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Posts posted by caultonpos

  1. Well how many can you stack?


    Someone said the most you can stack is 4 pending, but OP said he had 7.


    I just hit Battlemaster lastnight and Im wondering if I should try this, I dont want it to backfire.


    It worked for me - certainly more than 4. I dont think its a big deal to try. If they capped it and you couldnt pick up that next daily then just accept one of your rewards.

  2. Pretty much this. The players didn't want open world pvp, they wanted an easy way to grind gear, basically the only reason there is so much ************ about Ilum.


    If you want world pvp, Ilum is still there, the fact that it's completely *********** empty should prove to everyone pretty well that players don't want world pvp.


    You remove the gear incentive from world pvp and the players stop participating. I'm personally glad this happened, the only reason I used Ilum was for nascar, and I'm eternally grateful that I'll never have to again.



    Its not that people don't want it - its just they dont want to wander around an area for hours to get the occasional 10 to 1 battle. Given that or a 8v8 warzone that runs continously, of course they are going to take the warzone.


    If there was a quick way back and forth to fleet and people were guaranteed to find for easy conflict, but spread out so that 2v2, 4v4 battles were common open pvp who be great - assuming there were tangible rewards that could not be found in warzones.


    Unfortunately its poorly designed and not going to happen.

  3. I think you misunderstand, you turn the quest in but leave the reward pending at the top right of your screen. I did it with BM bags on my Juggernaut a couple of months ago when it was nearing Battlemaster. I had no problem picking up the dailies and weeklies for PvP.


    Be warned though, if it's still the same then it starts causing other things to get buggy. Like not allowing you on your ship until you you claim the rewards, cannot get the daily quests from NPC's for PvE etc. Luckily other people can take you on their ship and PvE dailies can be shared to you.


    Right, various things like that. Another example, skill mentor would not let you reskill.

  4. I will also call BS on this. You cannot start a new instance of a repeatable quest without turning it's predecessor. Four PVP quests pending maximum (2 daily, 2 weekly).


    Not BS at all - you CAN do start a new daily.


    Dont talk about things you dont know about.


    You do complete the daily - its the reward that is pending - like when you dont have space in inventory - that is what is stacking.

  5. Because BM gear is such an awesome upgrade that will make or break you in PvP...


    Don't listen to OP, just get champ set as fast as you can, the BEST upgrade BM parts are implants and earpiece together with relics anyway(in some cases belt/bracer, definitely NOT set pieces, weapon is for e-peen mostly as well, usually its better to get rakata and replace color crystal with expertise one).


    Well that shows you don't know what you are talking about.


    Battlemaster bags have twice as many champion tokens than Champion bags.

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