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Everything posted by Gaucho

  1. I wanted to divert from the topic for a sec and complement you on your sig. Very nice. I am very sure that if things are as raw and ice cold as making changes to classes for financial reasons then Georg wont take it personally when he gets the slip.
  2. I am in the process of. Enjoy the nerfs
  3. Go ahead and solo queue. I will too, since my guild decided that They dont need me for rateds. They will just bring the tankassin instead. He is basically the quarterback, running back, receiver and special teams all in one.
  4. a tankassins can CC you from 30m instantly in any warzone and operative can not do that a tankassins can literally PEEL anyone from a teammate in any warzone a tankassins moves faster than an operative to take a NODE/DOOR than operative a tankassins can jump the first bridge in voidstar and win it SOLO for his team, an operative can not do that...... Actually warriors and shield tech can do it as well. So in some form, the imperial agent/smuggler is stuck on the other side. You dont really seem to think how Imba tankassin are atm. This List can just keep growing. and the only reason why I am concerned about this is because tankassins are able to stealth on top of all things they can do. Guardians don't have backstab (MAUL) like assassins do, which hits like a truck and CAN BE spammed. Guardians dont have stealth.
  5. It doesnt matter whether if its random or not. IF you have one tankassin in your random vs a operative in the other of equal skill. The Tankassin will sure LEAD his team to the win. There is nothing an operative can do about that. I mean the tankassin can just CC you from 30m instantly while he force speeds with cloak/shields and a punt ready. He is a stealth class. Oh i know, the operative can snipe/probe/rifle shot and the tankassin just FORCE PULLs YOU into the fire while he crosses it unharmed and you die after a gouge.
  6. DOTS should NEVER stop you from doing anything except going OOC in PVE. Its a simple mechanic and the devs here are slowly learning what the constituency has already accepted. learning pace of community ----------------------------------------> The Devs at bioware/swtor -------------------------->
  7. Thats a fine example. let me give you mine: I rather take 3 intelligent, excellent players playing the imba. classes (tankassins) than 3 excellent players playing the class that is sub-par (operatives)
  8. Good point, if people not playing operative would learn how to counter the class before they get burst down by a min/max concealment operative then we wouldnt be running into nerfing issues since the start, but that is not case. They should be " utilizing all the abilities they have given the strategic situation.... blah blah blah" You need to realize this game is not built around the "min/maxing" constituency.
  9. why do operatives need to think outside the box? while everyone else plays inside the box. There is no reason why i should work extra hard to achieve the same results or near to everyone else is doing. The fact that everyone has a GAP CLOSER is reality except for operatives. Like I said. Bring any argument about how to play the class, but the fact remains that operatives do not have a GAP CLOSER and said argument will not outweigh the fact.
  10. Right, i am sure its hard to press: FORCE CHARGE, FORCE PUSH, FORCE CHARGE = You just won a tournament. I am comparing a dps spec to dps spec and tankasins are doing that. They sure arent "tanking" in warzones. They sure grab them skills to have max survival since they have the mobility and utility already built in. Its simple: Assassins is required for rateds and operatives can go ahead and only watch from the sidelines.
  11. They started with Sprint. which you could later upgrade with glyphs to run faster than a mount and on water. = GAP CLOSER Everyone can help a team mate with heals or guard. Doesnt change the fact that operatives dont have a GAP CLOSER and every else does. No matter what you say, The FACT Remains. GAP CLOSING is a warzone changer ability and operatives don't have it.
  12. This isn't about sticking to target. Its about the utility of an operative. Everyone has a snare btw canceling operative snare. Everyone has a GAP CLOSER, operatives dont have one.
  13. Would you give up Force Lightning with NO cooldown for Force Speed?
  14. Sure it will. If you compare it to WoW, which is what this game is modeled after. EVERY CLASS has a Gap Closer or utility to help a team mate. Even Ret Paladins.
  15. 1. Snared, no mobility, no punt, dead 2. All healing classes can do this 3. Group stealth slows down your run speed. Taking nodes is about who gets there faster, positioned and not able to be interrupted. 4. 4 Cleanses means nothing with a GCD, You can only spam 1 and waste the CDs of the others who are meant for other things 5. Assassins have better. 30m range stun, Force Speed, Force Pull 6. Assassins have this. 7. Assassins have better and more than one 8. Force speed, Force Speed, Force SPeed 9. Sleep dart fills resolve bar full. You can not hidden strike properly. Assassin can "sleep dart you" and then stun you. 10. Go ahead and find a stealth TANK 11. self heal, you can not interrupt 12. See dark embrace + blackout out of stealth
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