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    United States
  • Interests
    Watching Sports and Playing Soccer
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    Student and MMORPG Gamer
  1. I should have been a little clearer my mistake.... whats better for a 23/16 Sab shooter?
  2. My question is; Which PvP gear set is better for a gunslinger the Enforcer's set or the field Tech set..... I would think the Enforcer's 4 piece bonus would be nice for both a slinger and a scoundrel. Not a large fan of the Field Tech bonuses.... Thnx for the help. =)
  3. Nah dog she was most definitely killed by Grevious. I saw it in the movie... and since the entire Star Wars saga (books, games, and all) are based off the movies, then Galen did not in fact kill Shaak Ti. As to why I posted this they were debating on how evil Vader was, but they said he killed Shaak Ti; when in fact he did not.
  4. Shaak Ti was killed by Grevious on his ship..................... So yeah
  5. TY guys reall appreciate the advice and I will be taking them to heart wen i improve the spec
  6. I am running a Sab/Shooter Spec for PvP... I was experimenting and was wondering if I could get some feedback on how I structured the spec and if I should swap around some Talents to get other ones. I am currently Valor 35 and have like 1/2 Champion/Centurian Gear. Just want feedback on how i specced and improvements I could make to it. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bsrrbRoRZbI0rRR.1
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