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Posts posted by Cooperal

  1. Because a good operative will take any single player up a wall. Extreme stuns, a knockback, slows, self-heals stealth. They won't win if they took the attack on the forehead, but they'll otherwise win.


    Not played as an operative myself, however the Imp side on Rogue Moon had two enemies that stood out far more than any other Imps. Both were operatives. They were seen in many warzones and they liked to take off 2 thirds of your health before you regained control of your character. And this isn't them working together. I could always take a good chunk out of them if I medpac'd and went crazy but it'll never be enough to win.


    If one, sometimes two randomers picked a fight with me, I would take them on, usually coming out with good health. If these particular 2 jumped me, it was "Oh f**k f**k f**k f**k f*************k! I need to *********** get to my *********** team!"

  2. Expertise means that people can't just grind through PvE content to be good at PvP content and vice versa.


    A DPS in very high end PvE gear can make damage in PvP that's still comparable to somewhere between recruit and pure battlemaster. However being that that the highest PvE gear is harder to aquire than both recruit or BM and you miss out on a giant defense and healing enhancement too, it makes this idea incredibly stupid.


    The good gear goes to those who put the time in to learn. Less true since 1.2 as BM is now available to newb players, instantly going from "best gear" to "meh" in one patch. But as far as it might look unfair, I could do with more people leaving their PvE-inflated ego at the door. Nobody in PvP will be impressed by your ability to fight an enemy which can't stray from a routine. A more relevant boast is needed. And they could start by working from scratch. If they refuse to even purchase as little as recruit, they can think of it as an "initiation beat up" as seen in gang culture.

  3. Wall of text detected:


    -When we have the ball, I understand their are carrier defenders and runners that should make themselves a convinient target for a pass. Perhap some to control middle but otherwise contributions are mostly forfeit.

    -I realise I should never run the ball on top of a firetrap unless I'm immune to CC or completely desperate.

    -I call directions by east and west so no confusion can be argued.

    -I never attack the only uncapped point on Civil or Novare unless we're actually winning so hard that it invokes boredom.

    -I know when playing as my Sent whether I should use my leap or save it for after an inevitable knockback.

    -I don't blow my stuns and slows on someone who's ticking resolve just to wonder why they don't work.

    -I will not mindlessly pick up the health spawn unless I can make the most out of it or deny an enemy.

    -If a bridge or forcefield is opened on Voidstar, I will drop any attempt to defend the other bridge or forcefields because its "enemy time-wasting" efficiency has dropped dramatically.

    -I also understand that the western door can have a bomb planted all the same if only the eastern bridge is up.

    -When all else seems futile, 6 seconds of stealth is all you need to sneak in for a ninja plant on voidstar. And in very rare cases Civil and Novare. More rarely again it's possible to run through a thick battle unstealthed for the same result.

    -Nobody will even think about trying to cap the point we're attacking if I am standing where the capper need to be when I fight. I will move and turn enemy attention away from the point,

    -With the realisation of ninjas, I also know the difference between standing near an objective and actually CHECKING it.

    -If I can call an inc while the enemy is still in the distance, perfect. If I get jumped close range by a stealther, I realise I can type quickly enough that breaking combat to type a syllable is completely worth it.

    -I don't leave a match unless I see something glaringly bad before spawns have opened.


    As an experienced gamer that practices common sense on a less than minutely basis, I seem to reap results like a super-soldier for most of the games I step into. Unfortunately that certainly won't guarantee a win since every bad player demands the work of 1.5 decent players to make up.


    I still make mistakes, I even unintentionally stealthed with the ball once like the OP did (tried to raise "Guarded by The Force but force camo, being another panic button was right next to it). I recieved some abuse from an inbred despite the overall score coming out at 1-6 to the enemy, thus removing my guilt and making his emotional problem laughable. It's all human.


    I don't expect people to be aware of all of the above. Many are forgivable. The ones who annoy me the most are the ones that blatantly ignore fundamentals. The objective and the chatlog. Nor can I stand it when a team collectively that thinks "someone else will do it". And finally not keeping Throw Huttball anywhere on the hotbar. Almost certainly guaranteeing they surrender the ball to enemy posetion in the next few seconds of their life.


    Had a huttball yesterday, scored the tie in the last half a minute. A witless sniper (who I had already witnessed bad play from) was sitting in cover in pickup range of the ball spawn. Did he pick it up? I'm in a public match. I picked it up as the second closest person (and only other person closer to it than the enemy). Didn't have a chance to run, didn't have topped up health like him. Didn't go well. Pre-50 of course. I can get visibly mad in PvP but I flipped this one time. Such a pivotal moment of idiocy.

  4. The issue of characters not speaking in cutscenes seems to be from having the game running for an extended period of time; somewhere well over 2 hours but it inevitably happens a few times on a swtor-oriented day.


    I've had some occasions where me and a friends start getting this issue at about the same time. Leading me to believe that it's either a result of stepping over a certain timeframe or it's a result of stumbling upon a semi-rare script in some cutscenes that we've shared.


    I don't mind so much if I'm doing PvP or space barring through the same old endgame cutscenes, Relaunching fixes it. But it's still especially frustrating if you just want to get your head down and blaze your pre-50s through the planets.

  5. If you're overlevelling, it means that you're doing a good job. You're now free to skip plenty of quests without feeling bad about the rewards you miss. Unless you wanna do it for flavor sake. And if you're decent you'll be able to solo those Heroic 2s for yourself.


    Is it a worthy opponent you want? Burn straight down the center of the planet and just take the story on its own until you arrive somewhere with a bit of struggle. And then PvP occasionally has a few good adversaries (shame that for every competant player in pre-50 you get 20 hopeless inbreds).

  6. At this current time their is only access to one type of green +41. The expertise ones found in war hero weaponry.


    But I'm almost certain I read an official source that stated the rest are getting added to daily or PvP vendors like the other ordinary colours in 1.3.


    Edit: It's probably the SCHEMATICS that are added to the vendor, not the complete crystal like I made it sound.

  7. Some of these races would require different classes and stories all together. I expect Nautolan to be the next race in line judging from their clear diversity of head-types seen on NPCs in-game. Some colours, at least 2 male body types and 2 genders are partially accounted for. However it's not a race I'd be eager to play. But the level of development work aside, here are my votes:


    1. Jawa: A silly one of course. Give them a mini-class story and range their levels from startign at 18 to capping at 25 to enforce a pack mentailty. Along with very limited access beyond Tatooine. Give them a greater reward that crosses over characters for doing the same scavenging that's already available. And improved drop rates against the roaming enemies. As an MMO, this game is seriously lacking in side-hobbies.


    2. Togruta: The females are hot. I don't think any knight knew that Kiwiiks was an "old lady" until the conclusion of Tatooine. That's enough reason for me.


    3. Droid. Maybe astromechs, maybe protocols, maybe HKs I don't know. I suppose they've been known for tanking, healing and DPS respectively. Only I know their population can't be such an overwhelming fraction. Maybe a rival faction to the previously mentioned Jawas? Potentially it might even make for some interesting customisation. Half-baked would probably still satisfy however.

  8. I suggest around level 18. You'll be spending a lot of time respawning without your basic CC-breaker.. The amount of medals you get may not be worth it. You can save up warzone commendations for that level 20 gear which is right around the corner from being equipped. You'll only get more of an edge from there.


    Mobility, or perhaps the ability to manipulate other players mobility is extremely important against human opponents. Ideally you want to be more than just a portable basic-attack dispenser.

  9. I'll try to keep this simple. We have two open world PvP locations, Ilum and Tatooine. We know people don't like to sit around in them for long and are largely ignored. The main problem with Ilums old daily/weekly is that it was possible for both sides to be "winners" so people would enter without fighting and be on their way following their armament collection. So here we go:


    On an hourly schedule, have somewhere between 5-9 territorial objectives that spawn for 20 minutes. Undecided on the reward but something that can certainly be considered worth it.


    When the beginning of these hours hit, many players (limited but still a very large amount), can click a button in the queue menu that will instantly transport them to the battlefield.


    Ilum and Tatooines schedules are timed at a 30 minute difference. Therefore once the 20 minutes of one open world objective has finished, their is 10 minutes of spare time before the next open-world "instant-transport" button and objective become available.


    This way, not only will people get a reward for FIGHTING the enemy rather than co-existing, but people will know where and when the action is going to be. Twist and tweak how you see fit.

  10. At the moment, we have 4 maps, with a game mode to each one. And the current model of keeping the warzone community alive is dripping in new maps or new gear. But many of us have integrated our gameplay into the newest map as if it was always there. And plenty will have worn tired of the current maps quicker than new ones can be made. Why not tweak alternate verions of the current maps? For example:


    Arranging the layout of an alternate Voidstar to cater for the "Payload" game type. The attacking team has to stand near an objective to push it along a track through checkpoints (invisble players not counting). The defending team prevents them by also standing on the objective. The objective slowly returns to the last checkpoint if an attacker doesn't stand on it for a certain period of time.


    Or how about reusing The Pit to double as a capture the flag map?


    Or Novare Coast as a King Of The Hill map?


    In a less PvP oriented fashion, all 4 current maps have one or a few different locations which would suit a wave-defense gametype.


    Throw in some ideas that can breathe life into PvP gameplay quickly. New gear only goes so far.

  11. Strange analysis by the OP. Especially when defining 4 of only 8 advanced classes (and presumably their mirrors) as FOTM early on.


    That and operatives are unmentioned in thier "invincible unless stupid" state.

  12. I like the idea of reducing spawn barrier times at later points. It keeps its purpose intact. I personally believe that point 1, 3 and 5 progressively get harder to defend, whereas in most online games the later points are actually supposed to become harder to attack. Because logically, if you can conquer the hardest point, you can conquer them all unless the defending team fluked. The reason I hate Voidstar so much is, if the first defending team doesn't do a good job, the entire next round is even worse, consisting of a depressing push at the front doors.


    Removing the spawn wall on bomb plant sounds good too. The bomb is hard enough to remove as it is. And there is absolutely nothing worse for a defender than being BEHIND all of their attackers as they move to the next area. I've had a similar thought about dropping the spawn wall in Huttball when "neutral ball" occurs.


    Personally I think with some rearrangements, Voidstar has a good foundation for a "Payload" game mode much like Team Fortress 2 or Global Agenda, but that would be straying way off the point of this topic.

  13. Higher populations tend to close the gap between low level brackets and endgame, in terms of player skill. The most dedicated players will get drowned out by the sheer numbers of people are who new or only seek short term goals. They'll lack gear, they lack the knowledge of dealing with players over NPCs, they may even be unwilling to learn, or worse again want to be carried to the end.


    That's the nature of online gaming for you. Rogue Moons teams normally sported more well known veterans than the new meat per match. It's a shame but the greater frequency of matches makes transfers worth it in my eyes. As long as you arn't losing so much that you're missing out on your weekly.

  14. Both republic and imperial law insist you must now remain on your ship when the fleet is over-crowded or face the concequences.



    The number of players per fleet instance has been decreased because plenty of players had computers that suffered in crowded areas; primarily due to so many different models. Where those same computers would otherwise be fine in all other areas of the game.


  15. Fighting nowhere near an objective. Shame.


    On the otherhand since you were outnumbered, it means that even more of them were being wasteful than you two, so their stupidity is a plus for you. Also your video didn't blast any "WAKE ME UP INSIDE!" or "I TRIED SO HAAAAAARD AND GOOOOT SO FAAAAAAAR!" or "ONE! NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!" in my ear, so another plus.


    Easily deserving of 3.5 stars out of a possible 5. :rolleyes:

  16. Assists are already shown when you mouse over kills (subract your killing blows from kills)

    Passes are not always a good thing even if landed on certain teammates.

    Recording personal goal scores (even if just for that match) is enough to encourage selfish play over team efficiency.

    Same goes for caps (such is the idiot that starts capping instead of defending someone who is already on it).


    Specific stats are the main cause of people ignoring teamplay to farm numbers. I feel this is one of the areas that bioware have struck a decent balance in. The generalized attacker/defender points have a purpose for being so vague. The commend people for presence and actions at a point of interrest instead of straying off and playing selfishly, with an easier way to yield medals to boot.


    The only idea that I may be fond of is capping interrupts, so long as teammates arn't dropping their momentum to snatch credit for a one man job. However, the lack of enemy caps is the main reward in itself, let alone becoming even sweeter if your team doesn't need to interrupt to begin with.


    Overall I think stats (and the rewards they're associated with) are set in the right place. Except those one-on-one medals. In nearly all cases they're only made possible by someone playing horribly wrong. Two enemies getting pointlessly tangled in a quiet corner, or a lone defender taking out an enemy without calling incs on sight.


    As for the OPs example, 600k damage vs 150k damage + 2 scores. The point of it seems void in my eyes. A capper/carriers goal is often impossible without their team covering them (bar the ninja approach). You don't get 600k damage by ignoring the thick of the action, nor will you live long enough to make that damage without knowing where your team is. And for Novare and The Pit, the person to make the final touch is also capable of making the smallest contribution. In other cases their are ninjas who will capture a point with no hope of holding it once the defenders have realised their ignorance.


    The point would be missed, the fraction of the credit would be disproportionate.

  17. I can't answer this with anything less than a list. Every match feels like a new level of stupidity has been reached, even when rationally thinking, I'd be used to it after well over a decade of online gaming. Among this list are a few stupid things I've seen, accompanied by either the last time I saw it or the frequency I often see it:


    - Failing to type a syllable to call for help - Every other match

    - Teammates letting ninjas by without thought of LOOKING at the objective they're idly standing infront of - A few hours ago

    - Teammate taking the ball toward OUR spawn while only halfway into the match - 2 days ago

    - People excusing their failure to throw the ball by saying it's a "waste of a slot" - yesterday

    - Almost making a long-distance huttball score solo, but falling just short because your team committed nearly everyone to fight a few enemies in a corner - No more once on a really good week

    - Idiots that try for the third point in Civil War when the added defense would've made a big difference - Yesterday

    - In Civil War when people fail to realise you can safely win by holding a single point if your ships shields are double or better - Every few days

    - When an entire enemy team has the above lead in Civil War, but still attacks, leaving me to successfully assault their only point and steal the win - Happened 2 days ago and wasn't the first or even second time :p

  18. In a huttball match as a sentinel. The enemy team is contantly putting pressure on us during a game which was still 0-0.


    An enemy ball-carrier has only got one fire trap to pass with little resistance and plenty of back-up. The only form of immobilize I have remaining is my force leap. Barely within range, I wait until he's passed ontop of the trap and leap over, simultaneously popping my GBTF to ensure my own survival. The ball carrier of course doesn't survive and the ball falls to me.


    I instantly pop my camoflage to clear the ball. With everyone a little bit disoriented by my unconventional application of skills, I pop my transendence and waste no time returning to mid to once again retrieve the ball while the enemies are still at our side of the field.


    By a stroke of luck (not to mention a big thanks to my speed), my former victim had only just managed to exit the spawn, giving me the opportunity to leap to the upper-center catwalk and granting me a free run for the goal.


    I suppose it was the events surrounding the kill that made it more satisfying than just the kill itself. Unfortunately, I only get MVP votes for reasons that I can't understand. Whenever I make desperate, successful moves that change tie-breakers or certain losses, or even top the leaderboards for anything, it's like I've guaranteed myself I won't get any MVP. :p

  19. In spite of the quick growth of MMOs in the last decade, there are still many people that are ignorant to the common conventions of MMOs. People who have been dragged in by EAs phenomenally large advertising campaign.


    EA, like any MMO publisher needs subscriptions to last, and their is no fun in everyone so easily hitting peak. Some of us don't want to be punished for settling for "standard" just because someone who invests his time elsewhere isn't happy about it. It's their bad for picking the famously worst genre for a "drop in, drop out" gameplay.


    Can't keep up with the hardcore? Well what do these pre-occupied people suggest Bioware does about them? Does Bioware tell these gamers "Hey stop playing, you're offending the slower gamers."


    Or do they say "Hey, remember those months you put into getting this stuff? Well now everyone can enjoy that same stuff for almost nothing!" Oh wait, they did that with battlemaster gear already. These awful game killers.

  20. Bumping with fingers crossed and an educated guess.


    All other companions come with two different roles. One of the two usually being DPS. Tank only sounds natural to be the alternative stance. Either in one or both roles I'll bet he's got a leap ability at the ready. In support of these guesses:


    - The healer-droid combination has already been covered for all characters since launch. Our protocol droids.

    - All of the droid-specific components are listed as heavy armor.

    - HK droids iconically wield two blaster pistols. It's likely this will remain true without visually contradicting their role.


    But on the other hand (because I want to cling to hope) HK droids are also known for reserving skills that were thought to be unique to ordinary protocol droids for the purpose of disguise. I do hope he can heal otherwise he's doomed to collect dust.

  21. Incredibly worth it. At 3 AM BST this morning (bearing in mind that the rest of europe will be 4-5-6 AM), the server still had a population that dwarfed the population of my old server at peak times. The wait for warzones is now tolerable beyond the few biggest hours of the day.


    In the past, the much fewer people meant that most of the long-time 50s all recognised eachother. Their was only so much room for meeting new people. Even worse it was easier for your reputation to spread like wildfire for the better or worse. Get in a disagreement with another player and you fear for finding other familiar faces will favor you less. No more is that the case because we now have an ocean of players to mingle with, removing such a large source of discouragement.


    It has fixed the single largest gripe I've had with the game, and I'm still coming to terms with just how long it might be before I return to the same issues again.


    I was the slightest bit hesitant at moving my main over for the fact he shares my real first name; one that I'd have no chance of keeping. I realised in no more than a glimpse that my quality of gameplay and ingame productivity would sky-rocket. My name could've been forced to MicroP***s and it wouldn't have made a mark against how content I felt. Not a doubt in my mind.


    Edit: Not to mention that the galactic trade network is now wild. I didn't expect people would still be holding onto the likes of Korrealis landspeeders. And until then I'd never seen unbound tier 61 modifications go on sale. Almost like I've travelled to the future where everything that's great in my time is commonplace.

  22. As far as I've learned through play, I would've expected scourge in his tank stance to compliment a sentinel far greater than kira. Infact I would've expected anyone doing anything would compliment a sentinel better than kira (a geared C2-N2 is no exception)


    From most efficient, companion roles tend to go Healer>Tank>Ranged DPS>Melee DPS


    Or in other words, the ones who will keep their player alive the longest.


    Put scourge in his tank stance, make sure it's specifically a SHIELD in his offhand slot, don't let a single piece of gear fall more than 5 levels behind.


    If you don't mind sacrificing personal style and killing SPEED, Doc will get you through fights you wouldn't otherwise survive through. Any mob you don't attack will stick to him, giving you a lot of control over how to share the threat.

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