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10 Good
  1. [**** stirrer mode enabled] And 9PM in Eastern Europe, 10PM in Russia (Kaliningrad time), Mayotte & Madagascar & 11PM in Russia (Moscow time) & Réunion [**** stirrer mode disabled]
  2. The real problem with Artifice schematics is an excessive droprate compared with catalyzers/generators and lack of blue lightsaber plans
  3. I've seen something going wrong with some implants which should normally be made at a lower level than it is produced actually. I think this because of the item names (for example opto-electronic and hyperelectronic) and repetition with the involved "archtypes". If needed I've taken some screens of these errors, but they are in French. Is it the same in English version? It concerns the "Gouardian/Juggernaut" statistics (Strengh/defense) which should be made in lvl 33 and 41 instead of resp. 37 and 45. In effect, there are 2 different items in the wrong ones and none in the right ones.
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