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Posts posted by dubyahite

  1. Yep. When the changes were posted for PTS, I took a wait and see stance.


    Now that I can see, it is clearly overdone. Way overdone.



    I think all the changes would have been somewhat ok, if they hadn't nerfed healing expertise into the ground.



    Why in the world does DPS get twice the bonus from expertise as a healer? It's pretty freaking crap for a healer now.



    We don't have the throughput (sorcs at least) in pvp to keep people alive, let alone ourself.



    These changes were dumb.

  2. Healing has gotten much more difficult in PvP. The expertise nerf was huge. I don't understand how it makes sens to give a dps class twice the benefit from expertise as a healing class.



    I haven't gotten to try out healing in PvE yet, but from what I can tell in PvP it was significantly nerfed.



    I am struggling to keep people alive right now, not to mention keep myself alive. It's not fun.

  3. Here's what we did when we started hard mode after the patch where the turrets became un cc-able. This trick works really well.



    There is a large ice pillar to the right of the right turret. Have your group run around behind it to LOS the left turret. You will be out of range of the left turret for the most part but still able to dps the right turret.



    Have your tank tank the right turret, have your ranged dps burn it down. Get your melee to hang out by the ice pillar if you need to and just have them kill the adds. They can come out to dps the turret, but they will probably need heals from the left turret. Use aoe heals on the group standing by the ice pillar.

  4. Yes thanks for that but I am in a 9/10 nm guild and we have cleared it multiple times with no problems.


    Unfortunately that workaround does not work 100% of the time. We tried no end of "solutions" found on the internet. It just wouldn't work, and then all of a sudden an hour and a half later it did.



    Yeah, I figured you probably already knew, but it's hard to tell what you're talking about since you weren't more specific in your post.



    Anyways, maybe it will help someone else who reads this thread.

  5. The bugs on HM pylons are easy to overcome, if you're talking about the same one I am thinking of.


    Not to excuse it or anything, but there's no reason for your guild to go in there and wipe 12 times in a row.



    The colors on the wheels are the same rotation every time, they are just in a different order. The wheels don't change, but the solution does.




    First, you need to find the solution to each pylon before you start. This will change every attempt if you wipe. The wheel is the same every time, but they are in a different order.



    So I type it out in ops chat for my guild before hand. Something like NORTH: 3R, 2L, 2L, 3L for the north pylon.




    The reason this is important is because each pylon has specific wheels that need to be solved first to prevent the bug.



    The north pylon has to solve the first and the fourth wheels BEFORE the south pylon solves those wheels.


    The south pylon has to solve the second and third wheels BEFORE the north pylon solves them.




    So on the first wheel, if the north needs to go 3 left turns, but the south only needs to go 2 left turns, then the south would turn it left once and wait for the north pylon to solve the first wheel. Then the south can click to solve after the north one is completed.




    My guild avoids the bug 100% of the time using this solution. Just takes a bit of coordination.



    I actually like this way of solving it better than just spam clicking the consoles. If it wasn't for the need to reset the phase after each wipe, I would prefer if it was left this way.



    Hope this helps someone, and please don't wipe on the pylons 12 times in a row anymore!

  6. Disgusting? That's a weird thing to say about this post. He's just posting his experience with the game, and he's right.


    Servers are stable, lag is minimal, not overcrowded, etc. That would qualify as a good launch.



    Just because you didn't get in in the first wave, doesn't mean you have to take out your rage on someone who did.

  7. Here's a big difference between this day and launch day.


    Right now, you can still cancel your pre-order and not be charged for the game. You will still be allowed to play in early access, however.


    On launch day the game will be bought and payed for. You can't cancel your order anymore unless you go through your credit card or can somehow negotiate a refund from EA.


    Right now you can get into early access even if you cancelled your pre-order. Which means you're not a customer any longer yet you still get early access.


    Explain that.

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