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10 Good


  1. Thanks man you rock! All I did was download the latest software package and imported that xml file and it got me started with Operative. Installed latest software from logitech G13 was even unplugged Open SWTOR and play Alt-tab out of SWTOR Plugged in G13 Imported your xml file profile, set to default and persistant profile Alt-tab back to SWTOR and it was working! From there you can move keys around on the g13 to map to different KB keys
  2. I too have a G13 and would love support for it. Logitech says the vendor usually needs to write the applets. I opened a ticket in SWTOR but they just told me to look on the forums and it's not their job to support gaming hardware.
  3. This is bantha****. How many millions of dollars does it to take to pay a 2 kids to make a profile? I'm gonna open up tickets and bother someone.
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