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Posts posted by eviljezza

  1. Hello everyone, now when the servers come back I plan on making a Jedi consular in the mold of qui-gon, now my question is this: Is the Jedi Sage the right class that was qui-gon in the movies, I see him using his lightsaber more than the force, which would be of a jedi knight class but he has a green lightsaber.


    Or maybe a Jedi shadow using a single-saber or would that seriously gimp my character?

  2. I was thinking earlier as an option for some people who prefer to do things solo, to use their companions in heroics e.t.c and just for the purpose of Heroic+2 They can use more than 1 companion just in that heroic/flashpoint. This will also allow the player to get more involved with their companions.


    What are your thoughts on this?

  3. To alts they don't. Everything I mailed to my alts arrived instantly (if it arrived).




    I also lost 10k that way. I think it happened because I remade that char a few minutes before I sent him a mail.


    Basically: Delete char -> create char with same name -> send new char a mail.


    My guess is that the mail system lags behind a bit and sent the mail to my deleted char instead to the new one.


    Nowadays I can send mails to that char without issues, but I never saw those 10k again.


    Yeah that's how I lost my 68k so what you say does make sense.

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