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Posts posted by Infalliable

  1. Quick travel to the group leaders location would be awesome. Travel can be such a pain and is 1/2 the reason I rarely respond to broadcast requests to do heroics while questing.


    I would much prefer if I didn't have to reload the fleet and then the operation instance every. single. wipe. Really slows down progression. They fixed this for flashpoints, we should have the option to zone in to a "checkpoint" in Ops as well.


    ...and run through an empty maze of corridors, with at least one mandatory interior location that kicks you off your personal speeder.


    EC is absolutely horrendous for this.

  2. their effectiveness decreases with every extra target that you damage at the same time. Any AoE will be worse with it than with a simple pvp power relic.


    Yes, that appears to be true. If you're an AOE build (or just use them often), the frequency restriction on the relics will be a hinderance. I've not seen this confirmed, but it does follow from the item descriptions.


    In PVP (with frequent AOE), it looks like the static power relics are best b/c of the lack of on-demand relic buffs.


    For PVE boss fights, the DG internal proc and the DG boundless ages are considered best in slot though for snipers.

  3. Generally, any non-gimmicky PVP build will be okay for PVE. It's not optimal, but you can clear most content with it. The important thing is you're specc'd to fullfill one specific role and not be a hybrid (like a tank/dps hybrid), in general.


    How is it useless?


    It's not useless. It does tend to have lower single target damage than the other two though, but it's not that bad.

  4. once you reach the soft-cap on surge you can get some alacrity, however it shouldn't be a priority.


    +1. With the way stats are distributed, you really have no other option after you get your surge up around the soft cap.


    It's not hugely helpful, but it's not useless either.

  5. There you go Tibbel, getting all deep into the weeds. :rolleyes:


    I know your answer is more technically correct, but it's also not overly useful to most people. Most players don't want to go through a detailed optimization of every stat point for a couple extra dps.

  6. Needless to say there has been a lot of discussion about BiS relics recently, and I'm still trying to boil down what exactly I need for my proc relic as an AP PT.


    From what I understand, I'm choosing between internal and kinetic as they are both based on tech crit, however I have seen that kinetic is better for high-armor penetration specs. Being that my big damage is all elemental, and therefor armor penetrating, does this mean that the kinetic would be more appropriate, or am I misinterpreting that concept entirely?


    You are misinterpretting. Kinetic is better for classes that can bypass armor/debuff armor (for all attacks) and therefore increase it's damage to be above the internal one. I forget the exact number, but it takes about 30% armor penetration to get here. This is pretty much limited to mercs.

  7. You want about 250-300 points in surge rating. That should give you about a 75% bonus damage on critical hits. After 300, getting more points into surge isn't worth it.


    Also, get around 300-350 critical rating. Your critical chance also depends on your mainstat, so it will naturally increase as you get better gear. Since there are 2 factors that influence critical chance, it's hard to pin a % down. With high end (PVE) gear and companion bonus, you normally sit around 38-40% critical chance.

  8. If you want to craft blue items as you level and this is your first character, I would suggest looking to pickup the main crafting skill, the main harvesting skill that goes with it, then just buy the rarer crafting items (that normally come from the mission skills) from the GTN. So if you want cybertech, pick that up, scavenging so you can harvest the "normal" materials, then buy the underworld trading materials.


    Leveling the mission skill is by far the most credit intensive, and you honestly don't need that many of the rarer materials to keep yourself in decent gear. If you're a completionist and feel the need to always have the best possible, this may not work but it'll be fine if you're making some blues here and there to supplement your mission rewards/commendation rewards.


    You always want to avoid sending out companions on standard gathering missions (e.g., scavenging, bioanalysis, archaeology) as you can harvest from world nodes for free as you explore/level.


    For your third skill, pick up another gathering skill (e.g., scavenging, bioanalysis, archaeology) and sell what you gather. It'll offset the cost of the rarer mats.

  9. Really, nobody can fullfill a specialized role until about L20. That is when you start to get skills via talents that separate the various specializations within the classes.


    Before that, anyone with a heal is basically as good as any other "healer."


    Any "tank spec" is about as survivable as any other character in similar armor.


    After L20, you really start to see a difference. By L30, you really can't perform a role you are not specialized for.

  10. In general it is legit. They are hoping to take your mats, and get a critical. Then sell the extra one.


    There is quite a bit of trust involved in this arrangement though, and potential to get screwed. To prevent fraud, have them pre-make one and just swap it immediately for your mats.

  11. Neutral gear will remain low on their to-do list since most of the level 50 gear, and pretty much all the good gear, is neutral anyway.


    This is pretty much the reason it hasn't been changed.


    It only matters for leveling gear, and I think most players don't keep up with relics anyway. I know I rarely upgrade them when leveling. At endgame, every single L50 relic lacks alignment restrictions so it becomes a non-issue.

  12. Doesn't much matter. Whatever one they are more comfortable with.


    IIRC there is an issue with anyone's poison DOTs eating ticks of weakening blast, so you can have weaker poison ticks eating them rather than Cull's ticks. It can also be hard to tell by looking at the boss' debuffs who's poison DOTs are active, but with practice you know when to refresh w/o looking. Both of these are relatively minor issues.

  13. No, tanks can lose aggro for a variety of reasons. Up to and including poor communication with DPS regarding bursting and threat drops.


    It is everyone's job to manage threat, including tanks and DPS.


    We often will wait 5 secs after the tank engages to open DPS up. This gives them a couple attacks to build threat. After that point, the DPS needs to proactively use their threat drops to keep from grabbing aggro. Have target of target active and if you ever see the boss swap to you aggro drop immediately or stop attacking if you've already used it.


    On a well or equally geared tank, threat usually isn't a major issue but if he is in lesser gear than the DPS it can be quite hard for him to maintain threat generation above the DPS.

  14. It is also very much fight specific. If you have target swaps often then DF falls behind SS. If you can sit in one place and not have to worry about many other mechanics or you know how to manage uptime and can keep your damage doing then DF may pull ahead. SS is also proc reliant, whereas DF is not. There are many factors that come down to if one class or spec is better then another.




    In a perfect world, DF/lethality tends to pull higher numbers than SS/Marksman but it is variable depending on the fight mechanics. SS/Marksman is much better at front-loaded damage and can target swap at will. Energy management is also easier and more consistant. Parsers don't show this, but it is a much better spec defensively with some nice talents to improve survivability.


    DF/Lethality is heavily penalized in fights that require frequent adds, target swapping, or a lot of weaker mobs. DF/Lethality also sucks at CC as the DOTs break them all the time (more of a PVP concern than PVE). It has no (normally) talented defensive abilities and is very much a glass cannon.

  15. or why a fighter character even bothers to carry a lightsabrer as the damages done by such a character a specified in the ability description.


    The damage in the ability description is dynamic and is based on your weapon's damage range and your stats (in general).



    Oh, and MMOs almost never come with a detailed manual. They become outdated too fast to be useful. Since a MMO is a constantly patched and updated piece of software, nearly everything is subject to change.

  16. Yeah, the only sniper spec where you might take aim is if you go full MM, as all the damage in that spec comes from white damage, except for orbital strike.


    To the other poster I like what you did with that "stacking aim" thing I said. The original poster was only referring between aim and cunning, so I only referred to those 2 stats. To be honest the whole cunning thing is ment for endgame pve, something that somebody with 1600 aim and 1.3k expertise wouldn't be doing. Another thing you would have gotten if you read the link


    Exactly, it only makes some marginal sense for a single spec (and a specific build) of Marksman sniper b/c the entire spec is potentially ranged damage.


    Since marksman has no (or few) normally used tech attacks, it's not horrendous to get aim instead. That said, the DR on critical rate from mainstat is pretty miniscule. You gain very little to ranged damage but loose a decent amount to your tech attacks. It's min-maxed to do one rotation very well but looses flexibility (e.g., you're weaker at taking out adds, orbital strike hits for less and it's the hardest hitting attack for snipers, some tech attacks are still useful for MM and are all weakened).

  17. You are fine to do any storymode operations. They can be done in fresh L50 gear as long as you know the mechanics of the fights. You should also be fine gear-wise for HM of Karraga's and Eternity Vault. HM Explosive conflct is probably too much for you simply b/c you don't have much operations experience (and your gear is about bare minimum for it).


    I would run SM Karraga's and EV just to learn the fights and see it once without a lot of pressure. Assuming you're comfortable with them, then do the hardmodes of those for better gear (or you can farm the daily BH comms from the SM operations via group finder).


    You're fine gear-wise for LI, but the entire flashpoint is much more execution-based rather than gear limited. I would hold off on it until you're more familiar with boss mechanics and PVE endgame content. If you don't know what you're doing in LI or your group isn't coordinated, you will die repeatedly regardless of gear.

  18. For the most part, it doesn't matter what classes as long as you have 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS. Playing smart is much more important than any specific class abilities.


    With that said, a sentinel/marauder is nice for the DPS buff and they tend to have high DPS anyway. Like the above poster said, a sages/sorcs healer is generally good to have for the AOE puddle healing. You generally will want to mix in a 2nd type of healer (scoundrel/operative or merc/commando) that is better at mobile or tank healing. None of this is required though, pretty much anything other than Nightmare EC (and 4+ stack Dreadtooth) can be done with any team makeup.

  19. 1. Air Strike Codes: There's only 4 NPCs that drop these, and they spawn incredibly slow. Add in the fact that you have 20 or so people trying to defeat these 4 NPCs. Worse yet, if you initiate a fight with them, and someone else jumps in and attacks NO ONE gets an airstrike code! And EVERYONE basically jumps in and attacks thinking they can ninja grab a code, just making things worse.


    Yes, the spawn rates are way too slow and few for some of the quests (air strike codes). It's even worse considering some of the appropriate NPCs do not appear to drop the mission item 100% of the time.


    The spawn rates, locations, and frequency of drops needs to be increased significantly. It's hardly worth doing this quest b/c of this issue. This mission was a pain to do even at 10am on a weekday.


    I'm not up to level 50 yet, but wouldn't some of those problems be solved if people obsessively grouped more? If you see someone else standing around for the mob, give 'em a /wave, then send them an invite. Then you wouldn't have any problems with "other people" jumping in and dealing damage which apparently makes some mobs not drop their item.


    It'd help, but when the item needed for a repeatable daily quest only drops from 2 spawns with spawn timers of a couple minutes you've got a bad design. And then you also need more than one of the item.

  20. Thank you very much for the advice. This definitely helps but I still don't know where to get the mission at initially! Also, I've always just used the general chat to get groups together. How do I use the group finder? I saw another thread while looking for answers to these questions that mentioned checking a box in order to get the daily comms also. What does this mean and how does it work?


    At about 10:00 on the mini-map is a little icon of 3 (?) people. Open that and select your role and the storymode operations. Hit queue and when a group is available you'll get a pop up window. You can teleport directly to the mission start at this point.


    You can get the quest from the PVE terminal on the fleet stations. It's in the outer ring near the PVE gear vendors. You'll also get a reward (commendations) for doing it via group finder automatically, as long as you do a "random" operation or flashpoint (there are only 2 operations available via group finder).


    Prior to queuing, you should look up the basics of hte fights either on a site like Dulfy/Iwipe's or watch some tutorials on Youtube (Elite Gaming raid guides are pretty good). The boss fights aren't especially hard, but they do require you to know the mechanics. If you don't know the fight mechanics it'll be MUCH tougher. If you are a tank, it is even more important that you know the mechanics as you tend to be "driving" the action.

  21. It seems there is a real split between the value of alacrity versus other stats. I am seeing suggestions of a soft cap for surge at 250-300 (after which i should go for alacrity) , a soft cap for crit at about 350 (after which I go for power). But then I see posts suggesting I should get my crit rating to 40% for better heals.


    These really aren't opposing views. B/c of how stats are distributed, you really only end up trading surge for alacrity. Surge tends to soft cap around the 250-300 where you hit diminishing returns. After that point, alacrity is okay and is more helpful for builds that have a lot of channeled skills (e.g., operatives don't have too many, corruption sorcs are pretty much all channeled heals).


    You can also trade critical rating for power. The critical rating stat does hit dimishing returns around 350. However, your overall chance to have a critical hit is also dependent on your mainstat. This main stat dependence is on a different formula from the critical rating stat and has no (significant?) dimishing returns to worry about. With the best gear in game, you tend to have about a 38-40% critical chance by nature of your huge cunning pool and combined critical rating.


    You also have the fact that alacrity's effect is harder to quantify for healers. DPS, for example, are always trying to pump out as much as possible and maximize DPS. "Optimal" rotations are really important as a result. Healers are reactionary, so max output is not as critical or clear a factor. Depending on how people prioritize "max output" vs. "reactionary ability" you get many of these sorts of arguments.

  22. Does the rarity level for moddable equipment matter? If equipped with the same mods will one rarity be better than the others? This is mainly for my companions. For example I'm playing a Jedi Knight and when I've gotten purple drops they all seem to be droid parts and blasters. That's fine since I can put them on T7. I'm assuming the purple blasters are better than the green ones you get for him from missions. But how do the purple items compare to the orange ones you can purchase from vendors?


    In general, no. Although purple modifiable ones tend to be better than orange ones at the moment they're dropped, you can swap the mods freely and get any stat combo you want.


    Otherwise, the actual mods are in modifiable equipment determine how good it is. They can be anything from utter junk to the best in slot gear.

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