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Posts posted by Tornateaux

  1. Something interesting I noticed with the new items:


    The "Pure Sabacc Rifle" and "Idiot's Array Sniper Rilfe" were added today. I really love the look, and bought both. Was hoping there would be a pistol variant for my Smugger, but nothing showing up on the Cartel Market. But when I open up collections, under Blaster Pistols, there it is! The "Gambler's Luck Pistol." Only... I can't buy it. I can preview it to my heart's content, but it's not available on the Cartel Market, even though it's information tag clearly states "This item is exclusive to the Cartel Market."


    So... it this an oversight? A bug? A cruel tease to the fans of a certain movie about Replicants and the nature of humanity? I'd really like to own it!

  2. The torpedoes are at the same time wickedly awesome, and painfully, horribly epic fail.


    Assigning them to the same key as regular missles was a really bad idea. And not being able to target anything I dang well feel like with them is also a bad idea. They take entirely too long to lock onto anything. In such a fast-paced combat situation, by the time I've gotten a torpedo off, I've missed 5-10 targets of opportunity/bonus targets.


    And why, for the love of Jawas, can I not use my regular missles on torpedo targets after I've used up all my torpedoes? This is just bad design, carry through, and testing.


    I used to rule in space missions before I got my torpedoes. With torpedoes, I'm failing like a noob. And that's why my torpedoes will stay in my captain's locker until Bioware fixes this pitiful issue.

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