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Everything posted by Blastoramaboy

  1. This is very true. Been trying to sell mine at around 900k for the past 2 weeks with no luck. I'll bring it down to 500,000 by the end of the week since the demand for this seems to be minimal.
  2. Yeah, as of yesterday I've spotted people around the area as well. Ah well, all the crystals to myself had to come to an end. Curious about there being more than 1 node spawn though. I've searched the trees on the cliffs and around the area but have not seen any. Could you tell us where exactly?
  3. Okay, I've already gotten a few of these bad boys over the past day. Should let you guys know that the Unusual Crystal Formation doesn't always spawn in the exact same spot. However, as far as I know, it does spawn somewhere in the location you guys are at. Keep on searching, you'll eventually find it.
  4. Yeah, it's kind of stupid but one of the things i was looking forward to in 1.2 was the fact that i could finally craft an endgame green crystal to replace my black-blue one which I'm not too fond of. Hopefully they'll add the schematics to dailies vendors or something.
  5. Hmmm, that could work i suppose. Still, it's a bit ridiculous the amount of work we'd have to do to craft just one crystal. First off, we'd have to get the Magenta Crystal off Ilum after the various steps on Tatooine and Hoth. Then find the crystal formation on Alderaan. Apparently there's a timer on that, so we need to wait for like 2 hours or something to get another crystal shard since we need 2 Pristine Adegan Crystals. Then finally bring it to tython to refine it. And, on top off that, Imps would have to send it to a Pub toon just to refine it. Then we can finally craft the bastard lol. These better sell well lol...
  6. Here you go, mate: http://www.torhead.com/schematic/O5vORl/advanced-magenta-eviscerating-crystal
  7. Yes, but the schematic also requires 2 Pristine Adegan Crystals which are apparently obtained from the crystal formations in Alderaan.
  8. Hey mate, I'd appreciate a PM if possible.
  9. No idea, sorry. Have you found the crystal formation on Alderaan?
  10. Been trying to find the new crystal formation on Alderaan as well. Has has anyone had any luck?
  11. Yeah, me too. If they don't sell well on my server, it's going to be such a waste lol. Let me know if you have any luck finding the formations. I'm going to give it another go tomorrow and will post whatever i find ( or don't find which may very well be the case) here.
  12. Hello all, Well, I've been scouring the internet for clues on how to get the Pristine Adegan Crystal required to craft the Advanced Magenta Crystals(+41 stats). Basically, from an old PTS thread(http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=368572&page=32), it seems that crystal formations on Alderaan will yield shards that have to be taken to Tython (for republic players, not sure where they are to be taken for Imps) and an ancient crystal tuner somewhere near the forge will have to be used to turn these shards into a pristine adegan crystal. I've been searching for these formations on Alderaan for a few hours and have yet to spot anything, so I'm just wondering if any of you guys have had any luck and ,if so, exactly where did you find the formations? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hey guys, Was just wondering where or how i could obtain the Pristine Adegan Crystal material to craft one of the Advanced Magenta Crystals. Any ideas?
  14. Any idea if we can RE Enhancement 24 now?
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