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Everything posted by Sitara

  1. Guten Morgen, ihr habt Glück :-D Wir, die Disciples Guild, haben uns erst kürzlich auf Darth Malgus gegründet und sind eine deutschsprachige Gilde. Auf Imp Seite nennen wir uns "Disciples of Marr" und auf Rep Seite "Disciples of Teta". Als Info die für Euch wichtig sein könnte: Flaggschiff kommt erst mit 5.10! Sonst haben wir einen HP, sind auf Twitter und auf Facebook zu finden und haben auch einen Discordchannel und ausserdem die wohl schönsten Gildenfestungen :D:D Und wartet mal ab wie unsere Schiffe erst aussehen werden ^^ Wie haben auch einige englisch sprechende Mitglieder aber es darf bei uns im chat deutsch geschrieben werden. Die Gildenleitiung ist komplett deutsch. Jede Klasse, jede Spielweise ist willkommen. Von unsrere Seite aus gibt es keinerlei Vorgaben. Wir würden uns freuen Euch bei uns begrüßen zu können und damit unsere kleine deutsche Enklave zu stärken.
  2. I know, but before 5.6 you could do the mission and the fp when you hit 53. I leveled so much toons that way and I want to know if it's only a bug or is this permantly now. If this is permantly they should make the missions also 55 and not 53 ...it's confusing
  3. Ae it seems you get the missions for Forged Alliances at Level 53 but the FP's, the Storymode FP'S, appears with Level 55. Is it a Bug? I don't read anything that the Level changed for that Solo FP's in the patch notes. It make no sense to have the mission with 53 when you are not able to do the FP's
  4. Want to do the prelude to SoR with my 54 Agent but there is no Solo/Story mode ..what happend? https://twitter.com/Sanne_Leetz/status/940654285884395520
  5. Are you serious????? Please say that is only a bug, even if it is a really bad one! http://www.directupload.net/file/d/4710/yofp6fmh_jpg.htm Please don't make me much more sad as i'm already be! Answer please asap!
  6. This is exactly my biggest fear!!! I could say much more bc i know the dataming ...but you understand now my fear.
  7. you are right,I spend my freetime in that game, love the story, especally the Warrior Story and why should I spend my time in a game which make me feel like i'm feeling right now? I do rp and i write fanfic about that and a most important part in my stories are the relationships not the fightings. Malavai is a very big part of her story and as her husband, he should always play a important role in her live/story. Why do we have got the chanc to get married if this has no impact at all anymore? Even after Kotet i have had faith that someday will all be like it was and a relationships have meaning once again in this game but since a few days I really get the feeling that all the storys before Kotfe are worthless and so the relationsships with all vanilla companions. Don't get me wrong, I love Theron and Lana, both are very well writen but my toon has a diffrent view of her future as it BW maybe have. Sure, we don't know right now where the story goes, but I pray that a marriage counts in some ways. If you want to kill Malavai ..go ahead, your toon your story :-D
  8. Thx Sweetie, you know what I'm worry about *hugs*
  9. But they appear in the romance scene *remembers of Vette in the last kotet chapter*
  10. This decision was one of the hardest I must ever make in this game. But Vette and Torian are part of the Story and I'm good with that. But WfI is not a Chapter, you can play it without seeing Kotfe or kotet at all. For example: you have a LI with Theron through Kotfe/kotet and now your hubby is back you must decide if you get back to him or staying with Theron. What if, if you get back to Malavai but he is not part of the story anymore? For that toon there will be no more romance scene at all, bc these Comps have to be Main Charakters to appear in that special scenes. My feelings after i read the dataming is, that both,Elara and Quinn, will not be part of the Main Characters. And when I take my Trooper through theStory he will have the same problem too.
  11. thx @Tsillah for you answer, but as I said before, I'm not an anxious person att all. I will go with my Main through the story, I always did and I will do it again. To wait what happends in the future with our Companions and playing the story if it is clear ... so that is not the way I spend my free time in a game. I want to explore anything but I have the bad feeling right now that these two Comps, Elara and Quinn, will not be part of the Main Charakters. To make it clear, both will be find under other companions and that would mean, that both never ever have any lines in the game anymore. I have no idea what it was that makes me feel that way ... I just afraid that my feelings are right and I must say goodbye to my favorite companion. To have him as a comp but not important in story anymore would ruin this game for me totally. That was one thing what I loved in swtor so much, your interactions with your Companions.
  12. I'm not a anxious person at all, but one thing scares me a lot since a few days now. The War for Iokath will not be repetable so I only have one shoot with my Main. I know a bit what happends on Iokath bc of dataming and I'm affraid that Malavai and ,so Elara, become voiceless/meaningless Companions who will not being part of the future Story in swtor. I got a really bad feeling about that. I don't want a silent LI bc the romance Scenes are one of the Storyparts I love in SWTOR so much. Is there a chance to take away my anxious for my Main? *looks to Eric* A voiceless and meaningless Malavai would destroy my Main!
  13. Sitara

    PvP On Iokath

    Thank you Eric, you make me very happy with that *happy dance*
  14. Sitara

    PvP On Iokath

    They have....when HK 51 appears to be a Comp you must go to a Vendor who was on Tatooine in a open PvP Area. Long ago before the phase thingie. I need a whole group to get me there to buy the things i needed for my HK.
  15. Sitara

    PvP On Iokath

    Sorry, don't agree with that! I'm CR 300 and have good gear now without doing Op's, I only run mm fp's with my guildies and do mm runs Chapter 2 Kotfe. I only need a week to reach that when I decided to focus on my Main to get her to 300.
  16. Sitara

    PvP On Iokath

    If I will be forced to do PvP ... I would honestly think about to quite the game! Never thought that day would come but as a pve player who only wants to enjoy the story and finally get her hubby back, this will be a NO GO for me! Please Eric make it totally clear what kind of impact your PvP Visions for Ioktah have to all the PvE Players! For me, I can say, I would not survive a single minute on Iokath! Please Eric, don't break my heart! If I'm not able to get my hubby back bc of those PvP actions I would hate you so much ...and I don't want to hate you at all. But this would be a Gamebreaker for me and, like I did in WoW, I would draw consequences!
  17. Thx for heads up. Just one question: will this story be repeatable?
  18. thx so much, that's the news I'm hoping for *hugs*
  19. *push* Are you working on that issue? Want to play my Head 2 Agent ...Lana is waiting for him ^^
  20. I can`'t click the repair button, it's not usable for me. The game works well so far, just only the head 2 issue
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