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Everything posted by swtorjkcbr

  1. Thanks for the feedback! I'll have to give them a go then
  2. I'm a level 30 Jedi Guardian and have levelled Solo through the Class and World missions. Currently on Alderaan. I'm really enjoying the game and look forward to starting a new character when I reach 50. But, is there any repeatable Solo content available? I'd like to level ahead of my Class and World mission requirements. Not really interested in the following ... Flashpoint = Group mission .... Low server population (sometime 3 other players only!) Operation = Large-scale multi-group (Low server population) Space Combat = Meh ... Warezone = PVP (Don't get into it) Before you reply, yes - I know its a MMO (can be argued) but I like to play Solo and my server population is very low anyway
  3. I am not sure why the Holocam even exists. I find it easier to just press the Print Screen key on my Keyboard (ALT+Z first to hide the UI)
  4. I am a way of from trying this out, and I hear its near impossible solo for us Guardians Bit they plan to help us out with the next patch .... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=156100
  5. A "Scruffy Looking" nerf-herder would have been going over the line though
  6. Geeeeez, try and help some people these days Next time I'll just keep my temporary solution to myself while you struggle without any means to search the forums.
  7. You have been a really naughty boy. Santa is not coming to visit you next year then
  8. I started off really enjoying the dialogue and story. Now I tap through it all and look at my quest objectives. Its way to time consuming.
  9. Oh no - Seriously! I made it all up myself
  10. Sometimes 90% is good enough; to please the 90% of us that actually enjoy the game
  11. Use Google ... "site:swtor.com {keyword}"
  12. It is explained here .... http://swtorhub.com/exclusive-legacy-system-interview
  13. Just wait until the Australian launch 1st March. We will get local server and they will allow server changes then. Hopefully this will allow moves to other servers also. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=574005
  14. Its a game Why should you receive special treatment?
  15. So I take it you friends Legacy name is "the honorable" and display as Last Name? I wish they would not enforce "The" <name> "Legacy" format
  16. I am getting close to opening up my Legacy name. I have read that you can display it after your Character name, Hide it or use it as a Title underneath your name?? Can someone please post some screenshots to show me what the Display Options are?
  17. Be thankful for maintenance downtime then so you can change your underwear
  18. This is not available yet, but there is some hope down the line that it may be introduces. The Australian launch is 1st March where we will get local server. They state the following.... Source http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=574005 So after the population stabilises, there will probably be server transfers available
  19. A name change and appearance change is a very common function that should be available. Don't know what all the fuss is about . I used to change my appearance all the time in STO, and changed my name because I should have thought the initial selection though.
  20. I'd like this also. My Jedi has aged a bit during his travels and needs a beard damn it!
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