak galactic basic.


    I'm fine with just having human-esque races.

  7. My hype is still super high. Especially since I should get in tomorrow or friday. And my friends and I have all agreed to wait on the fleet for each other, so I don't really care about people getting in without me.


    Can't wait to play. :)

  8. They are different styles. Healing trance is channeled, meaning you can't just pop it and forget about it.


    Like the above poster said, once you buff them with talents they become even more unique. Rejuvenate becomes the heal you use first, to proc conveyance. Healing trance gets its critical chance buffed by conveyance, so you use that. When healing trance crits, it procs resplendence which allows you to regen mana for free with noble sacrifice. It's a very beautiful system.


    EDIT: Also, there's no waiting for conveyance if you put two points into it. It has a 100% chance to proc. D:

  9. I preordered earlier, during the summer, but from gamestop. I kept having issues with the preorder codes not working, so then I tried best buy and had the same issues. Finally I decided to do the digital version and got a working preorder code from that.


    So December 1st for me. :jawa_tongue:


    I've already accepted the fact that I probably won't get very much early access time.

  10. Really? Not getting into early access on the first day is worth cancelling the game to you?


    It's your fault for requesting today off from work. You should not have assumed you would be in on the first day.


    Plus, you'll get to play with your friends as soon as you get in. Why won't they wait for you? Some of my friends and I are going to get in before another one of our friends, and we are all stopping at the Republic Fleet to wait for him to catch up to us so we can all move on from there together.

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