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10 Good
  1. Amrith


    Sniper/gunslinger Bunker - Decrease damage reduction while in bunker. Cover - Remove Shadow/Assasin Shadow Strike - Decrease overall dmg. Stealth - Increased stealth level from skill points in both dps trees. Sage/Inq Force Bubble - Decrease overall duration. Guardian/jugg Self Heal - Decrease charges of heal, in order to prevent 100% hp gain when almost at 0%. Add a visible effect so players know to avoid hitting. Charge - Reduce time of uninterruptible and reduce 20% dmg prevention gained. Mara/sent Force Choke - Should not be a cast, but rather an instant stun. Guarded by the force- should remove 25% of your current HP on use 50% makes it worthless unless ur almost dead. Operative/smuggler Flashbang - Increase cooldown, or reduce duration. Roll - Should go on a 30 sec cooldown when both charges are used in order to be on par with other movement enhancing abilities. But should offer a 100% dodge chance buff for one attack on each charge. Vanguard/Pwtech Adrenaline rush/Kolto - Should heal up to 50% HP in order to be on par with the guardian/jugg heal. Smoke grenade - Reduce accuracy debuff by 5%, decrease cooldown. Reduce smoke animation by 15% less smoke being produced. Merc/mando Hold the line/Hydraulic override: should be on a 20 sec cooldown. Rocket push/blast: Increased cooldown to 45 secs.
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