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  1. Yeah, it was the last 20% of the fight.. Our tank popped his major cd's, than so did the second and third up on the threat list... We interrupted his first, than it moves to the next threat priority, and next and so on...
  2. So last night, we did foundry (hard mode). We got to Revan and, holy inbound damage batman.. Phase two he was punting people for about 10k a hit and random people at that. Now, if realize it's bugged and, I was able to heal it but... How are the rest of you doing it? I relied heavily on our BH to do backup healing (not sure how much he did and he claimed it was a decent amount but not pop all cooldowns amount). I had all my dots up on everyone, and had, what I felt, perfect execution but, if the fight lasted seconds longer it wouldn't seem possible.. Thoughts?
  3. So, I've been working on getting together our raid comp and have a question. The tooltip shows Acid Blade granting 50% armor piercing during the duration. Is that for the caster alone or is it a group buff? Does any other class provide this buff if it's a group wide debuff? Thanks :-), I just hit 50 a day or two ago.
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