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Everything posted by Datku

  1. HAHAHAHAhahahaha deep breath HAHAHAHAHhahahaha. Ah evil PvP ganker upset they can't farm valor during PvE event eh. I mean seriously....did you REALLY think Bioware would re-establish the PvP exploiting on Ilum from launch? I could see it already. Bioware announces new event on Ilum. PvPer's translate this to mean the new event will be Open World PvP WOOT!!! Glorious memories of the days of forming a zerg and then play Red Rover Red Rover sending one person at a time to the other side to be ganked I mean farmed for valor. Oh the valor levels gained and coms earned. Tis was perfection on an exploitative scale that is sorely missed among the "elite" PvPers. But still as someone pointed out there are normal Event quests and then there are PvP event quests. Greater event rewards for those willing to go to the PvP sections (even if they are free for all sections) for the added risk but no real farming method or reward for the PvPer's that only want to be disruptive and interfere with other peoples game play. Sorry can't help but laugh at the hopeful PvPers that were drooling over the assumption they would be able to gank freely and be rewarded for it during this event. Did you really think Bioware would be stupid enough to truly embrace open world PvP and "force" players that want to participate in the event to be sheep for all the wolves just waiting to turn the snowscape frozen red with blood and tears and reward the PvPer's for it? Nice swap there Bioware....feed the trolls...I mean the PvPer's with expectations of a feeding frenzy only to yank away their "reward". Free for all PvP limited to single group sizes....pure genius not only does it prevent zergs from running wild but presents targeting issues and friendly fire risks that could turn even your own faction into enemies running you down for trying to gank...I mean PvP while others try to participate in the event.
  2. I can't believe anyone is still QQing about sorcs/sages after they got brutally raped in 1.2. At least any dps version of them...guess they still good for healing. But the bubble stun has been around since forever. Now granted prior to the 1.2 nerf not many people speced into it so maybe it wasn't as readily complained about...oh wait IT WAS. The issue isn't with the bubble stun but with resolve no need to butcher an already destroyed class. But I can see it now...nerf sages/sorcs again to the point no one plays it then see the forums swamped by people (probably this same poster) QQing about no healers in PvP. OMG that player healed themself NERF. QQ no one ever heals in PvP. Probably just another elitist upset they can't just pound everyone and anyone into pulp with no risk to themselves. Way PvP is so broken in this game right now I am surprised anyone even bothers anymore. Those that do should just accept that the current state of PvP is all compliments of their QQing and "suggestions". Reap what you soe. Aren't ya glad the devs listened to all the "experienced" PvPer's out there LOL.
  3. Are you looking at your force bonus dmg or your melee bonus dmg? Not sure how you coming up with 1083 bonus dmg and 1338 power while having 40% crit as well (edit: Ah just noticed you said force crit not melee crit but still not sure numbers are adding up)... I am full 63 geared (well minus my helm armor and leg armor) unless you are still using two PvP pwr relics? My main hand primary dmg high end is around 1242 with 63 hilts. If I use two PvP relics yea I can push 1300 pwr but that only takes my melee bonus dmg up to under 800 not 1083. Now with on use pwr relic and attack adrenal I can push my melee bonus dmg almost to 1k but that also changes my pwr totals to around 1800+ for a few seconds.
  4. Yea spec makes a difference. Not real sure what the golden stat is for rage marauders if they are a power based or crit based build. I think I remember that rage is more power based for the huge smashes. Annihilation is more crit based for bleeds and heals. Carnage, people debate crit or power. Myself I am a carnage marauder power focused. I actually currently have no +crit on any gear so my crit bonus comes from my strength only. My crit is low by the 35% standard so many use....mine is around 26% buffed But my bonus dmg is anywhere from 735 to 742 depending on stim. Notice I said bonus dmg....my actual power is between 1100 and 1200 depending on stim. I am WAY over the power diminishing returns point and possibly even into a high end sweet spot where the extra pwr is a boost. My strength I want to say is just shy of 2200. Buffed I have just over 21k health now as well. Run about 77% on surge. Dps wise I tend to be in the top dmg done raiding in HM TFB. Some preach high crit and surge then power. I am Sith and crave power so I have stacked almost as much power as I can (do have a mix of str/end and pwr/end augments actually more str/end than pwr go figure). My Mods, and enhancements are power based not crit based. Some will say I am doing it wrong others will say as carnage my way is the only way to build the character. For me stacking power has worked and even against an equally gear level carnage mara that stacked crit over power I destroy him on the parses but he still insists that crit is the way to go. Kind of goes back to the argument that comes up in every game...is it better to front load dmg or look at dmg over time. Power builds would be the front loaders and crit would be the dmg over time sides of the debate in this game it seems. High crit may mean you crit more often but if you only have 560 bonus dmg vrs me at 742 bonus dmg your crits are about equal to my normal hits and while I may not crit all the time when I do its much higher than a crit builds best crit. For example taking crit out of it as a carnage mara using force scream with the 100% crit buff up I do 6-7k force screams where as a crit based carnage mara will do around 4k to just shy of 6k on a good day. Conditions right (bloodthirst, pwr use relic, attack adrenal, 100% crit buff for scream) and I do 21-22k on a force scream against Kephess in TFB HM and the highest I have seen was just a hair over 24k. My opposite that is crit based has yet to break 20k under similar conditions. So yea the old debate which is better higher base dmg and less crits or lower base dmg but more crits. Which wins out as the highest dps? Short fights or burst situations I say Power builds win. Longer fights the crit builds balance out most of the time and can even exceed on occasion but its minimal at best from what I have seen. Carnage vrs Carnage I support Power over Crit. Carnage vrs Annihilation...a crit based anni build tends to slightly edge out the burst of Carnage during long fights. As for Rage spec Mara's....have not seen many of them in PvE they tend to live more in PvP but believe they are also a power base build since they can guarantee crits on smash like carnage can guarantee crits on force screams.
  5. Datku

    Hit issues

    I remember when the game first came out there was a lot of theory crafting about hit rates. Generally the "goal" for accuracy was about 110% for raiding. For normal content/palyers 100% is all you need and anything over that reduces the targets defenses (ie easier to hit). But raid bosses have a natural +10 so to speak so you wanted 110% against raid bosses. I don't know anyone with 110% accuracy so really not sure if that theory from early game was true or in line or what. Force attacks have a natural 100% hit rate hence why accuracy on a sorc or sage is a waste. Seems the "goal" is a min of 100% accuracy for melee and physical dmg range (snipers/gunslingers/mercs/commandos etc). That said I can see even at 101.86% accuracy on my marauder that I still miss even against normal mobs occasionally. Run something like ACT that tracks misses and you will see a percentage of misses for main hand and even more for off hand (off hand only has 60% accuracy anyways). So really not sure how much or how little accuracy you really need. I know some tanks or melee that have no accuracy bonus at all and only have about 90% from buffs and natural and they tank and hold agro as well as a tank with 105% accuracy. Seen another mara with 90% accuracy put out comparable dps to myself just shy of 102%. So who really knows I guess. Theory nowadays seems to be you want to have 100% anything over is wasted but have seem some that go lower and don't seem to have any more or less issues with misses as someone that is 100% or higher.
  6. HM LI still requires at least a couple competent and over geared players if you are going to pull a lesser geared player through it. Even then if they are a complete noob to LI and don't know the fights its iffy. Now me personally, I don't bother gear checking anyone outside of the LI HM run. Any other HM I could care less. I generally will look at the health of each member to get an idea of gear level. I check the tank out to see if he has a decent amount of health but don't check his gear. If the tank has 15k health I know hes under geared so I usually check the healer out to see if they are on the over geared side. If the healer is a bit weak as well then I know it might be a painful run but I stick around. I am full 63 gear dps so I can make up for a lot of the short comings from new to 50's or under geared party members. That said HM LI I will look again at the health of each member. A tank with 13k health is not going to complete HM LI. Really a tank under 20k is a bad idea in there but a tank with 18-19k health is doable if the healer is overgeared as well as at least one of the dps. When I see such low health I will inspect them to see if they are in PvP gear and if so ask them if they have normal gear or not. If they don't or only have tionese gear then I won't even leave the shuttle...again a 15k health tank and a 12k health healer with 300-400 bonus healing...its not going to happen. They just don't have the health or the bonuses to survive some of the encounters. First boss tank is low health takes a couple big hits, doesn't interrupt incinerate, stands in fire/bubbles for a few seconds...they just don't have the health pool for a healer to save them and if the healer has low bonus healing they just won't be able to heal enough to keep a low health tank alive through all the extra dms going on and having to be on the move or die to bubbles/adds etc. Second boss fight is a pain in the arse for heals because of the dots. I actually hate healing that fight on my 61 geared sorc more than any other fight in there. End boss again all about experience. How to move the boss, avoiding dmg, strafing, etc. HM LI is a big change from HM BT. HM LI is the only HM I will leave group if we get a low geared tank/healer. I have suffered through too many attempted runs with under geared players to even bother attempting now. Heck I remember one such time we had a new lvl 50 tank with about 16k health buffed and an inexperienced melee dps that had fairly low gear as well. The healer was a 18-19k healer so not new but not maxed yet. We gave it a shot...more than a shot like 2 hours attempting on the first boss in HM LI. Turns out the healer was actually pretty good but the weak tank and poor melee dps just wasn't cutting it. Now I was on my Mara so was the double whammy....under geared tank and two melee dps. Usually the other dps died off within the first 20% of the boss...couldn't figure out that fire was bad and electro bubbles were equally as bad. The tank usually managed to live till around 60%. Then it was down to my marauder and this merc healer. Several times it was just him and I left on the boss from 60% on and we would get the boss down to 25% or less (12% was our best run) before we died due to enrage not bubbles or adds or fire. Now this merc healer impressed me. He kept a marauder alive tanking the boss and even brought the adds to me to aoe down as I dps the boss while keeping me alive. If it hadn't been for enrage timer the two of us would have finished off the boss on several attempts. Eventually the other dps left and the tank left and I held on to the healer and pulled in a tank and dps from my guild and we finished the run one shooting everything. Added the merc to friends and have ran with him a few more times. He impressed me. But anyway....end of long winded post. I generally don't bother checking people out for HM runs because for most of them I am so over geared that I can make up for any shortcomings others in the group may have be it lack of experience or gear. But HM Lost Island is the only HM I will inspect people and I have a pretty good idea of what is needed gear level wise to even hope to clear it. I have spent hours in there and several hundred thousand credits in repairs trying to run with lesser geared players that now I won't do it. Need to have a minimum level of gear to do the run...experience doesn't really matter...I can explain all the fights and give tips from running it so much that experience is nice but I can explain if needed. Gear though, you got to have a level of gear if you have any hope of clearing it and PvP gear doesn't cut it
  7. Ah yes I loved Halaa. I spent many hours circling the zone looking for targets on my netherdrake. Only problem is I got known well enough that if the horde saw me airborn in the area they would not attack Halaa unless they had crazy numbers or even run back to a town. Many times I would swoop in on my drake to a fight going on and as soon as I got close to ground jump off and engage only to see many Horde spot me circling back towards them and running to the cliff walls and jumping off Was actually pretty funny...if I was flying about without my helm showing it was a sign I wasn't up for PvP at the time and the horde didn't worry...but if they saw me in air with my helm showing they knew I was hunting and that's when they would run away LOL. Even had some friends on the horde side of my server confirm that fact and told me that pretty much any time I was spotted in the Halaa zone I was identified and called out as a warning...Muhahahaha. Just because we had the number 1 arena warlock on our server that was scared to face me on my BM Hunter I became a legend
  8. Wow had flying mounts although they limited where they could be used for a while. Reason being that in many areas of the world there was no real volume to things...window dressing so to speak and if you could fly you would see all the rough areas that needed to be fixed and it wasn't a priority. Maybe when they did cataclysm or whatever it was they allowed flying mounts in the old world areas prior to that it was just the Burning Crusades area and later parts of Lich King lands. Aion also had a flight ability. The abyss you could fly all over but you had limited time before you became "exhausted" and fell out of the sky. You could expand your flight time or use potions to replenish flight time. There was also a couple of world area's that you could fly again limited time. Although you could glide just about anywhere (abyss or real world). The biggest issue though with flying mounts/abilities comes from the PvP perspective. Imagine that...PvP always tend to screw things up whining about one thing or another. Anyway the big "whine" from WoW was that it bypassed PvP. You could just fly over people and avoid PvP if you wanted to and of course all the PvP griefers cried oceans full over the fact that people could actually get around them. Although there was some success in also claiming that it bypassed to many area's in game...where effort went into scenery or mob placements that were being lost or skipped by people with flying mounts. That the world was more empty because people just flew from one point to the next instead of running. And of course the whine of those that had and those that didn't. Those that didn't have flying mounts cried that it was unfair that those with flying mounts could by pass mobs to get to objectives while they had to go on ground and clear the path of mobs to get to the same objective. Now here's the kicker....at a certain level EVERYONE could get a flying mount (a cheap slow one or a more expensive fast one). But that was just a detail that whiners neglected to talk about (like a lvl 70 would need an objective in a lvl 50 area...reality it was more of a gathering material whine than anything else...flyers could gather lower lvl mats faster than lower levels could gather the same mats). Heck even in Aion there was QQ's over flight. Aion had portals you could go through randomly that put you in the other factions lands for PvP. Some cried that gliding ruined PvP because people could glide to get away or glide to run people down that try to get away. Or in the abyss where everyone could fly they would QQ because someone dropped wings on them and suicides when they got jumped by 10+ enemy's. Actually that was a bit of fun...you could drop wings and free fall for a few seconds before auto death...but when chased you could drop wings and possibly get far enough from the attackers when you popped wings to get clear if they chased after you then you just auto died to prevent them from getting the kill on you...more so if you were a ranked player like a general or something. Now I have enjoyed flight in any MMO I have played that had it...and wished more had it. But there is a loud voice against flight in MMO's from people that think it breaks immersion (and generally those that claim this don't even play on RP servers where they are getting immersed and it might have a valid point) . Generally though its the PvPer's on PvP servers crying the loudest to keep flight out of the games because it takes away from their ability to terrorize and gank people forced to follow certain paths through areas they can stalk like highway robbers. Missing a statue or other details scattered throughout various MMO worlds really don't matter to most people mounts are to get from point A to point B the fastest possible. Besides when it comes to exploration you can do sooo much more with flight discoveries than Mario style rock jumping or clipping graphics to get up sides of mountains etc. I would support more flight options in SWTOR or really any MMO, but my voice is not nearly as loud as the PvP griefers voices.
  9. Las time I did anything but FP's out at Ilum was back when you had two zergs one republic, one empire kill trading to "farm" PvP valor. Switching towers to boost Valor gains then letting the enemy get them back to do the same before they handed the towers back over to your side etc. And if you actually tried to do any "real" pvp you got zerged by the valor farmers for ruining their exploit. So yea...Ilum and PvP has a very bad reputation for me and others when it was abused so heavily early on. New event on Ilum will turn into the old Ilum as soon as people figure out how to abuse it for valor gain just like before.
  10. Huh? The original ST series was all about fighting aliens and how many different alien women Kirk could bed. You talk about ST having deep meaning well now you are talking about TNG. I actually liked the old school feel to the new ST. Instead of clean prefab lines and futuristic look to the ships he made the ship look like older technology. An engine room that was like a naval warship. Rustic even. And referring to the Voyage home as classic ST? *** are you smoking? That was the time when things started to get very weird and way to politically correct. The first ST movie yea it was like 2001...really out there and odd. Wrath of Khan arguably the best ST feature film even Search for Spock wasn't too bad although was getting more touchy feely even then. After that the ST movies sucked. The ST-TNG movies ALL SUCKED except maybe for Nemesis. Series wise...TNG was politically correct to its fault. Hey I like Picard as a captain but it was a different time and world. DS9 they were trying to figure out where to go with the franchise's. For a good long time Babylon 5 was beating DS9. Wasn't until the dominion war that DS9 finally earned its Star Trek name. Voyager....please that series blew and never did find its identity. Star Trek Enterpise also blew although they did have a decent plot going for a little while but took too many liberties with the ST franchise. Purest will say the original ST was in a class of its own and everything since has been trying to capitalize on its niche success. As for Star Wars. New Hope started it all. Good movie not the best in the series but a good start. Had New Hope been made today I doubt it would do well at all. Empire Strikes back can be argued as the best SW has ever done movie wise. Return of the Jedi...well ewoks what more needs to be said? Again they tried to get to cutesy and it took away from the story. Episodes 1,2, and 3 filled a niche but in general did not live up to the hype. Touches of brilliance hidden within loads of crap really. Ep 4 was good...Ep 5 was great, Ep 6 they started screwing things up. So really who knows what 7, 8, and 9 will be like. I am worried since Disney wants to bring back Vader or create some new super villain and pretty much have said that the canon all the books have created don't mean anything for the direction Disney wants to go. Who knows it might be Emperor Micky and Darth Donald Duck fighting to wipe out Jedi Master Chip and Jedi Knight Dale...it is Disney after all.
  11. Actually JJ Abrams is kind of on the top of things these days. Signing JJ to do the movies is a big plus for many people including myself. But like so many of the nay sayers...you will preach doom and even when the movie comes out will talk about how much it sucked. Today's attitude the original Star Wars would have sucked and not amounted to anything. Its the negitive self important opinions so many people have today that is ruining everything. So much hate and hostility to everything just so people can be negative and feel like they are cool is destroying the human race.
  12. Maybe but everyone has a choice. Do you want the Mount? Yes or No. Yes...well do you have the credits yes or no? Yes then buy the mount. No wait to save up the credits or buy credits to get the mount. EA/BioWare/Lucas himself is not holding a blaster to anyones head saying you MUST buy this mount. Its a choice. Is it price gauging? Perhaps but such things happen when games go free to play. People can't afford 15 dollars a month to play a game and still expect new items, new content, new levels, new anything and don't want to pay for it....well a company has to do something to pay for their coders and server costs. Blame all the people that cried the game wasn't good enough to pay for or didn't have the money to pay a monthly sub for the current state of things. You have a choice to save, buy, or pass on anything in game now. Also I am willing to bet if this mount was put in as a rare item in some new cartel pak the same people would not be complaining about the cost. Instead of "wasting" 1800 credits on a mount they would rather buy 10 cartel paks for 400 credits per and if they get the rare item good for them. Also why the expectation that it would be account wide? I don't know of any of the items on the market that are account wide (well apart from the legacy unlocks like cargo bays and inventory slots). Again its just something more for people to QQ about because its the only thing to do these days it seems. People QQ over anything...give someone a million credits and they will QQ that it was only a million. Its the nature of the internet these days and its a horrible disgrace.
  13. LOL at the people QQing about it costing $18 whole dollars. These are probably the very same people that spend $40 dollars or more on cartel paks all the time. Me personally I learned my lesson buying the first bunch of cartel paks. Now I know better than to waste my credits and real money on them. I had stored up credits because I wasn't wasting them on the cartel paks. I bought my rocket boost, repair droids, storage bays, inventory slots etc with my cartel coins and had about 2k left over after this last months stipend. So for me I had the 1800 credits and nothing to spend them on so yea got the pod racer because it is unique and cool looking. Maybe those QQing over the $18 dollar real dollar value didn't waste so many of their credits on cartel pak sinks they wouldn't need to pay real money to get fluff like this when it goes on the market.
  14. Its fun to mess with some people though. I remember we had a group of people and decided to do SM Op for coms. We were short 1 person so we joined Queue and had a guy join up. Now this guy was a jerk from the get go. Wanting to know if we all knew what we were doing and weren't noobs. The group was all pretty much in 61 gear and some of us mostly 63 gear (Dread Guard). So we tell him dude its SM EV don't sweat it. He goes on and on about how he has had issues with PuGs in SM EV and he wasn't going to waste his whole night wiping over and over. He's sending tells to people asking if they had done it before etc. We were like Dude don't worry just hurry up and get here or travel now so we can get started. Again this pug preaches about how he is not going to carry us through the Op and if we wipe hes leaving yada yada yada. So we all get together minus Mr. Professional, zone in and land on the planet. Then we all went over to a Yellow Tauntaun and one after the other did a /stuck and just had a pile of dead bodies around this lone Tauntuan. Then we start making comments like Oh wow that was fast....why does it say release to med center I don't want to release...why can't we just rez here...because the mob is still here etc. So Mr. Professional finally arrives and we are still all dead in a pile around this Tauntuan. He comes over and asks what happened? One guy tells him they must have buffed the Tauntaun...it kicked all our arses. The guy immediately drops group and leaves without saying a word....sucker didn't even rez anyone either! We have a good laugh re-queue fill the spot and finished the op without a single death. Sometimes when a jerk joins...its more fun to mess with them and make them rage quit
  15. And this is the reason expertise was boosted so much in 1.2. Because PvPers where whining that people that got gear through PvE could compete in PvP along side those in Battle Master (the then top PvP gear). The argument is that gear is so easy to come by in PvE. Well you have a choice you can either PvE and gear up or you can PvP and gear up. Not everyone wants to grind out both. And if PvE gear is so easy to obtain compared to PvP then why can't the PvPer's "suffer" through PvE to get it. No because why should I be forced to PvE when all I mainly want to do is PvP right? Well why should PvEer's suffer through PvP when they mainly want to PvE but have occasional fun in PvP. You act like PvP takes skill...maybe in other games but not in this one. Its all about gear. PvE is about gear, PvP is about gear. If you are sufficiently geared enough in either then skill really has little to do in either aspect. I mean originally it seemed that you had two paths for gear. PvE or PvP. PvP gear had expertise and lower primary stats where PvE gear had higher stats and no expertise. There was a point where they canceled each other out the amount of expertise you had reducing dmg taken, buffing dmg done countered the heavier stated gear from PvE. Yet the PvP gear was usable in PvE even through HM KP you could get away with someone in Battle Master gear just as someone in full Rakata could go into PvP and perform on par with someone in top PvP gear. Then 1.2 changed everything. Today you have a fully geared War Leader vrs fully geared Campaign and there is no question they are uneven war leader destroys campaign. They used to be a small give or take between being full top PvP gear and full top PvE gear...now any level of PvE gear is destroyed by potentially even recruit PvP gear. Kicker is recruit PvP gear lacks enough expertise to survive War Leader level expertise so unless you have ground out valor 60+ PvP is painful, frustrating, and no fun whatsoever.
  16. Oh I'm sorry...did your boyfriend send you here to support him? Or you just really aggressive and stepping up on your own? No matter...as you said I am an unknown for all you know....just as you and your boyfriend are unknown from unknown guilds in an unknown game. Enjoy your self and please do us a favor and post your wedding pics...nothing from the honey moon god knows we don't need to see that but a nice one of you kissing while feeding cake to each other would really be great. And with this I am out of this thread. Stroke all you like if it makes you feel good about yourselves.
  17. Urgh why was this bumped back up again? As others have said if anyone takes a look at Vexo's post history (or marshmellow as he is on these forums) its obvious he is a troll. His own server has a thread him and his boyfriend put up stroking each others epeen over DPS and challenging others to post their dps to see who is the best on the server. When his post turned into a 10+ page flame war against him that he claims he was only doing to copy another server (EU server I think) that had a similar thread. So yes ladies and children....this guy is all about stroking his big, inflated epeen. Be careful you don't keep stroking him or you might get a face full of something. I know from experience and from running with some of my servers top guilds (Revenant/shadowdragons etc) what well geared dps ranges are and as a similarly geared marauder with close to 15 years of MMO experience (this is Marshmellows "first" MMO so he claims), I am not saying I am the best or that I am a god at my class but I do know how to play my class and again from running HM Raids with my server top raiding guilds I have seen where dps ranges during fights to know that I often top the parses but do not put out 2200+ dps against a single target long duration fight. AoE sure that's easy but even claiming he did 2200 not only against a raid op target dummy but against the withering terror boss at the end of the fight and not helping with adds (which means he averaged 2200 so he had to do 2500+ for the duration of the fight to off set movement dps looses etc to claim a 2200 dps parse) is well...laughable. If any congrats are to be given to the OP they would be well done for Trolling and getting a 12 page thread. I hear he has some plans to a moon sized battle station he plans to sell soon too.
  18. Expertise is broken. Went from not meaning anything to being way Over powered. In this game PvP and skill will never be found in the same sentence. PvP in SWTOR is all about gear only. Seriously if you could take a brand new lvl 50 with minimal PvP experience and put them into full War Leader+ gear the expertise difference between them and anyone in recruit and battle master is so vast that the new lvl 50 could face roll themselves to the top of the score board. There is no skill in SWTOR PvP...its all about gear. Maybe Bioware has seen this or at least heard about it enough that they want to try and "balance" the expertise gap in an attempt to make PvP more fun for the casual players. Either this or Bioware needs to do brackets. Recruit lvl players in 1 WF bracket, War Leaders in another WF bracket. That way people can actually have fun in PvP prior to valor 60+.
  19. They messed up Expertise. At first it didn't do jack, then they made it have too much of an effect. Used to be able to PvP with PvE gear and do ok. I mean if you PvP in Tionese gear you got destroyed but if you had full Rakata it was almost the same as having full Battlemaster. Then they "fixed" expertise and now unless you use full PvP gear you might as well not even bother to PvP. And even then because of the expertise issues....you are prey until you get up to War Leader level gear...recruit is junk, even Battlemaster is junk. You will get slaughtered by those that have "put the time in" wearing War Leader gear without even a chance in most cases of being able to hurt them. All because the PvP crowd whined that it wasn't fair that PvE gear worked in PvP (although they had no issues with PvP gear being usable in PvE). Add on top the issues with resolve these days PvP is hardly worth bothering with unless you are valor 80+. Its stun wars now with the resolve changes it seems. Attack get stunned, get slowed, get knocked back, get stunned again, get choked, get stunned and your dead. They got resolve changed because people would spam all their CC's at a target giving the target immunity because someone was stupid and used a stun instead of a yank/slow to intercept someone and made CC virtually useless. So now CC's are over used because it takes multiple before you fill resolve which means you get pretty much chain stunned and killed before you can do anything.
  20. Yep I agree. Sure if I dps the foul offsprings in withering terror I can show over 2k dps during the first part fo the fight then settle down to 1800+ at the end due to loss dps from movement (during burrows or when chasing after Male) and how many times you get the dot and need to run clear to purge or even waiting to use the red pools. Most times I am left either 100% on the main boss or I break off and dps the Jealous Male while the rest of the dps aoe the offsprings (so I loose out on that bonus dps). We do it that way so the male is around 25% or less when the offsprings die to help speed up clearing adds and getting dps back on the boss. Operation dummy test are good to see what is possible but rarely are there any boss fights where you get to just stand there, not move, run perfect rotations, take advantage of all debuffs, and just mindless dps. So yea dummy dps is no where close to real boss dps which to me is when your dps actually counts.
  21. And you obviously don't understand what Mox/SWMON/ACT does either. They all read the exact same combat log file you "upload" to TorParse. They do not create their own files. And I would suggest you run Mox and SWMon and even ACT all at the same time and then upload your combatlog file to ToRParse...then you will see how even though they ALL read the same file they all report differently. As for you not knowing any of the guilds I listed in another post thats expected your on Bastion and I am on Shadowlands. Guilds I listed are among the top guilds on Shadowlands clearing 8 and 16 man HM content. You don't recognize them...I don't recognize your guild either...different servers and all. In the end whatever floats your boat. You want to self stroke your epeen and pop all over yourself that's your choice. I have a long history in MMO's being in progression guilds getting server and world first kills. I am not some this is my first MMO player that has no clue. This game is not as complicated as other MMO's (darn near face roll in terms of complexity..or lack there of). Rotations are pretty basic if you understand skill order and procs. No real magic there. The game is fairly gear driven so yea even someone in BIS gear that face rolls can do better than someone with a "perfect" rotation in lesser gear. Maybe if I saw people putting up numbers you claim in a raid situation I might say hey nice job here's a pat on your back. But that is not the case. Stroke your epeen all you want...obviously you need the attention to validate your efforts.
  22. All parsers read the exact same combat log. The same log you upload to TORParse. That same log will have a TORPArse accounting that might not mesh with the MOX accounting, that wont match the SWMON accounting and wont match the ACT account despite all of them reading the exact same combat log. Which proves the point that if one varies from another then they all are not always accurate. You may claim TORParse is perfect but if it has to read the same combat log as every other parser out there then there is doubt. No parser is 100% accurate. Combat start/stop times effect things (parser A waits for 5 seconds out of combat to finish vrs parse B that waits 3 seconds, vrs parse C that waits 10 seconds etc). Also logs are just text files...easy to manipulate. All this is why so many games refuse to include a dmg meter in game because of how fickle they are and can be manipulated to report extraordinary high or shocking low damage. Data is only as good as the method used to collect it...and the combat log files are not good/precise. They were added as a concession to everyone wanting DPS meters and not supported (by an Official TM SWTOR DPS METER) because of the inherent differences of various reporting tools.
  23. LOL the tactic of the weak minded. I am god so you must suck LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I think that "justification" you just used pretty much explains you are full of it...it being a lot more than just full of yourself. Also love how TORParse is touted as 100% accurate because you upload your parse file to them and it translates it. Nothing like SWmon, Mox, ACT that also reads your parse file and translates them...WITHOUT HAVING TO UPLOAD. Yes you would think reading a parse file and reporting everything would be equal but nope. Seriously...try different parsers reading the same fight and they all will report differently. I have also upgraded more of my gear (now at 735 bonus dmg 1240 on the high end of primary dmg w/ 63 enhancements/mods/main hand hilt). And you know what....I hit 1800 dps but still only see 2k parses if any multiple mob pulls are involved...ie AOE parses. Let me say again nice laugh on the you just suck part and then to top yourself you claim my guild sucks as well. I have ran with most of my servers TOP progression guilds (Death Sentence, Revenant, Shadow Dragons etc), and have not seen one...ONE dps report the numbers you claim so even if I sucked on my toon surely full Dread Commander geared players in top progression guilds that watch dps meters like they come from god itself would have at least one of their over geared players able to get in "range" of your claims...but nope not seen it. Cool story though bro.
  24. Have had this discussion with a few people on my server and the general consensus is that the new Dread Guard Relics are still inferior to the PvP straight pwr ones. Yes the new ones do give you some base pwr bonuses but the proc rate is still fairly low and the dmg per proc is fairly insignificant even though they are internal/elemental and by pass armor/defense ratings. So far everyone I know still uses matrix cube paired with a battlemaster/war leader relic or double PvP relics.
  25. Well I guess /golfclap? One thing I have learned already in this game is that every parser, reports different numbers. I have not use the one the OP is linking so can't really comment on that one. I have used Mox, SWMon, and ACT. They all report the same fight differently. SWMON is by far the most forgiving in calculating dps. Mox seems in the middle, and ACT is very unforgiving. For example a 1400 dps total in Mox actually repots as 1800 range in SWMON, and 1100 in ACT. How "friendly" his parse choice is I don't know. The totals though seem to really favor a very "friendly" parser...at least by what I can gage from doing actual op runs with various parsers. 2k+ meters only see in fast aoe trash pulls. Now I have ran HM TFB with many of the leading progression guilds on my server (Shadowlands) and they all use Mox or SWMON, etc during the runs. I can see how I am ranking on my mara against other mara's, mercs, sorcs, snipers and again only time I see 2k+ is during fast aoe trash pulls...oh and of course again Kephess when he is debuffed from the pillars. Gear wise the OP is in 63 gear. Maybe doesn't have dread guard pieces but pretty much dread guard equivalent with 63 armor, mods, enhancements, hilts. Now my mara is not full 63 yet. Have my main hand 63 hilt, and 63 enhancements currently, and should have my 63 mods by the weekend. But looking at his askmrrobot character even with an exotech might stim and full buffs I am a bit confused. He has less than 2k str, 709 bonus dmg, and 40% crit. Over all not bad stats. High crit which may boost dps a bit more than my lower crit build. But seeing how my mara is in 61 armor/mod, 63 main hand hilt/enhancments, matrix cube, and battlemaster relic (vrs his two warleader relics) I am sitting at 716 bonus dmg but only a 29% crit total and almost 2200 str. Main hand dmg on the high end is like 1225+. So stat wise I am comparable with the OP...not as well geared (not full 63) and less crit but can't buy that crit makes that much difference...his parse shows a 30% crit rate during a fight... similarly even at a 29% stat screen crit rating I have parsed at a 30% crit rate on various parsers. Yet my average boss fight dps ranges from 1200-1800 dps. On debuffed fights (like HM TFB Kephess) I can get upwards of 2300, and in fast aoe trash pulls where I use zerk to spam vicious sweep I can push 2500-3200 dps. Operations test dummy parses are unrealistic and not really indicative of a true ops boss fight (movement, phases etc are not accounted for) I can't really say yea that is good dps or not. More so if you have people debuffing for you off the side. Again the OP's gear is pretty good...63 level gear, stats are fairly nice (personally I would loose some crit and build more pwr in his case but then I am pwr hungry), I have to question how friendly or forgiving the parse choice he is using actually is. Our gear's are not equal but dmg potential is not very far off from each other. I have a hard time accepting a 2200 long duration, single target parse claim as a standard for the class. The skills used in the parse (Or the rotation) is pretty standard and no real magic combination there so the outside influence has me really suspect. But then opinions are like a holes, everyone has one and they often stink so what does it matter. If you play your class well, and are successful in raiding, who cares if you have a 1800 parse or a 2200 parse. From my experience most times the 4 dps are fairly close to each other in dps totals after a boss kill. Dmg done is within 20k or less between each dps. If one person is putting out significantly more than the other dps classes then the other classes need to work on their rotations/gear or its pretty clear evidence of a imbalance that could bring about unnecessary nerfs due to bad/falsified reporting. Bragging rights are one thing and I guess for some people its what they live for. But people tend to take such brags as a standard and start throwing them around as if they are common accounts. Next thing you know Mara's are going to be doing 5k dps and shooting lightning out their arses as the next round of OMG NERF MARAUDERS refreshes on one class forum or another. Until I see more people posting similar results going to have to figure this is just a little self epeen abuse by the OP done with questionable parameters.
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