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Everything posted by portichae

  1. Dego, he's being sarcastic because "Real MMO's" is a ridiculous statement to make. GW has had years on their game to improve and add more PvP content it also made PvP the pillar of its play-style which for us PvPers is great. However, this MMO doesn't have as its primary pillar PvP. This mmo is highly story-driven hence why Bioware's focus has been voice acting and story-telling. There WILL be more pvp content added. Developers have already promised that there is more PvP content to come, keep in mind the game is still very new. However, also realize that while PvP is offered not all MMOs have PvP as their primary pillar. ( from a mechanics stand-point to me this seems naive and maybe a little stupid to do but that's how developers do it.)
  2. I agree, arena-net PvP model is my favorite of any game because it does reward skill and teamwork as opposed to who has the best lootz. Bioware would only be doing their player base and their game a service by mimicing GW's model. Bioware needs to change how pvp achievement is rewarded because gear progression is stupid in my not so humble opinion. I have a feeling this will all change once GvG begins or rather I hope it does. If gear progression is the best bioware is willing to offer for PvP achievement. I'll probably be moving on to a game that actually rewards skill and team strategy as well. However, I like to think this dev team is smarter than that. I'll remain optimistic. p.s. I didn't mourn the lack of PvPers that required a stat advantage while I was on ladder in GW and I won't mourn the loss of PvPers who require a stat advantage in this game. They can go play AION, WOW or WAR if they really need the gear crutch.
  3. GuildWars PvP isn't gear based. Any PvP gear you do earn through PvP is entirely cosmetic and you can make the same generic pieces of gear. GuildWars2 will have the same system of allowing players to make PvP only characters; putting you at the same competitive advantage (stat-wise) as a player that has been playing for years. GW PvP is entirely skill based and GvG driven. Duelists are laughed at. I apologies but the way you talk about PvP makes me think GuildWars would be anathema to your style of PvP.
  4. A slight advantage is still an advantage. Your still asking for a stat advantage over other players, which is a ridiculous request in PvP. I completely agree that players who put in the time and win many matches should be rewarded for their achievements; however the reward shouldn't put them at an advantage. Guild Wars has a fantastic reward system that are simply cosmetic such as Specialty capes Achievement aura's and un-moded specialty PvP gear. I like the idea of competing against equally geared equally ranked players. Why don't you?
  5. I have absolutely no problem with not being able to turn Ashara. I personally think it's cool that my character is instrumental in helping mold one of the first Grey jedi in Star Wars lore. Despite not being able to turn her you do have a significant influence on her. Personally, I feel if the NPC is just too strong-willed to be turned to the dark-side we should have the option to take the journey of becoming a grey jedi or Jedi with her or alternatively to kill her.
  6. SWTOR took a huge steaming dump on KOTOR fans with the Foundry flashpoint. It really is a piss poor end to the KOTOR story that Rev' goes down like a genocidal punk. They could have done so much more with the Revan legacy; he was the first Jedi to walk both paths I.E. the first Grey Jedi. Deeply concerned about future story if this is the kind of crap they're going to pull to conclude a successful and well loved character and story-line.
  7. I just don't want my social bar filled with unnecessary options that I will never use. Why not allow us to filter what sort of social relationship options appear upon character creation? The filter would be set to a default and for those who want to manipulate the filters have that option.
  8. I like the idea of choosing your gender preference upon character creation. I wouldn't be too keen on accidentally pressing the wrong social button and having to sit through an awkward romantic encounter with Khem Val. This really doesn't have to be that complicated.
  9. SWG had its Star Wars creative license pulled and was forced into shutting its doors. Not sure anything else has to be said on the subject. If you feel this new game could benefit from a few things SWG had, suggest it. This game is still in its infancy developers are open to creative ideas.
  10. If this exact game...EXACT game were to have come out 7 years ago. It would have blown WoW out of the water. SWTOR had a better launch, it HAS better graphics, better graphical engine, voice over, better storytelling a well designed skill tree (WoW did not have 7 years ago) There'd be no competition. Be reasonable. This has 7 years on WoW and it has learned from past MMO mistakes. Stop making idiotic comparisons. If you have such a hard-on for WoW go play WoW. The months after launch are always buggy. This was one of the least buggy launches in mmo history. Check your facts.
  11. This is just an 8 page long bridge folks. Nothing to see here but us trolls. Everyone knows there's no such thing as wumen on the internets.
  12. "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb." -DH
  13. I think you're having a you problem.
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