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Posts posted by kottonmouth

  1. Of course there were people complaining about restrictions. There are always people complaining about restricting this or that.


    I think a lot of us had faith in BioWare to ignore those complaints because BW had done such a good job of interpreting and presenting the Star Wars Universe. I guess it's the fault of we the silent majority, who were happy with the restrictions, for not speaking up.


    So that's why I'm speaking up now. I never dreamt BW would go through with it.


    ......QQ. Ppl should be able to create the character they want period. The only lore breaking thing that really irritates me is sith corruption for non force sensitives.

  2. why do republic turrets not work, why do republic attack animations take longer, why does empire get all the cool looking armour and saber colours, why in alderaan civil was does the map start out with turrets facing republic ship, why is it when wzs game time out due to lack of players empire wins even tho the last attacker should, why r cyan crystals going to be cheaper than purple crystals next week? List goes on but ill stop there.
  3. They definitely should. Although I see Bioware derping and not giving any benefits to those who have been playing alts currently. I'm mainly interested in legacy customizations for my 1 character but I DO feel for you ppl that aren't going to benefit from this late implementation the way u want to.
  4. I would prefer if sexuality was kept out of MMOs altogether, as much as possible. Star Wars is a pretty asexual world really (one of the reasons I think the flirting element is silly). Why drag feminism and homosexual erotica into it at all. Leave it alone. Go grab a Germaine Greer book to get your angsty fix if you have to, and let's all just concern ourselves with defeating those distasteful sith.


    this. the fact they are romances in a VIDEOGAME is creepy. not only that it gives reason for these e-social activists to do there thing.

  5. There is so much straight white male privilege in this game I am just doing some epic facepalms here :rolleyes:


    Also to the people who are threatening to quit over the implementation of same sex romances in the game, please do, it just makes my day so much better when I don't run into such blatant homophobia/cissexism.


    crusader in the house. shouldn't u be running around with a sign and megaphone somewhere?

  6. personally this whole topic has been done to death..apparently it is rehash old crap on the forums day.. same sex relationships, slave boy outfits, the whole lots coming up today..


    i was hoping the forums had improved since the last time i stopepd reading them to just enjoy the game lol.. guess not


    yeh for sure man, like i said earlier there is soooooooo much stuff we need to be discussing that is...wait for it...IMPORTANT. this games potential blows my mind but it is in hot water with many ppl for good reason.

  7. you didnt bother to read my other posts did you...



    of course you didnt.. i never advocated for a male version of the slave outfit.. i merely said that that type of logic pretty much gives creedance to their argument.. personally i could care less what people run around in. doesnt bother me at all.


    and in my other post you failed to read..i stated that the only way lore will change (ie males getting a slave outfit) is if mr lucas writes off on it..and i highly doubt he would .. nor should he have to..it is his story he tells it the way he wants.. which is clear from the million different versions of the movies since i was a child


    so back off your high horse thinking i disagree with you... i agree with you completely lore is the most important thing..because if it gets deviated to far from lucas' vision he will shut the program down...


    Yes Im guilty im forum hopping b4 work, im skimming over posts in a thread ABOUT slave boy uniforms. If you agree with me sure. *thumbs up

  8. its not like they have same sex romances in their other games...



    oh wait.




    also, if youre so homophobic that you cant even stand the though of someone being gay in this game (without even directly affecting you) then the problem is on your side, not biowares.


    way to get butthurt and blow things out of proportions. *claps

  9. sure theres a difference but wow.. you have to admit,thats a bit close minded for todays society. and frankly a statement like that makes all the womens statements about the clothes being sexist and them not wanting to see slave girl outfits completely valid..


    why should a woman have to see a woman ( someone they are not attracted to) running around half naked if they cant see a man?


    really just helps the opposition get what they want in my opnion....


    Write mr. lucas an angry email. Maybe he will remake the saga for you. Whats important is adhering to the lore. If it is such an issue with you ppl pressure bioware to remove the slave girl outfit rather than implementing a male version. Male sex slaves=i quit, removal of female sex slaves=sure sounds great.

  10. ok..wow..thats a bit far id wager. lol when and if they put in same sex story arcs are you going to unsub too?


    Im against all in game romances to a certain degree; and yeh probably. Honestly I doubt they will though so its all good.

  11. No actually Im slowly starting to hate it.

    -expertise: dual grind, switch between armour sets, your character will have no static unique look

    -clone wars (everyone looks the same)

    -lack of adventure, go here go there, its all corridors

    -bad game world, no underwater stuff etc.

    -horrible graphics

    -poor game performance

    -cannot get purple lightsabers on republic side

    -playing on the republic side on most servers it totally joyless

    -crafting sux

    -no chat bubbles

    -no customization perks

    -extreme grindy nature of the game

    -Ui elements get in the way of each other in warzones

    -Ui just looks unexciting

    -the story was not stellar

    -engaging in group converstaions with other players does not feel dynamic, its just whose line is next

    -in game speech is not choice it is an illusion of choice 90% of the time

    -bad graphical clipping

    -most armour looks exactly the same

    -republic side gear is all boring

    -black lightsabers are dumb

    -no point in spontaneous world pvp anywhere but illum

    -the game world is split in half between republic and empire

    -space combat is boring and pointless

    -myriad of graphical errors everywhere

    -3 warzones

    -illum is just above unplayable

    -no incentive to play the underpopulated side on servers

    -overdose on cut scenes

    -I could go on and on but ill stop there

  12. You don't need to find underground info. They said it's coming in March. They haven't said a lot about it, but I'm sure they will soon (two weeks or so).


    Yes the have 'said lots' of no substance PR fluff; we actually have no real clue what any of the awards are gong to be.

  13. I always enjoy lvl 10-49 PVP, no matter which class I play or level they are.


    End game pvp sucks though.


    This, Expertise and no global cc cooldown makes pvp the worst. Urgh I wanted this game to not have exclusionary stats so badly.

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