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Everything posted by DonMarko

  1. I keep seeing people who did not get in on day one asking they reset the servers on the 20th like that will solve anything at all. I just cannot get myself to feel that taking away from anyone in the community is going to be good for anyone at all. No matter how I feel about not getting in yet, I see. O reason to punish the people that did get an invite already. The players are not at fault what so ever and I hold no grudge with them at all. Bioware messed up big time in my eyes, there is no sense in making it worse.
  2. I got an idea, bug off!
  3. Least wow I could play if I wished to right now. So they win by default!
  4. Bioware, you are not the company I was looking for, move along, move along.
  5. Had anyone told you to bug off yet? I shall cry because I been waiting and selling this game since 2008 and got nothing for it, so go find a bridge and paint a picture of you jumping off it.
  6. Yes, I payed 5 bucks for early access, don't care what the price is, I still got ****ed!
  7. DEC 3rd, and at this point I could care when I get in cause i will prob play it like a single player game now then let me Sub run out and move on,, F U BIOWARE!! just sending them the same love they showed me.
  8. Sad thing is they are still pushing the same add that got me to click. Expected so much more out of Bioware for some reason. Surprised they are no pre-selling the expansion pack already.
  9. I got mine on 12/3 well because I am poor and all. lol So guess we will not be in till all of our guild mates have finished end game and moved on to the next best thing,, yay us.
  10. It be really nice to have some sort of an idea of what day I should sit here like an idiot, ya know other then yesterday and today.
  11. Cause to me it seems all up in the air still. At the rate things are moving I am feeling I would be lucky to see playtime before the 20th. What is the deal? Anyone not on twitter at Bioware ATM?
  12. OH and if we were all playing, no one would be around to flame this entire process.
  13. I strongly feel that PVP is ruined due to the wide bracket system they have in place. So now we will have lv30 plus running around killing lv10's. I also feel the community crazyness of a big launch is ruined. Yet I seen the game already has gold sellers in it via a podcast, so ***, why did they get in and real players still waiting? Guild play is all messed up now, we are all going to be different levels now. The market place is already being taken over by the same greedy people who run them in all these games. Higher prices on all goods is never, good. Uneven playing field never feels good to anyone.
  14. YUP, would it be so bad really?
  15. Someone posted this for me and got to say,, epic.. enjoy, subscribe to him, he deserves it.
  16. They should rename this SWWOW at this point, I mean really? Looks like poor people get the backside of a wamp rat once again.
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