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Posts posted by DarthBub

  1. ...wow, that mental image that just popped in my head was....yeesh.

    I don't want to know what you're thinking right now. Alright, maybe I do a little. lol I take it you haven't been around very many cows then? Or you'd know all about their love of tasting everything with their tongues. At least the Holsteins here do.



    you have no soul. or you were very sheltered, lol. if there is a stuffed animal equivalent in the game, i am so buying you one and will teach you to fall to the dark powers of oh-my-gosh-that-thing-is-adorable.

    Why would I need stuffed animals when there's plenty of real animals around here? But thanks for the thought. Just what every grown man wants to be bought, his very own stuffed animal. lol

  2. I'm planning on playing both sides myself, but I admit that the Sith side seems a little more appealing to me. Mainly because I think they have a better over all vibe for the armor. Although saying that, I still think Trooper is the toughest in the galaxy.


    Plus the Sith are English and who wouldn't want to be English? :cool:

    I say, cheerio ol' boy! Tell the Guvna to come by later for tea and crumpets and we'll splice the main brace. God save the Queen, wot?

  3. Corso's quite the gentleman, which is the main reason i like him. i've got a soft spot for gentlemen, even if they are farm boys. actually, i don't mind farm boys either. i've met a lot of nice, polite, hospitable, stalwart, muscular country folk. i wouldn't mess with someone who wrestles with cows, man.

    Nothing wrong with us farm boys at all. lol Just because we have cows in our backyard, doesn't make us ignorant people. Besides, cows are actually like big dogs. They're friendly, nice and damn do they love to slobber you. lol I've had to wrestle a few ornery bulls into the back of trailers before, so I agree with not messing with people who can wrestle a cow. lol


    But I do agree that Corso seems to have a good personality, I could be friends with someone like that easily.


    as far as Blizz goes, i just want him cause he's like cuddly stuffed animal to me. XD i just wanna hug 'em and squeeze 'em and hold 'em close.

    Maybe that's my problem right there. I don't have any stuffed animals, so can't really relate at all. lol

  4. You shall pay. I shall strike you down. All hope for your survival is gone.

    Good, I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!



    i like how DarthBub us just talking in movie quotes. :p

    I couldn't help it. The lure of the dark side was far to tempting. lol



    Well this was a nice welcome, thanks all! :3

    That's what we're here for, my friend! I enjoyed acting out our own little Star Wars movie as well. lol



    I will destroy them for their lies ;_;

    Impressive. Most impressive. You've been taught well. You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy me.

  6. Hey everyone, how goes the evening? How's TOR treating those who have actually gotten to play it already as well? Anything fun or exciting happening?




    the only tip I've heard is "don't choose a cool sounding one, it'll be full of jerks". Erm. :confused: Does it matter that much?

    I have no clue what they use for server names in this game, but people do tend to flock towards servers that sound cool. Ones with Sith type names will gather Sith oriented folks, ones with Republic names will gather Republic oriented folks and PvP servers with tough sounding names will gather those who think they are tough in a video game.


    I of course could be wrong, as I said I have no clue what the names of the servers even are in this game yet. But that's what I have seen in other games before.

  7. Of course, of course, everyone seems to love Blizz. lol It's like when you bring home a new puppy and run it through the park and everyone crowds around to oooh and awe over the little puppy.


    I still don't quite get what the fascination with him is, but whatever makes people happy I guess. lol


    I tend to play what I want to play, the popularity of a class doesn't actually bother me.


    From what little I have seen of Corso Riggs, he actually seems like a good ol' boy. He'd fit in well around here in Vermont and probably be fun to hang around with. lol

  8. Good, I can feel the anger within you. Use it, unleash your rage, it is a gift not a curse, embrace the dark side and your path towards power shall be complete.


    Oh and greetings and welcome! Nice to meet you.

  9. Haven't gotten into the game yet and I'm rather to manly to do any sort of squee anyways, I have a rep to keep here after all. lol But I'll be sure to report back on my first hearty guffaw I let out over the game.


    Oh and it's nice to see someone who gets so excited about dying, that's the spirit, my friend! lol

  10. But sir! I assure you that this is the most sophisticated vacuum cleaner ever invented! One trial run and you'll be amazed, flabbergasted, blown away by it's incredible dual motion, thread splitting, micro control stability. Why nine out of ten costumers agree that this is the real deal and the other one was actually sick on the day we did the testing!
  11. Ohhhh... patience.




    Yeah, yeah. I know, I know. I noticed that after I posted, I tend to type faster then my brain can think it, so I have a tendency to use whatever form of the word pops in first. I figured you'd all get the meaning though, so didn't bother to go back and edit it. lol

  12. Nice to meet you, Zoroth! I'm rather interested now in what it was that got censored in your post though. lol


    Oh and you like to fish, huh? If you ever find yourself in the great state of Vermont, let me know and I'll take you out to a few good spots I know. I've always preferred doing the rowing/paddling and letting the others fish, so it should work out perfect. lol

  13. I just like the Pureblood and Rattataki species the most and they can only be Sith. Plus ironically, I figured it would be the other way around. With everyone wanting to play the republic and be the Luke Skywalker's and Han Solo's. lol I also happened to play this certain faction, in this certain other game that has me being somewhat bias and partial to the Sith as well.


    But being the altaholic I am, I'll probably end up with a few republic characters as well. Trooper still looks cool and consular would probably be fun, if I could get over wearing such a girly dress. lol


    i have an unhealthy obsession with the smuggler class... >_< YOU'RE TEARING ME APART, SMUGGLER!

    Admit it, you just want a wookie as a pet, er...I mean companion!

  14. As someone who enjoys making alts and playing different characters, this would not appeal to me at all. But for people who only enjoy making one toon, then it would probably be perfect. Let them have a server they can enjoy and leave the rest of them for us alt addicted people. lol
  15. I'm just treating this like Christmas morning when I was but a wee lass. The morning tradition would start when dad awoke. If he slept in because he was up all night stuffing stockings or building toys (we were backwoods old school) ... we waited. Impatiently I might add lol. :)

    Man, now that brings back some memories right there! Except in my house, it was my mom that did all that and dictated when we got to open our presents. All my dad did was spend the nights snoring loud enough to allow my sister and I to sneak to the living room and peak at the stockings. lol




    If my old man was not up by 6am, we would go in and jump on his nads. :)

    If I'd done something like that, I probably wouldn't have been able to sit down for a month.

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