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Everything posted by Urien

  1. Just had a match exactly like this myself, and you're absolutely right! Queuing solo, pretty sure I was the only "Ace" (note the quotation marks) on our team alongside a lot of two-shippers, while the other team had a couple of experienced Bombers and Gunships along with a bunch of Strikes and Scout who seemed like they really knew how to co-ordinate and focus fire -- and most of the time, it was focused on me. Had 3-6+ people on me nearly constantly, plus a ton of Drones and mine spam to deal with. Close game, we lost in the end, but still managed to pull the personal records I'll post below out of it. Anyway, it was a fun, difficult match in which I feel proud of my performance under pressure and alone, rather than farming noobs in a premade. Absolutely loved it, regardless of the loss. It's easy to be great against a weak enemy, but rising to the challenge when your back is up against the wall and the odds stacked against you? Well, maybe that's a discussion for the thread about what defines an "Ace" ... ;-) And that's all this thread is, really: a place to share and check out each other's GGs. As a GSF player starting out, the original thread helped to inspire me to improve my performance and get clues as to how to accomplish that. Some people are needlessly reading way more into it and just using it as a source of argument and debate, because some people just always want to argue and debate. Chill, relax, and just have fun. Well, on with numbers: TDM End by Timer Kessler - FT-6 Pike/Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 36/46 Kills & Assists (link) Kessler - FT-6 Pike/Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 31 Kills (link) TDM Overall Kessler - FT-6 Pike/Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 124,514 Damage (link) Kessler - FT-6 Pike/Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 152.03 DPS (link) Kessler - FT-6 Pike/Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 12 Kill Streak (link) Kessler - FT-6 Pike/Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 13 Solo Kills (link)
  2. Hi there, feel free to check out the link in my signature -- we're a fairly vibrant little Hardcore Military RP guild on Rep faction, and always happy to take people new to RP and help show them the ropes! :-)
  3. "Never, ever seen anybody even attempting to RP on the Fleet"? You should take the Interfleet Transport over from Carrick Station to Gav Daragon; First Expeditionary Fleet is usually roleplaying there pretty much every evening, and always happy to have random new people to interact with. Usually it will be in Instance 2, however, for the same reason that most people don't want to RP on Carrick Station itself: the amount of OOC crowds that will start trying to grief and interrupt our RP when they come across it is at best shocking, at worst horrifying. For an RP server, there are a LOT of players on this server who will literally drop everything else they are doing if they come across a bunch of RPers to grief, and they will dedicate hours in some cases to keep finding ways of doing it. As a result, those of us who do RP often feel pressurised into quieter and more isolated game areas to avoid the unwanted attention. Sad, but there you go. However, I think any respectable RP guild worth its salt (of which there are many on Progenitor) will still make an effort to be open and welcoming towards people who come across their RP, respect it, and want to join in -- regardless of how much experience they may or may not have at RP. The couple of notorious people who jump in every thread here and on SWTOR-RP.com to fling paranoid insults at these guilds about being engaged in some ludicrous conspiracy to deny RP to everybody else are simply bitter ex-members who can't handle the fact they were kicked out of these guilds because they had horrible attitudes as players Out-of-Character, and created endless drama and arguments with everybody else all the time. And they're still trying. It's fairly pathetic, especially when they claim to have left the game altogether but still keep going (you know who you are -- yes you).
  4. Once I read this sentence, I realised you can't possibly be serious -- or at least, taken seriously. Since the stuff about mastered ships is simple gibberish (lots of players do extremely well for themselves in un-upgraded ships), it seems you're basically just complaining that Teamwork Is OP. To which the answer is: yes. Yes it is. So? Next.
  5. EU needs some reprezent up in here! My best since the patch, but I know there are far better players than me on Prog (Gopeto, Akordia/Yxunomei, Moganas, etc.): TDM 50 Kessler - FT-6 Pike - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 40 Kills & Assists (Link) Kessler - Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 32 Kills (Link) Kessler - Flashfire - First Expeditionary Fleet - The Progenitor - 117,995 Damage (Link)
  6. At last, as a Guardian, after months of waiting and being neglected I can finally know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a QQ NERF PLX thread! Feels good man. Seriously though, apart from apparently facing people with the 31/31/31 build, I think your problem isn't Guardians being OP, it's Sages being gimped. As a Focus Guardian, yes, I target the hell out of Sorcerors/Sages, just because they're pretty much a free, easy kill. Against other classes, though, it's a challenge. Against some (i.e PTs), I'm almost guaranteed to lose. Unless running 31/31/31 build, Focus Guardian is also possibly one of THE squishiest advanced class builds in the entire game in PvP. Fortunately most people just assume because we're Guardians, we're tanky, and so they ignore us. But the truth is that the Sweep/Smash Bomber is a Kamikaze Bomber. You leap in, and you try to get a couple of good AOEs off before you die, but you pretty much know it's an inevitability you're going down as soon as any half-decent class so much as looks at you the wrong way. Still, loving the attention, makes me feel better about the class that at least somebody gets upset about us. :-)
  7. Urien

    Powertechs aren't OP

    From a guy who makes a YouTube living stroking his e-peen about how OP Powertech is ... :3 Your signature is an advertisement for why PT needs nerfing. Hypocrisy much?
  8. Urien

    Powertechs aren't OP

    The problem is really when you get 2 or 3 good Powertechs together in a team and focusing. People get their faces melted off in split seconds regardless of any amount of tanking or healing or teamplay. You literally do not stand any chance. From that perspective of team PvP (which PvP in TOR ultimately is), it makes any such team with multiple PTs completely unbalanced, and thus forces teams who want to be competitive to resort to the same build strategy. Throw a couple of Marauders in for good measure (I don't consider them as OP as Powertechs though) and you have a team that can rip through everything in a heartbeat regardless of any team-build or strategy you try to employ against them. So yes, the burst damage in the Pyro tree needs to be brought down a bit. Not much, but just a bit. Right now it's insanely high, nobody else comes close - not even Marauders.
  9. Are we the only class that's balanced? Are we gimped? What's up, why does nobody ever complain about Guardians or Juggs? It feels kind of insulting to the class that we don't inspire any whining, whilst every other AC gets threads dedicated it. Give us some love guys - let's get some Nerf Guardian threads going.
  10. Vigilance Jedi Guardian here, and my DPS in PvP is very satisfying. Often get over 200k damage. Had to theorycraft and re-spec a few times to get there - was having major trouble at first and finding my DPS to be low, but I sorted it out. A guildmate also plays a Focus Guardian and has very impressive DPS with his Force Sweep crits. No doubt, our class does have balance problems when compared to certain other builds of other classes that serve to highlight our deficiencies. But generally speaking, as a Guardian, if you want good PvP DPS, you can build for it, and you can achieve it.
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