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Posts posted by Phlar

  1. while is was busy making a guide about vanity pets.


    So far the summarization:





    Getting you equipment:

    • Buy the NVSCCS (or Non-Violent Small Creature Capture System) from NPC vendor Lain-Ricie in Juran Mountains, at 1870, 1090 on Alderaan.
    • Loot Biochem Ice Scrabbler Jerky Recipe from Snowblind World boss lv 44 (Hoth (390, 1025) - Crystal Wastes).
      Get items for recipe:
      • Ice Fern (Hoth -3085, -1756 Whiterock Wastes, 30 min respawn timer)
      • Ice Scrabbler Liver from random lv 37ish fauna on Hoth (Highmountain Ridge Wampa, regular Wampa's dropped one)



      [*]Loot Exotic Animal Crate from Gargath (Worldboss) (Hoth (-2340, 400) - Calburn Tundra).

  2. Don't get me wrong I like the game and play it actively but there are a few things that I can't understand why it isn't in the game. Any previous MMO I played had some sort of implementation and we all expect SWTOR to have it too.


    My Background: I'm a guild leader and an avid PVP-er, Crafter and Raider.



    My Top 10 list is not in an order of priority, but atleast they all matter to me.


    1. /roll command:
      Running raids with Masterloot Distribution is a nightmare sometimes because if we decide that people who can use the item that they can /roll for it.. but wait a minute it is not there. Such a simple command to have the RNG spit out a random number between 1-100.
    2. Combat Log:
      It is so nice to see what is happening if you die and not to mention the benefit players have to parse this data.
    3. Guild Mail:
      Communication with the guild is hard in-game and the MOTD isn't cutting it. MOTD is way to short to put some proper messages in. Please insert Guild Mail functionality which can be set by rank.
    4. Custom Guild Rank Bug:
      When you make custom ranks (Nice addition to game though) in the guild. All new people invited will get the last rank by default.. I my case i made custom Officer Ranks with permissions... and all new people invited had Officer rights from the start. Please fix this!
    5. Target of Target:
      It is imperative that you can see on which target the Mob/Boss is on. Nice UI option to see aggro. Missed dearly and a must have!
    6. Raid Assist Target:
      What I would like to see is up to 4 RATs possible, to focus DPS, see Boss morale via Tank. Imperative for Raiding imo.
    7. Crafting in General is not needed:
      Levelled Armormech full out, got the rare drops from raids... in the end, time spend vs reward vs rare mats vs market... not viable.
      Needs more work and incentative to make it as advertised.
      Basicly the game is to easy.. Better Gear then craftable is easily obtained via easy HM Flashpoints or PvP.
    8. Guild Housing:
      Capital Ship or not, we still need a place to call home and hold meetings in.. show your non-existing boss trophies and guild achievements.
    9. Respec Costs:
      Respec costs is getting out of hand. Cap it by level.
      100k respec costs are just insane. Let people have choice in their builds and switch between healer-dps-tank-hybrid easily. It may cost something, but the increases are insane and cap it somewhere and earlier.. 30k or so.
      It is better to have just 1 fixed cost or cost per skill point reset.
      Sometimes I just want 10 different talents to boost some survivibility in Raids and more DPS in PvP.
    10. Possible to queue with 8 man for Warzone:
      The whole point that i'm in a guild is that i want to play with my guildies. I find it very annoying that we need to split groups instead of playing with my mates as a full team.


    I'm curious if I'm the only one seeing it this way?

    Let me show your top 10 lists and hopefully Bioware can check what bothers people so it can be fixed sooner than later.


    Don't make it a whipe-fest and keep it constructive.

    Thanks for your time.

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