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Posts posted by Solantharius

  1. Sadly i've already grown rather bored with SWToR as it was far to easy to progress through all the content rather quickly even without being in a fulltime raiding guild. I've unofficially quit for the most part to play Everquest on the Project 1999 servers which is Original and Kunark only atm with plans for Velious eventually but no more xpacs after that. With word of xserver LFG tools in the future though I think I'm now officially done. I've been having far more fun with Project 1999 anyways lately as its back to when things were actually challenging and your accomplishments more meaningful not to mention even some of the most minor activities can turn into rather epic adventures. As fun as other games were since I quit live EQ 7yrs ago no game has done that for me on the same scale since but I've been getting that again on these oldschool servers.
  2. Ugh yep every game out there these days is going the full ezmode route. SWToR was fun and better than some games we wont mention out there but it was still far to easy to progress through all content far to quick. So glad I found the Project 1999 servers for Everquest. Original and Kuanrk only atm with Velious to come and no additional xpacs after that ftw. Back to when things were actually challenging and accomplishments actually meant something.
  3. The thing with the damage shield is you have to stay in cover to keep it up, and its not like hunker down protects against boss CC.


    So if you toss it down on the bounty hunter bosses and you get pulled, or the AoE drops on you, or you get leapt to. You have to move, so you break the effect.


    Its not nearly as useful as the sentinel dps buff. You have to put a lot more effort in to get use out of the buff, and ideally as an rdps your not going to be hugging your tank or other dps that closely. There are certainly bosses where you can use it. The big robot in EV is a good example, but more often then not staying put for 15 seconds on 90% of boss fights is no good. The mechanics do not allow for it.


    Also I do not know about anyone else, but my Gunslinger seems to be an aggro monster in high crit dot spec's. Even if I give the tank 15-20 seconds before I start dps'ing and use surrender every time its up I can pull threat on bosses right and left. I am actually wondering if some of the abilities are not bugged. Because we have commandos spamming off 3-4k every GCD without pulling threat and my 2 wimpy little dots and flurry of bolts is pulling aggro.


    One thing on this is if you pay attention you'll notice a lot of the time if your in cover and get stunned or knockedback or the like, as long as you don't move after the cc takes effect or wears off, you don't lose the scrambling field. I'm inclined to think this is a bug and we are indeed supposed to lose it since we got thrown out of cover or whatnot but I have paid clsoe attention and noticed the buff icon still remains on myself and other players standing within it so it's not just a graphical bug, the shield is indeed staying up.


    Someone also mentioned our having to avoid damage followed up by saying we have low HP. What kind of gear are you using cause I don't find this to be the case by any means lol. With a full set of Columi gear, except for my belt which is Tionese and main hand blaster which is champion, as well as both rakata implants and rakata earpiece from belsavis/ilum dailies, I have just over 18k HP unbuffed as a Sharpshooter gunslinger with no points in endurance talents. Give me a trooper buff and I'm almost at 19k hp :x

  4. Least you guys still got it better than Armstech atm, we're in the exact same boat all around as you guys with artifice except we can't make Rakata anything like you can Relics at least. Here's to hoping for a massive crafting skill overhaul in the near future :\
  5. So while I fight to completely ignore the previous posts about addons and their desire to make SWToR a dumbed down game like WoW so they can faceroll through it with all the other 2yr olds I'll just stick to saying I agree with you OP and can only hope these changes do come sooner than later. With me it's not so much that I am simply tired of seeing my same old set graphics but that my set graphics are some of the worst out there lol :\
  6. I'm honestly not seeing what your referring to either. When it comes to Ops we really don't lose out on all that much dps time, most of the mechanics that require us to move also require everyone else to move as well so it's something everyone has to deal with. The minor things that make us have to move individually really arent that bad as you should be moving frequently anyways for the instant charged burst procs. I also use the time that I am being forced to move a bit to refresh Flourish Shot if needed and put up Vital Shot, or using Diversion if it comes up, or spamming Flurry of Bolts or Quick Shot if energy is high enough so not like our DPS comes to a complete halt while moving at least.


    In fact we have a superior advantage on some fights like Gharj where our cover completely prevents us from being knocked back, it only knocks us down and we can hit our take cover keybind to instantly drop back into cover and continue DPSing while everyone else has to run back into position, typically out of the lava.


    The only fight where I have found cover to be any hindrance at all so far is the last boss in Esseles on Hard Mode, Vokk. His aoe deal fires off so ridiculously fast it can be crazy hard to move out of cover fast enough though I have found it easiest to get around this by planting my portable cover in a position where there is also an enviromental cover point available as well. When the purple circle appears beneath me i can move and hit my roll into cover keybind asap to roll away from the aoe location a bit quicker. This isn't necessarily a Gunslinger only issue either though as anyone can be caught unable to move quick enough if the circle appears under em while they are in the middle of a long cast animation and such.

  7. Not sure of the accurate details on this but if you look at the ToRHead databasew or DarthHaters or any other such database, you can see that the only schematics that might possibly even drop for Armstech are for the XX Barrel 22 and 23's which are listed as requiring Biometric Crystal Alloys and Self Perpetuating Power Cells to make. Of course after countless hard mode FP clears and numerous Normal OP Clears I've never seen any of these barrel schematics drop so they are either incredibly rare or only on Hard or Nightmare Mode OPs. Regardless of the matter they are still virtually worthless to make anyways so Armstech simply lacks more than any other crew skill atm and we can only hope we'll someday have something added to finally make it worthwhile.
  8. Pure crap. They know this change will affect PVE, and they know concealment was not topping PVE damage.


    They did this because of qq, there is no way they could test the changes in 1.1 prior to releasing the patch notes of 1.1.1. They simply didnt have any time.


    They are destroying a whole class, and they will pay for that in susbscriptions (not mine, i dont even have a concealment operative).


    You talk as though they don't have their own internal testing team as well as numerous groups of dedicated level 50 testers on the PTS as well, both your assumptions on this matter are false btw.

  9. Crossfire Cara's Little Helper

    Acquired via Unassembled Columi Offhand Weapon Token which drops from last boss in Battle of Ilum Hard Mode.


    Kneecapper Shown on the right or closest it is an offhand only blaster that can be purchased from the Tionese vendor or acquired as a drop, can't remember for sure but want to say it was from Kilran in Maelstrom Prison Hard Mode.


    E-52 Galactic Shrieker Shown on the left or furthest away it was a BoE Drop I recieved from one of the 5 Champions during the Stasis Generator Heroic 4 Daily quest on Belsavis.


    N-110 Power Blaster and X-11 Huntsman Pistol Both of these share same graphic but it is the one shown on the left or furthest away and while I can't remember which one it was one of them was acquired as a random BoE Drop from one of the 5 Champions during the Stasis Generator Heroic 4 Daily on Belsavis and the other one I don't remember where it came from.


    S-203 Watchman Blaster Pistol Shown on the right or closest I have no clue where I got that one.


    Coil-Cell Needler Shown on the left or furthest away, no clue where I got that one.


    In addition the "Tri-Tech Needler" Shares same graphic as the M-305 Rancor-X Enforcer however I don't remember where I acquired it.

  10. Veteran Elder Blade's Vest Front

    Veteran Elder Blade's Vest Back


    Currently the outfit I have Risha in since I'm using all set stuff atm. Can't wait for them to revamp the mod system so I can switch my set bonuses to gear that actually looks good lol. The hat is also Tionese Field Techs Hat available from the Tionese gear vendor. The vest requires level 39 to use and as far as I know is a random drop, bought it off the GTN myself.


    EDIT: WIthout a hat graphic shown the vest has a hood and looks like the following.

    Veteran Elder Blade's Vest Front Without Hat

    Veteran Elder Blade's Vest Back Without Hat

  11. Being able to do this or simply implementing a serverwide LFG Channel in general would go a loooong ways to improving upon the current LFG System. A server wide LFG Chat Channel is all the LFG Tool I need personally as it goes a long ways to making it easier to join and form groups. Not only can I monitor the channel for groups I may be interested in while I'm out doing dailies or farming mats or the like, I can also do things like level and alt but switch to another character for any group I see that I may be interested in.


    The ONLY good thing about LFG queue tool is that you can LFG without having to stand in one spot simply spamming chat until you get an entire group together, otherwise these kinds of tools have to many negative effects. With a serverwide LFG Chat Channel you get all the good without the bad, a win situation for all.

  12. Only other thing Armstech is currently good for is crafting Purple Techblades and Techstaves which there are no moddable versions of ingame atm, sadly these are only good for Companions lol. The only weapon that is not moddable that players can use is the Scattergun which go figure seems to be completely broken in that myself and everyone I have talked to who has tried to RE hundreds of green Scatterungs have never learned a single blue schematic from em :\
  13. I'm purely a Gunslinger main and totally love the class personally and while it can be a little more complex to play in PVP it is by no means broken or fail compared to other classes, it simply takes more getting used to.


    As Sharpshooter you are using stationary cover a lot more yes but you get some decent defensive bonuses while using it and the burst from your quick aimed shots + trick shot + speed shots is plenty good. You also then have 20sec of complete CC Immunity talented down to a 45sec CD and an extra knockback on the aimed shot. Add in proper use of our Defensive Screen, Dodge, and Scrambling Field and you got even more defensive abilities at your disposal and can do plenty well against any opponent.


    If you don't like the reliance on cover try out something like this Saboteur/Dirty Fighting hybrid spec Saboteur/Dirty Fighting Hybrid PVP Spec.

    Personally I love using this to PVP with. Its extremely mobile with tons of aoe/dots to more effectively keep people off of objectives and pressure on their entire team. Only time you really use cover is when you want to use the pulse detonator or throw a talented saboteur charge + talented speed shot combo for some crazy good burst on a single target. It is a bit energy intense but once you get used to it and using Sabotage properly to reset you Cool Head and Defense Screen CD's it becomes very manageable. While I may not kill a single player nearly as quick as you may with Sharpshooter I easily pass 400k+ dmg and 50+ kills every match with this spec.

  14. I have to disagree completely with the OP, Gunsligners are not worse off than every other class, they are simply a bit more complex to play. If you figure out and get used to everything you can do with all of your different abilities to utilize them to the max then the Gunslinger actually often outpreforms other classes.


    When it comes to PVE cover is amazing when used properly. I've had a hard mode FP pug wipe on a boss because the other DPS was a fresh 50 so the boss enraged but it was a pure ranged boss so what happened? I simply hid in hard cover with the enraged boss unable to hit me while the other survivors finished him off. Second boss in Eternity Vault does a huge aoe knockback that throws everyone off the platform into the lava but guess what? Gunslinger in cover? No knockback! Hunker Down CC Immunity? Amazing on NUMEROUS fights in FPs and OPs alike.


    When it comes to PVP things can be a bit more complex but I love a saboteur / dirty fighting hybrid spec more than anything after finally trying it out and tweaking it to my own liking. Sure your not as bursty as some classes but I easilly surpass 300k+ damage and 50+ kills in every match. Regardless of such numbers SWToR PVP isnt about strictly padding the dmg/kill meters, its about objectives and actually winning. With all of the AoE from the hybrid spec we can seriouslly wreak havoc on teams trying to take objectives, not only keeping them off of the point but keeping pressure on their entire team with all the aoe damage going around. This spec is also extremely mobile and the only time I ever drop into cover is to throw a talented Saboteur Charge + talented Speed Shot combo (amazing burst) or need to use a Pulse Detonator for the knockback.


    In Summation there is nothing wrong with Gunslinger it is merely a unique and slightly more complex playstyle that is not suitable for everyone.

  15. I'm deep in the Sab line, and I'm loving it. Cover is still used quite a bit, but what I usually do is hit esc to not target anyone, and then go to cover. It avoids the annoying sideways cover issues.


    You can also change your keybindings to use Take Cover In Place (which will drop portable cover) instead of Take Cover (which will roll to nearest cover point). I did this long ago and tends to work out a lot better just manually dropping portable cover behind a hard cover point.

  16. Not only is 23 a drop with hard to get mats, anyone can also buy the 23 barrel from the daily commendations vendor for only 8 comms which is easily obtainable within an hr, making the crafted 23 nowhere near being worth the time or resources to obtain or make.


    The only use I've really found for my Armstech at 400 is REing for purple scatterguns (or vibroknives if imperial) which are the only player used weapons that aren't moddable atm. In adition one can RE for Techblades and Techstaves, which are also unmoddable, but those are only useful for companions.


    Beyond that all weapons are moddable and the best barrels are far easier to obtain for the daily comms vendor making armstech virtually useless until we get some new additions/changes :\

  17. Actually armstech is even worse at the end. At 50 anyone can go do a few dailies on Ilum or Belsavis and then go buy a better barrel than we are able to make so our mods are thus worthless and not worth the mats at 50.


    The only true use i've seen out of armtech altogether is just using blue barrles during the levelling process and making Scatterguns. Scatterguns is the only player used weapon in the game (and vibroknives for the imps) that isn't moddable. Otherwise theres only techstaves and techblades but those are only used for companions.

  18. Just wanted to update quick since I haven't mentioned this yet. Once your high enough that you have all the skills I find the best opening rotation to be as follows.


    1) Hard cast Aimed Shot (Send companion in at half cast if applicable)

    2) Flourish Shot (If a gold elite or boss mob only)

    3) Trick Shot

    4) Speed Shot

    5) Charged Burst

    6) Trick Shot


    If done properly when you cast that first charged burst as the 5th ability in your rotation it will still be an instant cast from rolling into cover. I find that using this opening rotation will decimate a grp of 3 regular mobs, or even a strong and regular, without having to use any additional abilities.


    It can be argued one would be better off opening up with a charged burst using smugglers luck for a guaranteed crit to proc quick aim and thus a quicker aimed shot cast, however when I am solo I prefer to open up with my longer cast time ability to initiate combat rather than an instant. Instant attack = instant aggro and even with Quick Aim up that's still an in combat cast time if aimed shot isn't used first. When it comes to grouping opening with the charged burst crit like that is pretty much going to guarantee pulling aggro unless you wait a few seconds to let your tank get the target situated so why not use that few second casting that initial aimed shot rather than just sitting there waiting to use an instant.


    Beyond that on boss fights and such will simply watch cooldowns to follow the priority list as follows.


    Flourish Shot

    Speed Shot

    Aimed Shot

    Trick Shot

    Quickdraw if applicable

    Charged Burst


    Personally I only use Vital Shot when on the move, otherwise its never a part of my standard rotation. Trick Shot should ALWAYS be used when able, its by far our best shot given the huge damage and low energy cost and cd when fully talented. I will also throw in a saboteur charge if i get down the list to a charged burst trick shot combo at any point and speed or aimed shot are not off of cd yet.

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