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Everything posted by ryancwn

  1. This! I dunno why ppl defend the NBG loot system when it is clearly flawed. BW should just go with the loot bag system instead. Everybody is happy and no ninja **** drama.
  2. And what makes you think you entitle more to the item when he do need it too? Maybe he ran the instance for the 100th time just to get that single piece to upgrade his companion so he can carry on with his questing?
  3. I kinda like the old MMO way, round the robin and the looter can decide if he want it give / sell it to another player.
  4. That is the base armor with no armouring mod. Once you slot in an armouring mod, the orange armor will raise the armour according to the armour rating from the armouring mod. Which will make a huge difference for the 3 armour classes.
  5. It is orange (customizable) light armor (well, for Balmaro and Dromand Kass). It is useless for any class other than Inquisitor or the mirror. Also, I think Balmorra need social level 2 while the capital social vendor require only social lv 1 (difference appearance tho) Buy the one from the capital city (Kass city for Empire).
  6. Erm, when i upgrade my account, it add the code to my account automatically without need input from me.
  7. WoW was in development for 4-5 years and have 7 years on top of that to improve, optimize and fine tune the game mechanics etc.
  8. I think I read from somewhere that after certain affection, lower rank gift will lose effectiveness so you need to use higher rank to raise the same affection. It is natural money sink progress since you suppose to use rank 2 at a higher level. so 600 to a level 20 is like 200 to a level 10
  9. WoW sure helped MMO mature but MMO wasn't a kid when WoW enter the market.
  10. If you read before posting, you would know this post created on the 16/12/2011
  11. The feature is third party program. It is control by the hardware's software....
  12. Yes, this is why I cancelled my pre-order on amazon and ask a relative in the green zone to pre-order it for me on origin.
  13. You need to wait till your SE box arrive and you will find another key inside the box to register.
  14. SWTOR originally require you to do modification at the modification table etc. They change that in a patch during beta and they just didn't remove the workbench.
  15. They have combat log but they do not have DPS meter which was what ppl are asking and how many people need to look at the combat log in EQ in order to play the game?
  16. The lack of such tools are inconvenience but they do not make or break a game. Many MMO launch before WoW lack such tools, customization and they are still playable. WoW don't even have such tools at launch and they are the biggest MMO since launch. The tools sure help but they do not break a game at all. Your attitude that they need to implement feature from a fully grown MMO into a new MMO is the main source of your problem
  17. AFAIK, they are not class specific. Try to search for the hidden path and sometimes the path is like miles away or like around the mountain.
  18. Combat log helps you to evaluate the situation but not having it doesn't mean you can't do w/e you need to do in a raid. Combat log does not stop people from raiding etc. It sure help them to improve their efficiency but ppl here are making it to looks like it hinder your ability to evaluate the situation. And from some comment. some ppl just want the log to shift the blame when a wipe is mostly a group responsible. REPHRASE: Combat log is only a tool to help you to improve and evaluate the raid. Reading comments from this thread, looks like lot of ppl rely on it mainly to shift the blame instead of using it for evaluating /improving /min-maxing.
  19. Having warning or not does not matter. Its people like you that we have a warning on a peanut product stating the product contain peanuts.
  20. Yes. You know the early MMO actually just have basic class warrior and mage and you have to go through a number of level (20 level for lineage 2 second class quest). Advance Class choice being permanent is actually a no brainer for people who play more MMO than WoW
  21. Yes. You get the augment by running slicing mission I think and critically crafted item will have an augment slot I think.
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