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Everything posted by bigjerfrey

  1. What about the Dathomirians? - Darth Mauls race (according to Wookieepedia) Seemingly easy to add, as they're very similar to the Zabrak.
  2. Another interesting one could be the Kel Dor. Go ahead, look them up, I had to as well
  3. I've heard that in the future there may be more species options for use in game. I was wondering what people would crave the most. While making my sith warrior character I was hoping to be a Nautolan; for those who don't know what that is, a famous character would be Kit Fisto. Other characters that come to mind that would be interesting to mimic would be Ki Adi Mundi; or a Cerean. With those being said, I'd like to hear what others have to say.
  4. I went to do the battle as a level 50 Sage. I attempted several times with Qyzen and, though it never worked, I have a feeling it could have. In my final attempt, I used Theran Cedrax. Before this attempt I had read this forum and looked for advice on how to avoid the one hit kill cave move. If you can avoid that move, the battle becomes fairly simple. I put Cedrax in his Medwatch stance and i fought him using Project, Force in Balance, Force Wave, Force Speed, and Force Armor. I stunned Syo everytime he attempted to use his Project-like ability and Cedrax stunned him occasionally as well. My advice to anyone attempting this mission, stay near the entrance: everytime he attempted to bring the cave in on me and I ran there, he just stopped his cast and I could continue dealing damage. Happy hunting
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