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  1. I'm posting this on behalf of my guildmate who's f2p atm. After today patch he logged in & as should be, got an Alliance alert about Bowdaar & Eternal championship. Done that, upon recruiting Bowdaar at "report to Hylo Vizs" stage he ported to Alliance base. Immediately Chapter 12 was started for him, though before when he clicked "play" it said he shall subscribe. So, he did said chapter, turned it in in the base, turned in Bowdaar mission & got "Reclaimed Treasure" alert. Went to do that, recruited that ugly thing & found out that upon porting back to Oggurobb he's being put OUTSIDE of an Alliance base, door is red & he's cut off from his ship, from turning in a quest & alliance boxes. Tallos Drellik also is put in an unsummonable state with his influence cut from 16 to 3. No KOTFE mission for ch 13 in his log, nothing to pick up at his ship. So, how can he retake a KOTFE missions to get into an Alliance base, how can he build an influence without turning in crates & basically, how can a person get out of Odessen if his ship is locked WITHIN a base, fleet pass is on 1,5 hr cd & say, if his guild doesn't have a flagship for example to port\summon him out? What's the reason for said person to subscribe if he can not be sure he'll get next & follow up chapters?
  2. Nope, this is how it currently is in game - http://s23.postimg.org/drj5morwb/Screenshot_2016_01_30_21_31_12_104918.jpg and the simple way of fixing this is by assigning overlay attributes to glowing effects the swords would produce. But then they would have to ditch the textures which make up the glowing right now and resort to the actual graphical effects. No idea how hard it is to do.
  3. Hey all! Just wanted to point to the obvious flaw whhich somebody may have pointed at in the past but i will mention it anyway. The thing which makes me cringe everytime i see it ingame is the colored glow which the lightsabers produce. As far as I can tell, the lightsaber's 'corona' is not a graphical effect but more like a texture attached to the lightsaber's core. Because of that, when lightsabers overlap, like in a battle or when they eclipse another light source, it leads to this: http://massivelyop.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/swtor-janevents-epl-111-860x280.jpg or this: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/clonewarsadventurescharacter/images/7/78/Swtor.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/400?cb=20131221214423 See how the glow from one saber is overlaid on another's? This doesn make sense since the glow is in essence light, so it should look like this: http://www.zam.com/Im/Image/198671.jpg In fact, I have found a screenshot from some early version of the game where it all looks as it's supposed to: http://cdn.segmentnext.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Stor.jpg May I suggest your programmers take a look at it and see if they can work out a solution to make the sabres look properly? I've no idea why it hasn't been fixed years ago, but feel like it must be done eventually, since lightsabers are such iconic symbol of this whole franchise.
  4. Dude the problem's been discussed over and over and the general conclusion is - the game prioritises animation over actual execution of abilities. It's so evident you don't even have to analyze it - it's all there! Try moving when the casting of speeder ends, try casting Crushing darkness during the process of flinching from a melee strike, try interrupting target's casting in the middle of casting your own spell. Thing is, pretty animations ruined character responsiveness. We are forced to watch our character strike a pose whereas what we ought to have is complete control over him. That, we don't. Not that it's game-breaking while doing solo content, but as far as more serious content like pvp, fps or ops are concerned, it's a certain fail on Bioware's side, which needs fixing ASAP. Anyways, they said they were looking into it, hopefully we get a fix soon...
  5. Add beard/moustache and fiddle with complexity slider, that should make you look aged. I presume you're talking about humans too, because it's hard to make an aged ratatakki for example.
  6. Quite a community of russians spotted on Tomb of Freedon Nadd.
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