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Everything posted by Rfraley

  1. On The Bastion server this is incorrect. Upon several times of doing this flashpoint my guild and I have thought "Yeah ok this is a new bug we crash and go back into the flashpoint.", however, once you crash out due to this unlocked taxi and attempt to log back in you will end up in your previous location outside the group even if the other members are still inside the flashpoint who decided not to take the taxi. This has been happening since 1.4 patch and tested as of last night 10/10/2012 again I can only speak on behalf of several people on The Bastion server. Also this bug is not limited to Cademimu as even just zoning into certain places, randomly, will cause a crash to desktop though we are uncertain of what really causes this crash.
  2. While I can see the frustration of the OP I'd have to say you're falsely accusing it of needing a fix. The way to test this roll a tank or heals queue in the group finder and decline on every pop up after 3 or so cycles you will notice DPS tends to change. Why is this you ask? Because in some cases, only speaking on the server I play on, for every 1 tank there is 10 DPS maybe more or less but that being said if all 10 DPS happen to be in the group finder it will cycle around until you are number 1 in the queue to be picked for the flashpoint thus creating your hour long waits. Again I understand your frustration as my tank was madness DPS spec before I respec but only solution to the problem is either roll a tank, roll a healer, join a guild, make a guild, or suffer with the random long queues.
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