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Posts posted by Krytie

  1. Yeah, a lot of time went into the characters that I left on the other servers. Had done all of the operations and achievements and they were very equipped. Starting over is not the end of the world of course or I would just stop playing all together. But, its the starting over after all of the work that went into the others.


    Now, about personal data.... There would not have to be any personal data sent to transfer a character. Its not like they need to send the data that John Smith is moving the character with any of their data. The character has a unique ID and the owner has a unique ID. I already have a unique ID which would either be the same or linked as characters on each server are linked to the same login. You are only transferring based on a unique ID number in a database and not a name specifically. So, I doubt that it is personal data as that is easily gotten around. Also, if for some reason a unique ID that does not give any personal information is still the issue for privacy issue, its easy to have to give permission from the login that the user agrees that they are transferring data between regions and they accept that the data may somehow link personal data etc etc. Then you are giving permission. This is not anything new in any of this as MANY companies outside of gaming with more personal information such as banking and the like.


    Remember, it is only the character. I am not asking for my account itself to be moved to the server. So, only unique IDs.


    I would hazard a guess that it is just a choice not to allow a move between regions for different reasons. But, still think that they could even allow more restrictions.

  2. I don't agree with level capping someone. There are many different types of people with different types of abilities. Also, some are better at tanking, healing, DPS (close range or far range). Some prefer PVP, some prefer huttball style, some prefer only playing by themselves and socialising. There are too many varied ways and things to do. So, I think that capping the level of someone is not good and will only cause frustration when it should all be fun.


    Now, that aside, what would be pretty fun and useful would be to have the trainers also have certification missions. This would not be 100% as even bosses are different in tactics. But, would be quite fun or like a healer to do a solo mission where he is in a fight and responsible to heal his/her side. Or be a part of a hutball match with all NPCs that is simple enough, but let people play and even practice. Then depending on points earned doing different things during the mission, then you get a certification level. Possibly, just making it go progressively harder until they die or something has failed. Then that would give a certification level. So, people can go back trying to better their score.


    This could show on the character screen for raid leaders to check. Personally, for PUGS, this would be good if you in a PUG group. But, if in a guild, most talk and teach people how to play. I would say for social guilds, it would not be useful, but only for the hard-core raiding guilds. But, then again they already train their people anyways.


    I think it would be fun though and good practice for people to prepare to hard flashpoints and OPS group for them to feel that they are ready as it can be scary to join the group finder for the first time. So, this would be a fun way for people to test themselves and see if they are ready without worrying if they will make a group of people upset by not being that great and killing people that know what they are doing. Less frustration for all. Especially like in huttball or something, some practice is great for newbies so they don't ruin a whole team of experienced people. I myself just enjoy playing so don't mind dieing or losing, but we are not all casual like me.


    Also, the people that like achievements can have more things to work for as well.

  3. Yeah, its just a character. There should be no personal data needed to be transferred. After all, I am playing a new character on the US server using my same account. Not asking for the account, just the character. Unless my character is now a legal person that has a legal identity. ha ha ha


    Actually, I asked the question in-game and got a response from the customer service to post it in this forum. So, that's actually why I posted it. If it were a legal issue, I would think they would just say that due to legal restrictions, this is not available and not ask me to post. :)

  4. I know that this is probably not needed for a lot of people, but very good for some of us. Recently, I moved from London to Tokyo. The North American server give better ping times and also have guilds that are geared for my timezone as there are more Asia Pacific based people on the Harbinger server for example.


    Now, I have been playing SWTOR since the beginning with early access. Sadly, I am not really able to enjoy playing the characters that I have been playing from the beginning as I cannot move them to the region that works best for me.


    Now, I would propose to allow inter-region transfers. I realise the communications between the systems in the regions may not be fully there, but I would think that there would be a way of importing between them.


    I would not mind double or triple the Cartel coins to get this done as well as even if there was only a transfer date once a week or month or something like that. Also, I would not mind not being able to play the character during this time as well. Honestly, I would not mind if you said that you needed to move the whole legacy to do this.


    I would hazard a guess that people like me where we do have these moves that require this would not mind this as well. I think it would not be heavily used and you could even say that this can only be done once every year or semi-annual as well. Making it more difficult will ensure that only the people that need it will do it.


    I enjoyed my stories and the characters I worked hard for a few years to get to. Now, I have had to leave them idle on the other server while I level up another character to be able to play. Leaving the characters on old server also does not allow people to take the names of those, but they just sit idle.


    So, I would only see support for this from people like me that have invested a lot of time in their characters and moved to another region where guilds are geared to your timezone and lag is decreased. Just me thoughts.

  5. Have been playing since early access but lived in the UK. Have since moved to Japan and looking for a casual fun and friendly guild with players in my time zone. Have started new characters and close to 60 on this server as can't transfer them to here. Republic or Imperial is great, just want a relaxed and friendly guild. Thanks :-)
  6. Personally, I like the changes and will hold in reserve if I like the loss of self healing or not. I know I will miss it in SOLO situation with just Nadia there, but I dont think it will ruin the class for me personally. Now, remember I said personally there. :) The same mechanic to keep a skill tank is there as I will still have to do my casts timely or I will be a spikey tank that dies easily. Not sure it is 100% yet, but I think it is getting closer, but really wont see the true nature of it until it comes out in 2.5 and then I am guessing some final tweaking or twerking in 2.6 to get us in line.


    Love it or not, I am happy with the answers we got as they were concise and they gave us a way of going forward and not just "working as intended" good luck. I feel that KBN and others that worked hard on the questions did outstanding in setting up the response we got and the devs really took it to heart to get us solid answers.

  7. Scamper is very useful. You can use 3 in a row to speed you up if lost in the desert storm on SV, also when the adds come after you on Titan 6 to round up adds quickly under boss for AoE, for anything on the ground, get you out if it instantly. Use it during many fights for quick reaction.
  8. The problem with this is continuity.... remember, you may have kept someone alive or killed them. Part of the storyline are the choices that you make. Now, making them level 55 HM would be fun and when they make the storylines that are part of the previous storyline, then it would refer back to the storyline version of what you chose.


    But, why not reroll another character and start over with different choices?

  9. I say that they should give least a free jukebox token for the cantina. That is my hope..... That will teach them to fix and issue and keep the server down longer!! Bad BW... BAD..... Now, toss me a jukebox token!! :p
  10. I actually quite like the way it is set up now. I have done the heroics many times helping guildies with them, especially since they are so fun to do. I think they go perfectly with the whole line of missions. Now, I think that if anything should be changed, I would think that it would be good to have it on the Group Finder specifically, as I am sure it is a lot harder now to spam local chat looking for people wanting to do these HM. So, I would personally make this a request to add to group finder the Hard Modes that are not necessarily at the level of the planet you are on such as these.
  11. It is time to decide what message is going to accompany the cake balls I send to Austin. The one I am most in favor of is:


    Spread the love - Shadows and Assassins (Red Velvet and Salted Caramel Cake Balls)


    What do you all suggest? I will submit the order on 10 September.


    Looks good to me! :):D

    Tell the bakery that 30-50% of them should be burnt to represent the tanks chance of dieing on half of the order. The other half should be 40-50% smaller to represent that DPS low damage in many situations. ha ha ha ha


    Of course, I am just joking, but I do think this is a nice way to get them to see it and innovative enough to get them to smile and possibly give it a harder look just due to the innovativeness of it and the nice but straight forward wording. Would be good to have the order delivered just prior to the questions going out.

  12. I want to thank you two for working together close with yourselves as well as the community to come up with these questions. It is great to see that DOOM & GLOOM have been left out of these and these are professional and hit the points very well. I am a tank and I think that this does nail the problem on the head quite well. I know that we want to keep the questions not too long and not too sure if giving a few examples, like with Thrasher even in HardMode where we expect us tanks to die and think it is lucky if we don't due to the mechanic that you mentioned. I know you mention NiM and I would guess that the devs know that there are issues in HM as well on certain bosses, so maybe not needed. But, just a thought.


    Great Job and once again that you for working on this and coming up with great stuff.


    Question 1: Tank Spikiness

    Shadow/Assassin tanks appear to be balanced around the following design philosophy: least healing required over time but the most healing required in short intervals. Effectively, shadows/assassins trade away smoothness to gain efficiency. The community agrees that this is, in principle, a fair balancing tradeoff and should be preserved. The numbers bear out at least part of this equation: shadows/assassins require (on average) 5% less external healing than vanguards/powertechs in Nightmare-level content (based on mean mitigation accounting for self-heal at an average pre-mitigation DtPS of 5200). Unfortunately, the numbers also show that the spike damage tradeoff is grossly out of proportion: shadows/assassins are between 20% and 50% more likely to die on fights than vanguards/powertechs (based on simulations, combat logs and "death risk" probabilistic modeling). These deaths are due to sudden spikes of unmitigated damage which can (and do) take a shadow/assassin tank from 100% to 0% in mere seconds. This issue is especially pronounced in 16 man content, where shadow/assassin tanks are regarded as almost unhealable. The unreliability of Resilience/Force Shroud only exacerbates this issue. These issues extend themselves even into PvP where shadows/assassins are unable to compete as viable tanks in comparison to their counterparts (guardians/juggernauts and vanguards/powertechs), who can naturally mitigate incoming burst damage more reliably.


    You have previously acknowledged that you're looking into this issue, but we haven't heard any further news on this matter. Could you elaborate on the mathematical models used to relatively balance the tanks with respect to efficiency and spike damage? Have you been able to make use of any part of the large volume of statistical analysis and simulation done by the community on this subject? What sort of changes can we expect to see to make shadows/assassins more viable for bosses with high-burst abilities?

  13. The hardcore players will always be bored. If you started wow today, you would be in heaven for a LONG while, then get bored. If you started wow when it started, you are probably still bored. SWTOR has not been out a super long time and it is growing. They are releasing several small updates and adding different types of things. Some people like certain ones and others don't. In a few years, they content will be a lot more vast, but we are in really at a fairly early stage.

    Every game site you go on people say that the game is dieing. Really tired of hearing that this and every other game is dying. I am in end game content and starting NiMs just now. There are lots of areas for dailies, there is PvP, hutball, 8 class stories, datacrons, world bosses, dreadtooth, have you done all the missions on every planet, treasure hunting, have you gotten the pleasure speeder, have you earned all the operation/boss speeders, have you tried to collect full gear sets from flashpoints, have you tried for the rare crystal, have you done the storyline of all your companions, got both tauntauns, have you tried to get your reps all up, have you tried to get some of the harder titles or achievements.... I am sure there are plenty that I have not brought up. But, there are a lot of things I feel and they are trying to bring out more, but if you are super hardcore, sorry, no game will be able to sustain you really if you burn yourself out on everything as soon as it comes out.


    Have you tried to make a server wide event with races, pvp, find the jedi, treasure hunting.... etc etc

    Take some control ourself and use some of the stuff bioware has given us to do fun things.


    Consider like eating 30 kilograms of icecream in one setting... Yeah, it's awesome in the beginning, but you wil get tired of it quickly, but throw in some pizza and other tastes and suddenly it is much better. But, I do feel that BioWare is not doing a bad job and no matter how fast they release stuff, people will certainly go crazily fast through it.

  14. I was actually wishing that they would be much harder and had more hoops to jump through. Although, I found it boring with the failures and then change instance, then try it, then log to another character and rinse repeat till I got it. I would have loved for something to take weeks or months or evena few days if you were crazy hardcore to get it with traveling etc. So, I would actually suggest a rare mount like that, where you are proud to show the hard work you put into getting it.
  15. I like the idea of having a legacy bound storage (maybe on your ship). But, maybe just a storage that all you characters can access in your legacy, so non-bound items can be in there as well. It just makes it more convenient, especially with having to mail to characters all the time, and with sending from imperial to/from republic has the chance to make a mistake and send to someone else by mistake. So, having a simple place to store items that all characters can access is great.


    Personally, I would like to share credit between all characters also. Makes it easier than logging to to each character to see what they have and forgetting that you left on each character.

  16. Guild stations would be great or guild ships!!! Possibly both, with stations being bigger places with bars, tactical centres with guild calendars etc in them for planning, maybe even small game centres for games like sabacc between guild members and they can bet with each other. BW could do well with furnishings and it would be really cool to have guild BUILD their ships! Yes, have the have to get A LOT of parts to build it! Maybe every flashpoint at each level and every operation at each level will have a part/s that they will have to get. Maybe a basic ship can be built by a guild with parts from all 50 level flashpoints, then a bit more with level 50 operations, then better upgrades with 55 operations and flashpoints in story mode, then even better one with hard modes, then even better or mor parts with NiM. This will get people to play all aspects of the game. Maybe even quests or flashpoints for new guild members to get an access card to the ship. They could also require construction parts, so maybe like farming, they would need to many parts to like 25 Steel Shatfs that are guild bound. When a team finishes a flashpoint/operation they get the part for that flshpoint and then put in the guild bank.. So, yes, the flashpoint would need to be run 25 times, but the whole guild could be involved and yes it would be hard with tons of materials needed, but a fun group effort having to go through all flashpoints and operations. The low to high players could all be a part of building the guild ship or station! It would really bring a guild together I think.


    It would make it really fun and keep guild working together to get players access etc as well. Maybe to get the parts or access cards can only be achieved with full groups from the same guild only at the end clicking on a box or something to unlock it. Or where all 4 have to do a puzzle together at the end of the flashpoints or operations, where the members would have to work out a puzzle together.


    I know some will complain about farming, but I personally feel a ship/station should be earned and having to get Hundreds of parts for it to be built will keep everyone in the guild with a goal and once one is achieved, it will be a real achievement. I think buying it for a few million credits is the easy way. Maybe a guild ship for money and a space station on you map for the guilds that earn it as a status symbol, so it will interest both guild types and play types. I don't mind working for 6 months if a cool station or something can be built.


    Then once build, then new missions or operations can be added later with other parts or upgrades as new things are made or different things can be bought to add, such as training dummies, gtn, sabacc game, card came, other small games, tactical screen for scheduling and viewing guild schedules, hangars for different classes to get to their ships, quick travel points to dailies, quick travel to war zones, quick travel to planets, guild color design stations (a station to get the Guild Color dye, ceremony center, etc etc, the ideas are limitless. Having these instances would also relieve main space stations at peak times.

  17. Have the same thing myself. I have to guess between yellow and orange as well as the blus and purple. It would be great to maybe have some pattern itself or at least some very vivid color differences like white, black, blue, red, grey or yellow as colors. But, even the same colors as now with a pattern in the middle or around the edge or even a symbol in the middle of the color that will represent it.


    Currently, I just guess or my group ensures that my teammate runs around and gets them. Not the best option, but the only one really available.

  18. I personally would leave Phase Walk out of it but, if we bring it up, I would get specific on the question. Saying it is useless is not going to get us any type of answer we want. The reason I say this is that it does have some good uses. I mainly do PvE as a tank. My healers actually like the phase walk for the healing bonus for them. 5% is a nice bonus for their heals and helps the whole group and we do have tactics that incorporate where and when I place it. (Personally, I look forward to it having no cool down if I don't phase walk). Also, people have stated in hutball and other situations, it is nice. So, just saying useless will basically be asking for a L2P answer and deciding when best to use it tactfully. Not really sure what to ask about this, unless we just asked where they envision this fits in, but, I could guess at the examples they would use.


    I don't do much PvP, so will really stay out of that question.


    The spikiness question is the main one that I care about. Being a tank myself, I am personally not left out of groups, but we all know the bosses where I will probably die horribly, so the account for having to res me and they watch for it to happen as more times than not, it does and we basically treat it as a tank swap situation. Ha ha. When we do large groups of mobs, i go in second and let the other tank, tank them first and then AoE, pull, or taunt the ones that start moving towards dpsers if the other tank can't hold the whole groups aggro. So, the tanking side of this question is simple and straight forward really as there are just 2 mechanics that don't seem to be working, we can get insta-killed(spikiness) and also, resilience does not work at least as how it is written. Should resilience be complete mitigation or when does it not apply.

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