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Posts posted by Roks

  1. YAH! Ranked WZs thats all this game needs now, and only preseason? From between slow WZ queues already, to the effectiveness gap from fresh 50s to vets...to this bull crap? Sounds more and more like freaking WoW. WoW pvp is crap.

    But this is going to be the end of my journey in swtor, the pvp has just became worse and worse.

  2. I wouldnt mind seeing these types of posts that call out a side and their classes if this was a game where it had racial bonuses that effected gameplay, special mechanics on that side, or different types of classes....but both sides have the same classes, just different names and visual effects.


    If sorc and merc damages are way to much....then you have to admit that sages and mando damage is the same. IT IS. The only problem I see with the rep classes are that right now, and just right now that Imp is being played more and with better players. And population balance will change. It always does in side based games like this.

  3. My scoundrel can, but typically only with cunning stim, power relic, and adrenal on a light armor class.


    Agreed, plus finding those squishy newly dinged 50s....hehehe. Every hit is over 2k.

  4. I was planning to get to valor rank 60, to get the battlemaster gear, it was a tough choice, i really didn't know if i wanted to do all those warzones, but i decided it would be worth it in the end.


    As soon as I got to valor rank 51 I had a nasty surprise. The carrot on the stick was suddenly no longer on a stick, moreso across the atlantic and on another country.


    Valor ranks 1-50 increment in a linear fashion, about 100 more valor per level than the last, so by time you're rank 50 you require about 10k valor per level.


    At rank 51, totally out of the blue, it now increments by 4k valor per level. You'll need to gain in valor to reach the following ranks:


    52: 13.7k

    53: 17k

    53: 21k

    54: 25k

    55: 29k

    56: 33k

    57: 37k

    58: 41k

    59: 44k

    60: 48k


    Rank 57-60 will take you as long as you spent doing ranks 1-40, or ranks 40-50.


    I unsubbed from the game after finding this out. I don't think it's very good to accustom the player that valor ranks go up in a linear fashion and then suddenly turn it into an epic grind AFTER you've already put in the effort to get to rank 50. Do they think the player will just accept it anyway since they already put in the effort to get to valor 50? Not this player. /unsub



    HAHAHA Goodbye. Go play daoc, when it was RR10 maxed, hell even now at RR13. The ranks really scale up. Sometimes 2-3x the amount for the next named rank. 48k valor for Valor 60? REALLY?? You can go 55-60 in a few days if you wanted. Let me go back to DAoC, I remember the sub-ranks of each stage, rr10+ those ranks are long themselves....sometimes taking weeks of 2-3hrs a night with a good group to achieve those. SO. Please, have fun elsewhere.

  5. Since the surge nerf, many servers have seen the rise of what I call the


    Trollololol Heal Team


    This is a pack of hybrid sorcerers and healing Mercs that basically run around in unkillable packs, healing for infinity. They never run out of mana because there is no mana resource in this game and they never die because you can't lock down 5 healers at once. If you are on one of them he heals himself until you interrupt, then he switches to damage, all the while the other hybrid sorcs or mercs are healing him. You cant kill anyone. They eventually will overwhelm your team and once they do, the game is immediately lost. If anyone gets low, a tank will just guard them, which is the end of any chance of getting a kill.


    Void Star

    Several healers/hybrids go to each side and camp around chatting and telling stories, while never dying and never letting anyone plant. You score 0 and then they only have to get 1 door down to win.



    5 healers camp the middle and you can never kill them or get them out. Thus your team can never get the ball to score unless you kill the ball carrier between the middle and your own end zone, then you have to run the gauntlet of their entire team to score, which is tough when you cant kill any of them.


    Civil War

    They slam one node, leave 2 healers at it, then slam another node. Then they leave 2-3 healers at both while the rest run to whichever node you attack. There is no possible way to dislodge them. I did 500k damage in a Civil War and had 1 killing blow.


    I have no idea what "faster than intended kill times" means when you nerfed Surge, but surely this can't be intended. PvP in this game was fun at launch. Now it is honestly dumb as hell. You either get a premade and destroy pugs or you have stupid trollol heal teams farm you for full duration games over and over.


    Bring back burst damage in PvP or this will never end.

    You are killing this game.


    I agree that the hybrid classes over on Imp is hurting rep vs imp pvp. But both sides have the same classes. Rep just needs more sages, commandos that play both heals and dps....and they need more scoundrels who dont care just for a high damage stat...but will throw a heal out once and awhile as well.


    Also to your above situations in the WZs. If you dont have the healing like the other side, use a different tact. I won several huttballs where they were all sorcs/mercs....and we had non heal classes. Huttball, you just aoe mezz them, grab ball PASS, PASS, PASS. 2 healers camping a defensive point is easy to beat, two stealthers....mezz one then both hit the other with opening burst damage. Even if the other removes the mezz...the other healer should be close to death.


    You DONT need to increase burst damage. Just need to use your class to its fulliest.

  6. New to MMOS? Its being looked at or in the works is just sayings to keep you playing because it will never come.


    Those sayings work in every type of business as well. You go to collect a check for a bill, the guy going to say its being written up, come back later....what does that mean? No money ask later, you aint getting it right now.

  7. You dont have to ban pvp gear from warzones...Then there is no point to pvp or having the gear.


    But there are ways to make things better.


    First give a scaling effect on how you gain coms/valor. Take what they did with DAoC. Your rank determined how much you were worth. Then depends on what rank the person is who kills you, so a lowbie ranked person would gain a ton more if they were equal rank. So lowbies will raise ranks a ton faster while fighting those higher ranks.


    Another way is to remove expertise stat all together. The gear will still exist but the gear would be better stats, and set bonuses that would make you tougher regardless of the expertise stat. I like seeing high crits against non exp new 50s but I do know their pain.


    This final way is to make centurion gear much cheaper, so after your 2 dailies and weekly quests done, you should have enough to be fully geared in cent gear.

  8. Yes. I do agree. They can make a ton of money from name changes, and recustomizations like race changes, etc.


    But I really think legacy names should be free and have a lockout timer on doing it.

  9. Really need to give the option for people to change their legacy names. Its really bad when people mispell their name after several tries and then get stuck with Topgaer because of type o or just tiredness setting in. Sure there is the confirmation window...but numerous people had names before this feature was in the game.
  10. I love this post. Its the truth. If you werent 50 for at least a week before they changed the WZ system around you are now fighting and extremely uphill battle in WZs. Getting hit for 4k and barely hitting over 1k crits.


    Gear should be important, to give an edge in a battle of equals (skillwise). But it should not be the defining factor in why you win a fight. The expertise stat should be removed.

    A higher progression of normal stats on armor should be introduced instead, more armor factor, and main stats. So a BM should have 5k more hp and hit slightly harder, and take slightly less damage, and those can be debuffed. The biggest factor in higher valor players should be that their armor gives more hp. Not that they take a lot less damage and push out extremely more. Expertise is the way of failure for pvp.

    WZ ctd

    Anybody find it annoying and quite bad that if you crash to desktop or have your isp drop during a WZ that you dont get rewarded....especially the WZs your winning and personally doing good in?
  11. I like this idea.


    It would fix some of the fights. And it will give those solo defender......who sit there an entire match not seeing any action a few points as well.


    They just got to fix the rewarding objective points in VS and HB better.

  12. No no no no no. Keep the rewards for losing the same. If the losing side doesnt get a good reward, and a good team is out assing people one night, they will quit sooner than later.


    If you dont like what happens after people decide the WZ is hopeless to win, or they just come to farm medals,....make winning more rewarding. I havent notice but is there differences if you win a WZ like huttball 6 -0 than 1-0? There should be a definite change in rewards between those two types of wins. Winners get their medal rewards doubled. So if you have 11 medals and win, you get 2x the amount of bonus.


    End of that problem. The losing side will want to win more because farming medals will be more rewarding for the winning side. Sure. That gives the advantage to a great team who can farm the opposing team for medals as well...but that will be a rarer occasion.

  13. Things they need to do before worrying about an arena system.


    Fix PVP

    Fix Ilum

    Fix resolve bar

    Fix ability lag



    Plus I would prefer not to have it, just to keep WZ's and Ilum full. I am a good pvp'r and would do quite well in arena's but they need to focus on warzones imo.



    I have to agree. Fix your important problems. PVP is hurting bad in the game. Gear imbalance to new 50s compared to old 50s with full bm gear sucks. So those 50s are playing less and less. Ilum needs a ton of love.


    And hell no, we do not need a damn arena system. Although an area where it is FFA would be different. But no rewards for killing people in there.

  14. To quit a game, just because it doesnt have a ton of end game content and has bugs after a month of it being released is being dumb on your part.


    Sure, BW could have waited, added more content and did more testing, but would you rather play the game now, or wait till the next big sales period for a release?

  15. I very strongly disagree with your point #2. Multi-server queues completely destroy the community. Not only do they prevent people from playing against the same people all of the time, but they also prevent people from playing WITH the same people all of the time. They may not be a problem for players who have guilds formed outside of SWTOR or people in PvE guilds, but they pretty much prevent PvP guilds/premades from forming based on players having fun and getting to know each other by PuG PvPing.



    This is a good point. Learn to support your side. If your side sucks at pvp, well...try and get a team together and make something happen. I seen in other pvp games that happen....small man groups changing the outcome of pvp, or leaders being born that people will listen to. Now if you had cross server pvp....you will never have a leader, leader material might be there, but you will never get the same people so you can work together in a better fashion.

    Only plus side of multi-server ques is the que time, but...heres an idea....lets take a concept from DAoC. Instead of making a WF timed and from 10-49, you can section it off a bit more as well. like 40-49 and keep the WFs. Then boost the rewards from the timed WFs.

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