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    Indianapolis, IN, USA
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    Information Architect / Web Dev Guy
  1. I really don't think slicing is OP, I think it's more the concept of crew management that has everyone going "OH NO People are getting money for nothing". I actually believe slicing is helping the economy rather than hurting it for a few reasons: - Most people that are slicing are reinvesting that money to jump start their other crafting skills. - As someone that slices, I don't view it as free money, I've spent a lot of time earning it (Not as crazy lucrative as a lot of people are claiming) and I'm not going to go wasting it on some overpriced auction house crap I will outlevel anyway. - Slicing has diminishing returns as you get higher and higher in levels, by that I mean it's more time/cost effective to slice while leveling than at max level. I think people that fear it don't understand it. There are more new dynamics to the MMO economy introduced by SWTOR than just slicing. Crew skills is a big game changer. Why don't you wait and see before pitchforking for changes based on less than speculatory evidence.
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