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  1. ________________________________________________________________________ Hello, I'm a level 50 Sith Jugg on Kath Hound and I've noticed most of my time in this game has been spent in front of a loading screen. It sickens me. In WoW I didn't have to deal with a loading screen very often, in most MMOs you see a loading screen very rarely. This, I'm sorry to say, is poor design. As a level 50, I basically don't do much but sit on Ilum after I'm done with my dailies and weeklies and such. Because of this I'd like to be able to offer aid to the lower levels in my guild or my lower leveled friends, but there's one problem. The idea of going through 3 to 5 loading screens just to see my friends scares the ever living crap out of me. It also supremely pisses me off during Flashpoints and Operations. In WoW and most other MMO's the only wait time I had was long flight paths, which I bet were much faster in comparison to the system in this game. Now, I'm not the kind of guy to just complain about something and not propose a way to possibly fix it. I enjoy the game and I want to be able to keep playing, but please for the love of all things great, fix the loading screen spam. Now before I suggest my ideas on how to fix said problem I'm going to assume things about your code, which I have to assume, because reverse engineering it is a crime, and I have no legal way to access said code. I'm going to assume that the programmers are using a Stack-Allocator. If they are using a Pool-Allocator, it works just the same. I'm also going to assume that they are somewhat under their memory budget, or atleast have the ability to work within the budget. ________________________________________________________________________ Now: Problem 1, loading screens between planets. So going between planets there are atleast 2 loading screens, one to get to your ship and another to get off. I think I can shorten it down to one loading screen. The problem with this design is that essentially the most used scene is being removed from memory and reloaded into memory. It creates a useless "Buffer" between planets. (Yes, it's useless, I'd rather have a taxi on every planet to take me to any other planet then have my own ship at this point.) Now, on logging in with a character, I'm assuming important variables about that character are being removed from the servers and loaded into the Stack-allocator. I suggest take it a bit further. When the variable stating a characters class is loaded into memory, load the variables for the character's ship into memory as well (as many as one can within the budget). Now when the character wants to change planets, the only thing that has to change is the skybox ideally, a very short computation in comparison to the load. If you cannot load all the varaibles needed, atleast you can shorten the load considerably. ________________________________________________________________________ Problem 2: Flash Points and Ops. Ok, the other problem was a forgivable mistake, but this has no sense of logic what-so-ever. When the player dies in a Flashpoint of Operation, you've actually told the computer to UNLOAD the WHOLE flashpoint or Op, and LOAD a map the player may be on for a fraction of a freaking second. Unless Bioware, you've assumed that whenever a player dies ONCE in a flashpoint or Ops they're going to quit it, this is the most stupid design I've ever seen. I'm sorry, it is. 9 times out of 10, the player is just going to walk BACK into the freaking flashpoint, and then you have to unload the previous map nad reload the map they were just in! Did not one of programmers have a problem with this? Not one of your software engineers? Did they not say "This is an inefficient use of memory", because I'm pretty sure something most programmers get in the habit of doing is to make sure they keep the memory loaded for as long as they can. Now, I know you have "check points" programmed into your flashpoints, now uhm, USE THEM. You do not have to boot us out of the instance! Just let us Res at the freaking check point. If only medical droids are able to res people in the same map, I have an idea. Load a medical droid at each check point, now there should be a "visable" variable, turn that sucker off. Congratulations, check point. If you actually need every player to leave before resetting bosses and mobs, you could just reset said variables after they've left a distance of x from their starting position. ________________________________________________________________________ Sorry for the ranting, I did not mean to insult your programmers or designers, they are problably smarter and more talented then me, but as a pissed off user, who knows how a bit about how games tick, I seriously think someone took a bad design idea and ran with it somewher down the line.
  2. Ask people to CC in combat quite a bit, but they usually do it right before my AoE. I guess it wouldn't hurt to smash then scream, i'll also make sure to gert points into that talent
  3. I've heard both sides, and I'm pretty sure that Beware didn't design a gimp class like that. I'm sure there's things about the juggernaut people haven't discovered yet, devs even used the jugg as their main tank for EV
  4. I read a lot of that and it really helped! Thanks man, but it also said this is my weakest time as a tank. But still I definitely know where to start making improvements!
  5. I'm thinking once I get AoE taunt I'll be much more efficient (only a few bars from 30 as it stands) and I focus onto the hardest target and have the weak ones CC'd though I stop using Crush if CC's are up for fear of breaking it and putting agro on the casters so it messes with my rotation. But I mostly hold agro, and if I lose it I quickly drop chilling scream if I have the rage and either smack it till it comes back or worst case taunt it back. Some of my gear is outdated but only about 2 pieces. My oldest stuff is moddable and I keep it up to date constantly with guardian mods. Right now I have about 6K hp and almost 3K defense so surviveability is rarely an issue.
  6. I do all that.. :/ have you had any problems tanking Manda?
  7. So a few nights ago I was in a group to do Madalorian Raiders for the first time. i was a 27 immo jugg, andthe rest of the party was a 27 muarader, 27 lightning sorc, and a 21 sorc who was healing but probably not speed. First couple of pulls were fine, I had everything mostly under control. Then the first boss or bosses came up. This was the first time I had ever had a problem tanking so far. We charged in and tried to CC the hounds, they were immuned to CC and things went to hell quickly. We wiped. Second time things go to hell again and as I'm running around to grab agro I see I can't taunt the hounds, my taunt wasn't on cd and I could taunt the main boss. We lost the 27 sorc, but the rest survived and we killed the bosses. From here I did a decent job with the trash, not my best time ever. Then came second boss or bosses. No matter my efforts, I could not hold agro specifically on the Jedi knight who force pushed me away when I engaged her. Couldn't tank the wall because I had three other mobs to deal with, craziness tanking I had eerie done, and no success. I don't know if it was the 21 throwing my threat off or what, but I found it impossible to hold agro. I'm pretty sure it's my problem, and I'm looking for a way to fix it. If anyone has any advise for manda raiders and other situations so I can be a better player it would be much appreciated. My rotation is charge, scream, crush, usually retaliation is up so I press that, under, sweeping slash, ravege, sunder, retaliAtion, choke and pull if target isn't immuned and then another sunder. Redo rotation applying saber ward and immortal where needed. Also sorry for wall o text, doing this from my phone. Never had a problem tanking before this.
  8. So my friend is rolling a sith, and wants to be lightside but is afraid it will gimp him when darkside gear drops and he can't use it because of his story choices. Are the dark side and lightside gear drops on imperial side something to worry about or does it not really matter in the end? Thanks in advance.
  9. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=45866 anyone actually read this? "People who claim the armor crafts are useless simply do not understand them, or do not like the way they work. Usually it's the former, but for the latter, it's usually people who think "Useless" means "Not necessary because there are other ways to achieve similar results." The fact of the matter is that with armor crafts, you can make armor competitive and sometimes better than you can find elsewhere. However, the flip side is that you can achieve similar results without an armor crafting skill."
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