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Posts posted by Datku

  1. So I wonder if they are going to do the next three movies to take place after RoTJ which would probably be Lia and Hans kids. Or maybe go to after part 3 but before part 4? Honestly I really hope they would do Knights of the Old Republic time line maybe a Reven trilogy....his growth as a Jedi, his turn to the dark side and the foundry, then his redemption. Seems Reven would make an awesome trilogy. Or even Darth Bane to cover the end of the mass sith and the beginning of the rule of two etc. Its a rich universe I just hope Disney doesn't throw all the canon stories to the wind and just make a Darth Micky Mouse dancing and singing Its a Small world with a bunch of Ewoks.
  2. Which is Rakata without augments for EC HM.



    Wow I remember when EC first came out going in there on HM with full rakata no augments yet and slamming our heads against Toth and Zorn for 3 hours first day and another 2 hours or so the next day before 90% of our raid squad refused to go back in till everyone was minimally augmented. So we went back in augmented and got abused by Toth and Zorn yet again....enrage timers whole nine yards. Wasn't until several of us re-modded 61 mods/enhancements etc that we finally took them down. Tank fight was tough but doable. Maze was a dps race to kill probes fast enough to get out of minefield before enrage but most of the time that came down to path and how lucky we got but was a bit of a dps check to burn probes fast enough. Then getting to Kephess and being successful at burning the bombers down before they blew up (before they nerfed the fight and make the bombers last longer) let alone the Warrior + adds in the shield phases (even know a guild that couldn't get HM EC Kephess past 60% yet they clear HM TFB). Yea I want to see a guild clear HM EC in only un-augmented rakata with no BH pieces or mods. As I said I know some guild that clear TFB on farm now that can struggle in EC HM mainly Kephess fight. They can clear it but will take a few attempts while they one shot every HM fight in TFB and speed clear it. TFB just seems easier than EC and I know several guilds from my server that feel the same. Want to run HM TFB? Hell yeah!!! Want to run HM EC? Hell no!!!

  3. You guys are funny. My "list" was a recommendation if you want to go in and clear the content and not pound a nail into a board with your little...well you know what. Sure you can go in and do even HM TFB in full columni if you wanted to...wither you would be successful is a different question. Hell I know a couple of guilds that have HM TFB on farm status now (both 8 man and 16 man) yet still can have issues in HM EC. In many ways EC is harder than TFB but the dps "requirements", tanking health/defenses etc for HM TFB is what makes it "helpful" to have BH/Campaign gear going into it. Heck have some real fun...go into HM TFB with everyone in recruit gear. Nothing is going to stop you from going inside with recruit gear...your success maybe hard fought but you can ata boy yourselves on the back afterwards.


    Again my listing was what I have found to be the gear level for the most efficient and least painful makeup to succeed in the ops. If you want to go in under geared go for it...have fun....pat yourselves on your back to make yourself feel like you really accomplished something. I have found that many times an op that wipes over and over and over and over and over and over and over can be a bit frustrating so doing them at the exact gear level or under gear level is generally not a good idea for moral and success. Of course you can also go in a little under geared if the rest of your raid is well geared and willing to carry you through the content leading to thoughts that gear requirements are not as constrictive as other people think. Its nice to be carried through "tough" fights and can make people make comments like above about how "easy" it is regardless of gear. Most likely they have been carried through content by higher geared min/max's within their guilds.

  4. From my experience as a 61 mod lvl Marauder with a 63 main hand hilt....1200-1800 dps is the range you like to see depending on the fights. Some fights you get a good amount of dps time...others like operator there is enough down time while channeling/moving that 1k-1200 is sufficent. Now Kephess with the dmg debuff on him from pillers...2200-2400 dps is possible. Personally I range around 1200-1500 range in most cases and in favorable conditions can do 1800 to even 3k on some of the aoe pulls with cool downs. DPS can also record differently depending on parser...Mox (common one) is fairly accurate but a bit forgiving, SWMON is VERY forgiving and with the dps totals the OP is expecting makes me think that must be the parser he uses. AdvanceCombatTracker is very unforgiving and reports the lowest dps numbers. 1500 in Mox = 1800 in SWMON = 1100 in ACT. My mara is carange with 700 bonus dmg (1014 pwr) and primary 1036-1205. I am usually top dps or close to it (sometimes a sniper sneaks past me or even a few mercs have bested me on some fights). Your 1400 unstimmed, no adrenal, or pwr boosts is unreachable by most people unless they are in full 63 gear already.
  5. You can play neutral if you like. Leveling up you will see dark side / light side requirements on some items but everything end game has no requirements. Sure there are light side mounts and dark side mounts or you just buy the exact same mount on Voss that is brown instead of black or white. Play the game how you want without worrying about keeping light or dark sided. Other than titles and again a few items while leveling up (that are really nothing special) you really don't need to worry about alignment. Sure relics are tied to them but as others have said there are non-alignment relics out there as well.
  6. Well what gear is open for debate. You are at the first stage...get full Rakata. Now fully Augment your Rakata. Be sure to do you daily/weekly missions for BH coms. Gear progression is basically rakata, Black hole, campaign, hazmat, then dread guard. Black hole being a "generic" version of Campaign and Hazmat the generic version of Dread Guard.


    Now Bioware seems to have a different idea. They "suggest" that SM EC (Denova) can be done in columni gear since SM EC still only drops Rakata. So one would think their logic is that rakata then campaign but anyone who has done HM EC will tell you only Rakata gear is not going to cut it in HM EC. Even full augmented rakata is stretching it you really need to be picking up BH coms to get the BH gear or mods to run HM EC to get the campaign gear. Now once you either get campaign gear or full black hole geared augmented and customized you can head to HM TFB but pretty much everyone in the raid needs to be "61" gear level to defeat the bosses to get dread guard gear the current highest gear level.


    Again another issue is that Bioware's itemization is well lets say really really bad. Like they locked a monkey in a room with a keyboard smeared with banana's and let the random pounding of keys decided how to itemize the gear. I don't know any class that can take the default Black Hole + gear and use the pieces to maximize their character. No you will buy more BH pieces to yank mods out of them than you will actually use. For Marauders they seem to think endurance and crit are most important. Part of the debate...crit vrs power for marauders where do you stand? Personally I stand on the pwr side of the debate and as such I pretty much remodded my gear from BH and Campaign to maximize power so that my dps was worthy for doing HM Terror from Beyond (1200-1800dps is what is expected from all dps in there).


    Sadly even Dread Guard gear is the same as prior gears in which endurance and crit are favored over other stats which mean you will need multiple drops to yank mods out so you can actually craft a suit that is best for your class. If you are wanting to go the min/max route...yea you will need to get multiple pieces so you can swap out mods, enhancements and armoring. Or find a friendly crafters that can make 26 mods (gear level 61) or even buy 27 mods if your wealthy (gear lvl 63 mods). 27 mods expect to pay probably 2-8mil per (well for armoring and hilts/barrels for sure).


    So short version:


    HM EV/KP rakata gear is fine.

    SM EC augmented rakata gear but the more Black Hole gear you have the easier the run.

    HM EC: Augmented BH gear (you want the majority of your gear to have 61 gear level mods) and campaign gear.

    SM TFB: Augmented Rakata is minimal for a tough run. The more 61 modded gear you have the better off.

    HM TFB: Don't even think about it till your 100% 61 modded and augmented and even some 63 mods bought from crafters.

  7. Was thinking would be nice if you could use cartell coins to unbind equipment to send to your alts. Make it unbind to legacy or what ever if you want to prevent raid gear on the GTN. For example I have a bounty hunter but on my Marauder I have the Bounty Hunter Rakata token. Could use Cartell coins to unbind the token to send to my BH to use. Any discussion?
  8. Looks good. But as a paying subscriber, why are you giving the F2p people only 3 Warzones per week???????? This shouldn't even be on the table, either unlimited or a high number, I want these people to increase the number of Warzones running on the servers especially in off peek, 3 Warzones is nothing, it's just nothing, what if they get in a Warzone that has 1 minute left. End of story that number most rise or the whole of the Internet will lash out on swtor again.


    You just have to increase that number. If you want to give the a taste.


    Umm Free to Play doesn't mean give everything away for free. Means you can play for free but if you want anything extra its gonna cost ya. See so many people saying what only 3 WZ matches a week? That isn't going to help that needs to be increased for reasons X, Y, X, AA, BB, CC etc. What I am hearing is "Wahhh I wanted to F2P but all I do is PvP and now I am going to be limited to only 3 matches a week?" You want to PvP pay for more matches or subscribe. All you PvP types have convinced the Production team that the real money in a MMO is from the PvP crowd....that the PvE crowd is a necessarily evil but the real bang for a MMO is PvP. So yea 3 matches a week works out well to motivate the big PvP money train to either sub or buy more matches. Consider the 3 WZ matches a teaser to get you to buy more. If you give 20-30 matches a week as some people are pushing for, then the majority of PvP players (ie the big money as you PvPers claim) will have no reason to subscribe or buy content yet still demand your voices be heard above all others when it comes to changes and class balance.

  9. Ummm kind of the point of F2P. Free to play doesn't mean you get "everything". You get a little and if you want more then you pay to play. How else are you expecting them to profit from F2P? You do realize they are still looking to profit right? Too many people complainned that 15 dollars a month was too much to afford. Very likely the F2P players could end up spending more than that a month to enjoy what paying subscribers get. F2P maybe the method MMORPG's are going but the reality of it is F2P opens the doors for companys to charge a fee for virtually anything and everything.


    Player: "I am a PvPer...I don't do flash points or operations so why should I have to pay for those as part of my month sub?"


    BW: "Ok sir we can offer you F2P where you don't have to pay for access to parts of the game you don't want to play."


    Player: "Sweet all I want to do is PvP!"


    BW: "You can PvP as a F2P player but you are limited to 3 warzones a week."


    Player: "What? That's BS why such a low limit?"


    BW: "Well you can buy an unlimited weekly PvP pass for only 5 dollars."


    Player: "Oh really, ok thats not so bad. Thanks for the info."


    BW: *Leans over to talk to operator next to him. "Just got another sucker. $5 dollars a week to play unlimited warzones only LOL." "Comes to $20 a month and they can't even do additonal Flash points or Operations."


    BW#2: "Yea but a monthly sub is only $15 dollars why spend more for just PvP access?"


    BW: "Why indeed...the old saying theres a sucker born every minute."

  10. None...well actually did get speeder 3 training on one of alts but other than that have not bought any of them. I understand they are money sinks but then I tend to keep a couple million credits on hand and don't have 5 mil + to blow on jet boost let alone any of the other over priced luxury perks. I would be all for reducing cost of the perks the higher your legacy level is actually.
  11. Good luck getting a reply that makes any sense from support. Example: A few weeks ago I put in a ticket for not getting BH Coms after a group finder SM EV run. Honestly I think of say 5 times I have done a SM EV/KP run via group finder only once have I actually been awarded the BH coms. Most of the times I just say yet another example of fine programming and QA work done and go about my business. 5 BH coms are not going to break me since I have a stock of them already.


    Anyway after this one run I decided to go ahead and put in a ticket. So I send in a ticket simple enough. Ran Story Mode EV via the group finder on 9-22-2012 on the Shadowlands server with So&so as raid lead and did not receive BH coms on completion. Pretty straight forward report with relevant data to verify conditions. 3 days later I get a response. Ok not bad...some people had been claiming that support was really slow at responding to such issues.


    Open up message and its Protocol droid something or another informing me that my character named ######## has been moved to the Imperial Fleet and that I should now be able to log into it again. Hmmm...ok I submit a ticket that I didn't get BH coms from a group finder SM EV run and somehow a character I never created has been moved to Imperial Fleet and is ready to be logged into. Wow they must be busy poor little protocol droid is all confused.



    Anyway I responded back with the wrong support resolution, referenced the original ticket number, and re-explained the issue. A week and a half goes by when I finally get a response on the ticket. However, it was not a resolution...they said I did not provide enough information about what the problem was, when it happened, and what was expected. Apparently they can not even reference their own support ticket numbers to understand what happened. So somewhere out there a character was moved to fleet but its real owner was probably awarded 5 BH coms for completing a group finder SM EV even though their ticket was about a stuck character. Meanwhile I get notified a character that I have not created (or for that matter even exists on my server) has been moved to Fleet and is ready to be logged into. And now apparently there is no record of either ticket for support to reference.



    Ah support....

  12. Don't ya know...no one PvE's in this game. Its all about PvP. If you PvE you are doing it wrong and need to go back to Hello Kitty online. If this game is going to survive its going to be on the subscriptions of all the PvPer's not the wussy PvE carebears.


    One thing I could never understand....not just concerning BIoware but MMO's in general. They ALWAYS listen to the PvPer's. Why? They make the most noise. Reality is though that most true PvPer's don't tend to stay in any game for a long time. Usually PvPer's flood into a new game believing all the hype thinking this one is finally going to do it right. They then begin to make suggestions on how to fix things...usually by fix things they want everyone but themselves nerfed. After all PvPer's are pro players and if they ever get defeated its because of either busted game mechanics or someone is cheating. No one can be better than a PvP player. They are gods. They know whats best. And if they don't get it they will quit and the game will fail.


    Reality is though...I actually know more people that refuse to PvP any more (90% of them since the last major patch over did expertise). Not just in this game...this trend has been happening for several MMO releases over the last 5+ years. PvPers come in, make demands, cry, scream, shout, threaten till changes are made that ultimately ticks off the PvE crowd. PvP changes that at times does more dmg to the PvE aspect of the game than resolve PvP issues. They don't care about PvE players because the life of any online game is PvP...at least in their eyes. These are the people that come into a game, push for major changes, then quit and chase after the next great PvP game. Meanwhile the real bread and butter subscriptions...the raiding, social, PvE crowd sometimes have their entire play experience changed by fleeting PvP players here this month and gone next month.


    Game company's never learn. There are soooo many examples of how PvP changes has destroyed MMO's over the years. The destruction is not to PvP but to the PvE aspect. PvP players come and go. PvP players are like unmediated ADHD children running around without direction. Pumped about the new game but bored with it just as fast and moving on to the next great game. Meanwhile, the PvE crowd is abused over and over with class changes due to PvP that at times change the very playstyle of a class alienating PvE players who really play their characters and could care less about valor rank and score board numbers. Game company's loose sight of the subs that will be most loyal to them and their greatest investors to appease a subset of subs that will show no loyalty and rarely show any real longevity to any game. Its happened before, its happening now, and it will happen again.

  13. Its not going to be any different than how you twink your gear now. In just about every case Black hole gear (Even campaign gear) was not a clear upgrade path over Rakata or even Columni. Its all about swapping mods around to make a true set of gear. I can only hope this is the goal of the itemization team and they are not 1000% clueless when it comes to gear stats. Seriously, the way "top" end gear is itemized makes you think its all just randomly generated. Over use of crit and surge, reduction in power for dps classes, lost health and defenses for tanks. Many people I know (myself included) have spent more BH coms ripping mods out and replacing mods than actual BH gear. Heck even Campaign gear you end up swapping mods out of it because the Itemization SUCKS. Guess that is Biowares idea of return play....have you chase after a new tier of gear but then itemize it so horribly that you have to continue to chase pieces of the new tier gear to rip out and swap mods around to actually make an upgrade set.
  14. Wow your guys numbers are WAY off. He said BH coms not dailys.


    You get 5 BH coms daily for doing 1HM Flash Point via the LFD tool. This is the only daily so can be repeated 7 times a week. Doesn't matter if you do Black Talon or Lost Island...you get 5 coms per day.


    You can get 8 BH coms weekly by finishing the KuS/LI series quest.

    You can get 5 BH coms weekly from doing a SM EV via the LFD tool.

    You can get 5 BH coms weekly from doing a SM KP via the LFD tool.

    You can get 6 BH coms weekly from completing the Black Hole Series of quests (Dailys plus EoT).

    You can get 12 BH coms weekly from completing Nightmare Mode KP.

    You can get 20 BH coms weekly from completing EC SM.

    You can get 28 BH coms weekly from completing EC HM.

    You can get 8 BH coms Weekly completing the EC Weekly.

    You can get 4 BH Coms Weekly by killing Nightmare Pilgrim.


    So total per WEEK you can get is 131 BH coms.

  15. I am a power build carnage Mara. Seen lots of debate over which is better for carnage...power or crit. Seen arguments for either side of the debate but I have gone the power route. I don't really PvP much any more so mine is just a PvE plan. Right now have mostly rakata gear and a couple pieces of black hole gear. I have also swapped out mods in my rakata with BH mods and fully augmented in a mix of str/end and pwr/end augments. Also using crafted belt and bracers with the 26 mod and armoring. I know my crit rate is low but by focusing on power my general dmg is high enough to counter the lower crit. Fully buffed with exotech stim I am sitting around 2138 str, 694 bonus dmg (like 1013 power or something like that) making my primary hand range 1000-1153. My surge is at 77% (over the 75 due to the adept 26mods having pwr and surge) but my crit is only at 25%. Acc is at 101%


    I can still do 1400+ dps using ACT on raid operations dummy for a 4-5min parse. Yes Ani is still touted as the highest dps version of mara due to dots/bleeds and some would tell you that having a low crit rate is death but from my own experiences and comparing to one of our raiding annihilation mara I am not seeing it. My power/bonus dmg is crazy and I believe that the over all boost to my standard and ability dmg makes up for my lower crit rating. I have the surge that when I do crit I get the big crits (5-6k force screams, 4-5k vicious throws, 6-7k ravage dmg etc). I am still looking at how I can tweak a bit more to squeeze more crit out but I have stacked a lot of pwr and for me its working rather well. I am sure some will say your doing it wrong but to each their own. Big debate over which is better for carnage. Some say crit others say power...I have gone the power route and have been very satisfied and effective.


    Having said that, it's a bit of a mystery to me why people have now taken to spamming general chat with "mdps LFG" etc. I appreciate your honesty, but you should know that isn't helping you find a group.


    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.;)



    Not always. In some cases a mdps is actually preferred to a rdps. Seen many times when ops are forming that they specifically look for mdps like Marauders for example in EC. Actually you can even do the first fight there Toth and Zorn with all melee if they are smart and swap targets like the tanks do regarding the fearfull debuff. I can name 3 times in the last two weeks where I posted DPS lfg NMKP or SM/HM EC and got nothing but as soon as I said mdps (mara) LFG NMKP or SM/HM EC I got an invite within seconds.


    As you say now you know that some situations mpds is sought after or even preferred.

  17. And if she has said it would but then some unforeseen thing stopped it being fixed?


    Exactly. With this "community" if any EA/Bio employee were to say next week there will be a day ending in y, there would be at least a full page of posts crying/complaining that there was 7 days ending in y and not just a day. Around here you're Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

  18. Well technically when the game goes Free to play you can have a lifetime membership for free and not have to pay a monthly sub anymore. Now if you want to do anything else it will cost ya.


    Seriously all these CE players that feel entitled because they spent $150 dollars for the game....its not like they also got a limited edition statue, music cd, map, art book, security key, plus digital items...oh wait they did. So there you have it...EVERYONE can have a life time membership for free once the game goes free to play....your welcome.

  19. get real people bought ce for that store and got nothing yes we demand more we want more


    If you bought the CE for the digital store only then that was your fault. Even back when the packages were first announced before pre-orders and all through Beta the digital store was going to be fluff and nothing more. Was said over and over and over and over that the digital store was not going to be some super item store for the CE buyers. The value of the CE was in the PHYSICAL items not the digital store. If you went CE for the digital store then again...your problem for placing too much value on the wrong thing. There was sooo many threads on the beta forums from people warning everyone don't buy the CE for the store, don't buy the CE for the store, don't buy the CE for the store you will be disappointed. The "big" prize for the CE was the Malgus Statue...limited edition. The music CD was also a bonus but pretty much a standard of any CE version of a game along with the art book. And the security doggle saved you from having to order one or use Android/iPhone app. Since you keep missing it will say it one last time...the VALUE OF YOUR CE BOX IS THE "LIMITED EDITION" PHYSICAL ITEMS that ONLY CE got. Not even the box version of the deluxe edition got any of those items only you...the special CE buyers got those items for spending more. The CE store was Fluff and nothing else. I am sorry if you bought the CE only for the store thinking you were special or better than others...your not, the only way you are special is by you Darth Malgus Statue. Enjoy it.

  20. Ok so all the people moaned and now bioware is making a special item for DD edition of the game, ok so give it the collectors edition then i payed £130 to get all + more items, if you make an item for DD and don't give it to CE then i shall be very annoyed. don't think you can give someone who payed half the price unique items CE don't get, i payed for the FU CE store for god sakes and nothing is added to that but a dam pet in 7 months everyone got a better version of free anyway.



    Yes because the Malgus statue, the Music CD, the art book, the doggle security key, and the rest of the extra's in the CE don't justify the added cost from what the DD got. Nope none of that has any value to explain the cost difference at all....get real. There are much bigger and better things to QQ over than this. While I will agree that maybe adding something different for the DD that isn't CE is a bit odd, digitally they should get the same things...the rewards for the CE were the physical items in the collector's edition....and the mouse droid I suppose. You have already been rewarded for spending the extra money. Deluxe and Collector editions should have the same in game item/bonuses/gifts. The difference between the two should be the physical items you seem to have forgotten you already got.



    Again...the value of the CE was the limited edition physical items. That is what you paid more for...PHYSICAL ITEMS not digital rewards. Like others have said...some people that got the CE think they are special and deserve more than others because they paid more. Yet they always forget about the physical items they got the and value of them.

  21. Answers based on my experience with the class. I may not be a 100% number crunching pro marauder but I don't do too bad. Currently lvl 50 Carnage Mara in rakata/black hole augmented gear. Just shy of 2100 str buffed and stimed, and about 650 bonus dmg. My crit chance is a bit lower than I would like but then as Carnage doesn't seem crit is as important since you have procs that increase or guarantee crits, and my surge is just about in the sweet zone (70-75%).



    1. In PvE, which skill tree works best against single, strong opponents (mission bosses, mobs and champions)?

    - Annihilation

    - Carnage


    IMO Carnage. If you have your cool downs up, fury built up, carnage can burst dmg quickly. Mobs you kill quickly, champion mobs can last a bit longer but again if you use Quinn soloing for heals, I really didn't have problems with champion mobs leveling up. Weak mobs die in 3 or 4 base attacks...or a good force scream and a pummel and they are dead or a ravage will kill a weak mob in one attack, with zerk up they die in maybe two massacre hits. Silvers die within the course of a single zerk massacre spam. Golds go to less than 50% within one zerk, if you also gore/ravage/force scream as part of that burst you can take the gold to less than 20% or even kill it.



    2. In PvE, which skill tree works best against groups of medium opponents (the standard three-man groups)?

    - Annihilation

    - Carnage


    Once a mara gets going they can burn through 3 mob groups like butter I think with pretty much any build. Jump to one group wipe them out, leap to next group wipe them out, and just continue along that way. Rage spec however focuses more on smash which is an aoe attack so purely in terms of AoE dmg...Rage maybe the better build. Anni/Carn each get 2 base aoe attacks smash and swirling blade I think its called. Smash is good because of the stun on weak mobs and does decent dmg, the other one can burn your rage really fast and does medium dmg (unless you zerk and use it as Carnage...less rage cost and .5 sec global cooldown makes it a decent aoe attack with a full rage bar to burn).



    3. In PvE, which skill tree is more balanced in the means of dealt and sustained DPS (constantly deals similar amounts of damage)?

    - Annihilation

    - Carnage


    Would say Anni would be more consistent dmg. Carnage does good dmg but is more bursty in general. Its all about debuffs, procs, and rotations and not quite as forgiving as Annihilation for stable dps. As someone once explained to me...Anni is good utility (heals from bleeds) and consistent dmg. Carn is fast attacks and burst dmg, Rage is more for AoE dmg.



    4. In PvE, which skill tree gives more survivability to the character (allows more damage to be received before dying)?

    - Annihilation

    - Carnage


    Annihilation will take this one simply because of the ability to gain baby heals on crit bleeds and the Annihilation berserk that heals you and your group. Pretty much all mara's get a good set of defensive cooldowns. Two shields that reduce dmg taken on different cooldowns, and Undying Rage that gives 99% dmg reduction for 5 seconds (costs you 50% of your remaining health) make a great last ditch effort ability. I think the healing options that Anni maras get from the bleeds give them a slight edge in survivability.



    5. In PvE, which skill tree is more efficient (kills the enemy quicker)?

    - Annihilation

    - Carnage


    My preference is Carnage. Carnage is all about fast attacks, gore/ravage and force screams. Can focus burn down a target very quickly thanks to the burst capability of Carnage.


    6. In PvE, which skill tree is more effective (looks more spectacular ;) )?




    Again Carnage for me. Carnage use Ravage religiously which has a cool sequence, and a zerked carnage mara spamming massacre looks like a Cuisinart on puree. Mara in general have pretty flashy attacks due to duel wielding but I am a bit biased to Carnage for the speed of attacks.



    7. In PvE, which skill tree would you recommend (your personal favourite)?

    - Annihilation

    - Carnage


    Some people recommend anni for leveling up because of the utility of self heals meaning you could get away with using a dps companion to speed up kills instead of always using Quinn you healer. I pretty much leveled up from 10-50 as Carnage and always used Quinn to keep me alive while I just went crazy attacking anything and everything that moved. Carnage kills quickly but you will have down time unless you use Quinn and if you use Quinn you loose out of companion dps. Anni might not kill as fast as carnage but in many cases your bleed heals will be enough to sustain you while you use a DPS companion which will allow you to kill quicker as well. So really hard to say...more preference I suppose. Don't know Rage well enough to comment if its any good or not. You see a lot of Anni mara leveling up and raiding and even in PvP so you can't go wrong with Annihilation. With the 1.2 changes Carnage gain popularity and was on the edge of being a FOTM spec. Its strong, its fun, but seems some still prefer Annihilation over Carnage. You will find though most Carnage Mara swear by Carnage and most Anni mara's swear by Annihilation, so really its down to your playstyle and choice. Try them both out...respecs are not that expensive unless you do it several times in a row per week...give them each a try and see which one you like more.

  22. Battlemaster will get you in most hard FP groups and some hard ops if you know the people


    See this is kind of BS to me. Prior to 1.2 PvP gear worked in PvE, and PvE gear worked in PvP because expertise was a joke. 1.2 they inflated expertise to the point where PvE gear is useless in PvP. Good some will say...you shouldn't PvP with PvE gear anyways. Well then you shouldn't be able to PvE with PvP gear either.


    You have the PvPer's crying that PvE gear shouldn't work in PvP because not everyone wants to raid. Well again same argument back at you. Not everyone wants to PvP all the time maybe a game here or there for fun but if you try to PvP with PvE gear you will get so ticked off you will never PvP again. Heck Bio tried to "help" out by giving away full recruit gear so even PvE players could have some PvP gear but the difference between recruit and even Battlemaster is like trying to wear greens in a Hard Mode. Just doesn't work. Yet PvPer's can take their gear and run HM and even OP's without much issue. Full Rakata PvE gear gets owned by even a recruit geared PvP player now. Heck even Top PvE gear like Black hole/ Campaign is useless in PvP, but again mid level PvP gear can be used for all PvE content short of EC (Denova).


    If PvPer's and Bioware want to make PvE gear useless in PvP like it is now...then PvP gear should be useless in PvE. PvP gear shouldn't even be good enough to run normal mode Flashpoints let alone HM's and Ops.

  23. Sometimes white hat players will cut prices even at a lost when others are profiteering. Some profit is not a bad thing but when you see people listing at 10x even 20x the cost to make something two types of people come out. Those that want to jump on the inflated costs to profit. Generally these people will keep the costs high as long as they can. Then you have the people that purposely undercut to drive prices down. At one time on my old server stim costs were out the roof. Talking 30-50k per proto-type stim. That is crazy. I actually leveled biochem up because I was tried of paying such high prices. Once I got to 300 and saw they were still so inflated I used the 30k to buy the diplomacy mats in stacks of 99. Then crafted and dumped them on the market for 12k per. I am sure some of the inflators bought mine out to resell at their inflated prices and others scooped them up at the bargain prices. I as still making enough that I could go buy stacks of mats and list another 20+ stims at 12k vrs the 40k others where wanting. It only took about 2 days before the "standard" cost for proto-type stims to drop down to the 12-15k range. To me that was a perfectly acceptable cost and the profiteers moved else where because even up to merges...I mean transfers proto-type stims never inflated back up where they had been.


    Sure I was hated by some crafters for killing the market but they were pushing costs way to high so I crashed their market :p Saw the same thing happen shortly after 1.3 with the augment kits. They went from 250-300k per down to 65k in two days by someone else doing something similar.

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