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Everything posted by Darth_Moonshadow

  1. If you did not get your free month from base game, call it in at SWTOR customer service. I had the same problem and it got fixed right quick.
  2. And if this game wasn't focused on story at launch, they would have been neutral. But it was, and they modeled the story after Han Solo, who worked with the Rebel Alliance and Bounty Hunters are Boba Fett and blah blah blah, we all know this story.
  3. Most likely, as it was discovered in the Jedi Vault, that means the Jedi of old knew that powerful lightsabers were being created that, if in the wrong hands, could mean the end of the Jedi forever. By knowing Jedi psychological routine, we can correctly infer that they would not want thousands of Darksabers floating around the galaxy. They would have most likely rounded up every Darksaber, destroy the forges that create them, destroy the schematics and then destroy all but one of the Darksabers. The final Daksaber would be placed in the vault to be saved for the Jedi's darkest hour, when they are truly well on their way to defeat. They would then unlock the vault and allow their best and most powerful Jedi to use the Darksaber and save their order. Once done, they would lock it away again and never speak of it's existence again. Simple Jedi behavior.
  4. Actually, we cannot. The Darksaber was stolen and remained in the possession of the Vizsla clan in secret until the revelation of it's existence during the Clone Wars. They can't sell it on the Cartel Market because as of this era, it is nothing more than a myth. So no, we cannot have a Darksaber. We can have the Black crystals, as they are man made attempts to recreate the Darksaber. But we cannot have the actual one.
  5. We don't have pods. We swoop race. Pod racing doesn't become popular for a few millennia..
  6. No, I'm talking about what all MMOs and the video game industry in general should be doing. Unite the world, not inflict artificial social castes on everyone. And no, PVP is far from low maintenance. PVP affects combat on the same level as PVE. They have the same cries of OP and Nerf. They have the same whiners, elitists, n00bs, bads, jerks and buttheads. Essentially, PVE and PVP are Republicans and Democrats. Two bodies of people who claim to be totally different from one another, yet both seem to make the same mistakes no matter who is in charge.
  7. The Cartel Market gets the good looking gear because it's just all aesthetic pleasures. It has no actual combat value unless you play the game to get the mods to do it. It doesn't really matter if you get the entire Valiant Jedi set, because a person wearing Column will come by and destroy you. Cartel sets are just for looks. They have no power, so if you want to be powerful and look good, you have to do both. But, as it is a fact, you don't have to buy sets from the Market. You can buy them all on the GTN using credits, which you get by playing the game. In essence, you already have what you desire. You play the game and get the best looking gear.
  8. ^ Indeed. Not to mention you'd end up ditching the items anyway when you found a better set later.
  9. Actually, PVP guilds do have recruitment practices. Especially for Open World PVP sessions with opposite faction guilds. My point is, you cannot justify removing PVE without also justifying the removal of PVP. Or even RP for that matter. So there is no point in cutting off entire sections of the playerbase. It will not make the game better, only worse. Niche MMOs are not a good business plan. It's why most MMOs can't touch World of Warcraft's playerbase numbers. WoW has something for everyone. Integration is the real key, not segregation.
  10. See that? All I did was swap a few words and I created the same argument that successfully dismantles your playstyle. If you can prove that PVE is worthless using an argument that cannot be used to prove that PVP is worthless, then you have the advantage.
  11. Indeed, you are correct. Knight/Warrior do have open endings and the other six have team up potential. Weirdly enough, that Avenger metaphor goes in line with the story structure of the RotHC expansion and Makeb. They were focused on Faction based story for that. It acts as an umbrella story arc all the classes participate in. But in terms of writing a sequel for class content, it's very hard to do so, especially if the only content created was solely for Knight/Warrior content. People would view it as preferential treatment or unfair use of resources when their own class did not get resolution for X subplot. And again, there is the topic of player preference. If the Knight/Warrior story ending is not satisfactory and warrants an epilogue, it would most likely be viewed, depending on how Bioware ends it, as an unneeded retcon. Kind of like the Anakin Skywalker retouch of Return of the Jedi. While it is in line with the prequel and ties the sagas together, Star Wars fans did not appreciate the retouch and view it as an insult to the original actor who played Darth Vader. Plus, let's not forget Bioware does not have a tolerance when player critique the endings they have written, lest you want to end up like the Refusers from Mass Effect 3. Again, that is simply a matter of personal preference. I could argue that PVP is NOT challenging or stimulating and the Wars portion is satisfied by PVE encounters with Imperial/Republic NPCs in Operations. Heck, Star Wars does not even reference that the wars must only be the Empire and Republic. We could wage war against the Infinite Empire, the Dread masters, the Gree, or any other non affiliate in the universe. But does that mean PVP content should be cut? No. Same goes for Operations and Raid content. What is fun for you is not fun for others. What is fun for others is not fun for you. So why punish anyone at all?
  12. That's very interesting to say that. Because the same can be said about the PVP aspects. I know I have always been a vocal advocate of the removal of MMO PVP because no MMO is capable of doing it right. So if the Raiding communities and PVP communities are not worth the effort, then the clear path is to cut them. However, that would not be the best course of action. Niche MMOs never end up being as successful as they are envisioned to be. That's why if Bioware ever came up to me personally and said "We're going to implement one idea from you. Add or remove, what do you want?" my immediate response would be "help the PVP community so they feel accepted." See, despite my pessimistic views on PVP, I would never actually condone removal of content for people. That's their content that they enjoy. Taking it away would just be cruel and unfair.
  13. I have heard that rumor, but I have a hard time believing it. All the stories ended on pretty resolute notes. Any sort of "Chapter 4" to the Class stories would either have to nullify your character's position of power or possibly pull a Mass Effect 2 and kill off everyone and force you to start over at the bottom of the ladder. That actually would kind of ruin the endings. I don't think Bioware would want to pull a Lucas on this one. Annabeth, we all know your stance on story content and how you value it. And make no misunderstanding, it's admirable and an excellent attitude that Bioware is no doubt grateful of you for having. But if the next expansion is story content, it would have a very hard experience when it releases. Players expect the story to be free because Bioware made the launch story free. If new story content is released with a price tag, players will feel like they are being coerced into paying money in order to see the new chapter and they probably won't like it. And as I stated earlier, if the story does not live up to player expectation or worse, not in line with what the player wanted for their character, they will feel they have been scammed out of their money. That's what makes new class content a quagmire to do. If it's free, nothing changes. If it's priced, there is risk of player pressure. If it's free and a great experience, Bioware is praised, but they lose potential profit. If it's free and bad, Bioware is chastised for ruining the class story. If it's priced and great, Bioware is praised, but critiqued for charging for it. If it's priced and bad, Bioware is condemned for ruining the class saga and having the audacity to charge for it. When it comes to class content, there is a lot of risk vs. reward weighing to go about before Bioware can do anything.
  14. It was a long time ago. All I remember is people got upset that a pure color crystal got retired after three months in game. Dunno if they were black, but I know it wasn't the ones we have now.
  15. Problem with that is that it assumes a player would want a subscription to access the new stories. Since the class stories from 1-50 are free, players would expect the new content to also be free. If it is, the players would just play the content for free, complete it and move on. If they lock it behind a sub, then the player feels pressure to subscribe in order to see the next chapter. And if the chapter isn't up to the player's personal expectations, they will complain that the money they spent was not worth it. Again, it becomes a bit of a problem. Either charge people for their stories and risk turning off the player base over money or release it free and remain in the same boat they are now. Note that the Subscriber content only applies to the aspects of the game that are not the 4th pillar. Players sub in order to run Operations and Warzones without limit or to gain greater rewards while leveling through the 1-50 planets. Story is a full on free ride.
  16. I think we used to have pure black crystals back in launch. They were some sort of rare crystal craft or some preorder thing. They got removed for some reason or another. /shrug
  17. I think the reason why there are no more class stories is because we've essentially reached the end of the character's journey. You become the Wrath of the Empire, you kill an Emperor, you become king of the Underworld etc. Outside of the Agent, I don't think anyone has any real room to advance. That's the real problem right there. Bioware made an ending right at launch instead of spacing it out. But to be fair, if they had not given it an ending, people would have complained that they had to wait a whole year to see how it ends. Bit of a Hobson's choice there.
  18. Technically they do, with operations, warzones, daily zones and blah blah like that. Giving away additional virtual currency has no impact on the game play and the Cartel Market is just cosmetic stuff that has no real statistical value. It's all just for looks. If you want real value weapons and armors, you have to play the game and earn Commendations or run Operations and Warzones for loot.
  19. I think you have some serious lawyering up to do.
  20. People are against it because as a permanent choice, it gives your class more meaning. Allowing AC respec diminishes the choice you made. Also, no the weapons are not the same. Only Knights/Warriors use the same weapon, the Mainhand Lightsaber. Everyone else uses two different types of weapons.
  21. Think that just means this round of the Gree event, not the end of it period.
  22. No love for lightsabers? I see how it is. Sorry, buddy. *chucks lightsaber in the trashcan*
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