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Everything posted by wvsnl

  1. Thanks everyone for the helpfull info and tips. I have one question about the KDY though. If I want to play them while being under level 55 can I still get the story intro, ie the little talks with the quest givers as you would get when you are lvl 55. Or is the KDY only available via GF and the like? And additionaly, I do plan on playing at least all FP's once on any new characters for the story feeling. But once again thanks everyone for the advice, I plan on following it with my next chars.Thanks
  2. Hello everybody I am a returning player who is currently busy with his 4th toon. I love the leveling part of TOR especially because of the story on the planets and Char stories. However there is one thing which I have always hated, Heroic4. Not the quest itself mind you, but searching for a group, it always demotivates me to a point of frustration where you are with two players and are still searching for more, or if you cant even find a second player. I am not a excellent player so most times I cannot complete a heroic 4 with one other player. I do not mind doing a heroic 4 but knowing that a heroic 4 will appear in the next area frustrates me. So my question is, how do I level properly without doing all the heroic 4 and still get enough experience and good enough gear and commendations? Because heroics 4 often generate orange gear. I completely messed up crew skills so on my next toon I will focus on money making and after that Cybertech and Artifice on the next toons so I can focus on Mods and Enhancements for my chars and such. I have heard of running fp's to make up for lost xp, however I do not want to keep running the same few FP's over and over again. I havent played Galactic starfighter yet so I dont know if that generates anything. I am a sub btw so I do have a bonus there, and a 10%XP bonus from my guild. I do however like outlevel my content with two or three levels so I have a edge on the enemies. Yes I know it may be unnecessary but It is what I am comfortable with. So I would like to maintain that. Any ideas and tips would be appreciated. Thanks for the help in advance
  3. Hello all, a good friend of mine had a question about the skill Mind warp and its new function in 2.0 Here is his question: During appointing my skill points (Jedi Shadow, Balance Tree) I noticed "Mind Warp." It states it makes Mind Crush last 1 second longer. The second skill point does 2. So unmodified it does x-x damage instantly (don't recall) and at that moment did 2030 damage over 6 seconds. Applying one point it did the same x-x damage instantly and still 2030 damage. But now over 7 seconds. 2 points, still 2030 damage over time, this time 8 seconds. I mean... doesn't that make Mind Crush WORSE per invested skill point? Am I missing something here? Or is it seriously the worst skill ever, making a power less potent than more. Is it's function hidden or did BioWare really drop a ball here?
  4. I think that the last of November will also be in today, wouldn't make sense if they did not include you guys in it. There will be probably a small 6th wave with the rest of November in it. I have to say I am actually quite pleased with the speed of it all, when I pre-ordered (6th of December) I was afraid I would only get to play around the 19th. Anyway everybody enjoy the game, and the few people who still have to wait and are almost dying because of the waiting, try to get some distraction like playing Kotor I and II for example. It will help get you through all the stress I have found myself playing Football manager 2010 again ( don't think many Americans play it, but some Europeans will know what I am talking about ). Anyway see you all in the game
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