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Everything posted by DarthCDiv

  1. I'm sick of people who whine about whiners. Why don't those two groups just do it already?
  2. Communication is something bw needs to work on.
  3. " We don't want someone to feel like they have to have an optional purchase to be competitive in PvP." Like PvP gear?
  4. Yes, I am angry, but it is not because of the lack of content although I do acknowledge such a lack. I am angry because of Bioware's silence. I would still want more content, but I would not be angry.
  5. Yeah, it's ridiculous to think the developers would care enough about their fans and consumers to listen to their feedback.
  6. Because we do like swtor. My kid may be a huge disappointment but I still love him and want him to do well in life.
  7. I was talking to my friend about this the other day. I asked him ''What if just outside your house was an approaching zombie horde. It's been on the news and everyone is aware that there are zombies. You tell your brother (He and his brother live together) that there is an approaching zombie horde. He does not respond, he just continues to stare the tv and occasionally glancing at your cat, Francisco. You tell him again and this time he responds with 'I painted the kitchen a new color today.' You look at him in bewilderment. What do you do? Do you assume he has already put in place some sort of defense mechanism and has simply forgotten to tell you or that he has gone insane and it's time for you to get the shot gun?'' He said he would assume his brother had already set something in place.
  8. You started this thread to so you could dismiss other peoples opinions and have the blind bw followers reaffirm yours.
  9. People forget lots of things. If two people hadn't forgotten something important to do before doing something else then you wouldn't be here dismissing other people's opinions just because they don't match yours.
  10. Well let's see how well a car sells from a car lot if it has no AC and maybe no stereo either.
  11. And air conditioning isn't required for a car to drive.
  12. I hate the downtimes because they are right when I play. But, you can read about them in the patchnotes to find out what they're working on.
  13. Someone doesn't have to tell me to breathe for me to know to breathe. It's like 'Oh hey should we add the ability to move in this game or should we just wait for people to ask for it?'
  14. As far as we know BW doesn't listen because they never respond and when they do it's to completely irrelevant questions. BW adding what should be a standard mmo feature, lfg, doesn't mean they are listening it just means they did something that obviously needed to be done.
  15. Wow player since vanilla and it is not the greatest mmo. Would you rather no one complained and just left without telling bioware what they could do to keep them playing? Also your understanding of business and capitalism is lacking to say the least.
  16. Nothing wrong with f2p and though I have many criticisms of swtor and bw I'd still stick around.
  17. Wow doesn''t have bug's that require maintenance three days a week. New mmo excuse doesn't work because this is 2012 and they had the largest budget for an mmo ever.
  18. /signed. I like all these ideas as well as many of the ideas posted in other threads.
  19. This is a consolidation of what I believe are good idea's for addition and changes to the game along with explanations as to why I think they are positive. Starting from what's most functionally helpful to what adds life and more enjoyment to the game. 1) LFG- The LFG tool is very useful but need's some tweaking. I would like to be able to port back to where I was originally when I accepted the flashpoint summon. That would save me the time of traveling back from the fleet to my ship then to whatever planet I was on. Less time traveling back to the planet you were on would speed up the grind I think. Also maybe a option to choose what type of people you want to play with? Speed runs, chatty. 2) Home/Hearth- I think we should have the ability to quick travel to perhaps a specific planet or at least to our ship. I know I spend a lot of time just heading back to my ship so I can head to a certain planet and throughout this course there are loading screens galore. I think something like this could help cut back on loading screens. Would it be possible to not have a loading screen when we enter our ships, maybe just the splash screen? Restrict the loading screen with the ships to when we are actually traveling to another planet? Just a thought. 3) Addons- I know there is debate about addons being implemented in this game, and I would be willing to compromise on this topic if BW would make the UI more customizable. The previous changes were a huge step-up but we need to have more options with making changes to the UI. The biggest change I would appreciate is being able to make all bars horizontal and/or the ability to extend those bars. I believe that's the biggest issue with UI Customization.. That and the lack of 'FINISH HIM!' when an enemy player is nearing death. 4) Moar Character Slots- I don't believe eight slot's is enough. For me this is because there are eight different class's but one of the things that keeps me playing this game is playing that same class again but making different decisions this time. Eight just isn't enough plus there is the fact that we can't change advanced classes. Perhaps I played a Marauder and now want to play a juggernaut so I have to make a new character which just uses up one of my limited eight slots. 5) Less Legacy Cred Sink- I feel that the legacy perks cost too much while not offering enough of a bonus. Perhaps lowering the cost or increasing the bonus gain from the perks. I'd also like to see some aspects of legacy not gained by credit's but perhaps by achievements of feats of strength. I pulled the ears off a gundark so now my alts have a ability or title because of that. 6) Guild Capital Ships- Guild housing in the form of capital ships offers a lot of new opportunities for interactivity among guilds and guild members. Guild capital ship's should have functionality such as the use of GTM, Mailbox's, a quick travel point/hearth, as well as other useful tools. But, I also think there should be the inclusion things that are not so much a utility, but more of a way of entertaining players or creating a sense of immersion. I would for the capital ships to be moveable. The gm or whomever the gm allows could pilot the ship so that it is orbiting a certain planet and players could simple fly down to that planet from the ship. It would also be interesting if there were space missions for the capital ship which would involve multiple players perhaps manning turrets or other aspects of the ship while someone pilots it. I think that also creates some interesting opportunities for new pvp aspects, perhaps being able to board enemy capital ships in pvp events and taking over parts of that ship such as capture points which affect the ships ability to travel or fire at the opposing teams ship. 7) Swoop Racing- That's something people have been wanting for a long time now. What a thrill that would be and it would add something else to do in the game. I don't think there are really any issues for people to take up against swoop racing except maybe some people might think it would be a waste of development time. But, I think would it would a new and interesting aspect to the game. As some people have said it could be a new form of pvp in-which you are pitted against other racers on dangerous race tracks on different planets. As with your ship, you should be able to customize you swoop bike as well as being able to change the colors of it. 8) Pazaak!- I personally was really surprised that this was not in the game. It seemed as much a staple of (KO)TOR as Lightsabers are. I think it would just be an interesting mini-game and a nice little distraction when we aren't doing anything of particular importance or are just waiting on a queue to pop. 9) Sitting down- My Marauder's back is aching from all this pwnage, but he has no where to sit! 10) Chat Bubbles/Squares?- So often I don't notice when something is being said to me or about something relevant because the chat system in this game is so subtle. If people don't like the idea of chat bubbles then there should be a option to turn them off. Also, this isn't so much to do with the lack of chat bubbles, but I think it would be cool if our characters using their voice could actually talk to other players. Nothing complicated like a life conversation, just maybe something along the lines of greetings or something of that sort. Like when we are having a conversation with npc's. Would be cool too if they could implement holo's in that way perhaps with the guild ship, for example: The GM want's to call a meeting so he gets on his holo-phone, tell's everyone to meet up on the guild's cap ship, and appears to all the people as a big holo and has several different things he can say such as 'Greetings allies!' and it would be said by the characters voice like when he usually talks to npc's. That's just a minor addition I'd like to see. Anyways, that just several things I'd like to see added to the game.
  20. I don't like the flying mounts in wow. It made things so much less interesting for me. I would however be all for a rare and hard to get speeder that hovers several feet above the ground and goes as fast the taxi system so that we could actually feel like we were in that scene in return of the jedi with the speeders.
  21. For the guild capital ship GTM. 'Portals'. Mail. Ability to move ship to different locations/pilot the ship, Space combat with ship, maybe pvp. Imagine boarding pub guild's cap ship. Also, I think it would be interesting to implement a play chat system with vo which allows you to choose different dialogue options from a wheel. Maybe the guild cap ship could have a holo terminal. Obviously you couldn't have full on conversations, but still I think it's something to consider.
  22. This thread has become a breeding ground for hate on both sides with the 'fanboys' unwilling to hear the other side. All you do is make fun of people who have complaints about swtor. If they didn't like it than why are they here complaining about it? It's because they care enough to complain. Or they just want their disappoint known. Your opinions are no more valid than theirs. The 'fanboy's' are the most hateful group I've seen and you are doing Bioware and this game a disservice. Please let this thread die as it is not in the least constructive.
  23. I want to see some interaction with the community on here from Bioware.
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