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Posts posted by guiltless

  1. Sorry if this has been brought up already. I can't tell as search has been removed from the forums.


    But this is my idea for the iOS security key app. It would be AMAZING, I mean really amazing, if I could send my companions on crew skill missions from my smart phone.




    I completely agree, though I think it could cause some "fairness" issues. But being able to do some light crafting when there is a server wait would be awesome. Even being able to look up your character would be great. See a friends list...etc.

  2. Greetings.


    My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


    Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


    Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



    Kind regards


    Choose a less crowded server. Or ask people to get off nicely. Or wait your turn. Choose wisely.

  3. Dear XXXX,


    Your order has been successfully canceled. For your reference, here's a summary of your order:


    You just canceled order #104-6368797-XXXXXX placed on November 7, 2011.


    Status: CANCELED




    1 of Star Wars: The Old Republic


    Sold by: Amazon.com LLC


    Whew, thank goodness for that. Less to complain.


    I think what TOR really needs is Cosmetic/Costume slots. That way we can look how we want but still have the items to give us the stats we want.

  4. I hope the gameplay isn't as bad as the experience I'm having on the website. More than 50% of the time I'm getting errors(not sitting in que, errors). They also must have restructured the forum, cause it to break all search engine links(because most of those don't work anymore). Not only that, but you CAN'T SEARCH?!?

    What are we living in 1990? Since when can't you search a forum. A forum is a place of knowledge, and all leaving out a search engine is doing is forcing people with questions to post them, even though most have probably already been answered.


    I e-puke on the web development team. Officially.


    Theres a couple hundred thousand people doing what you're doing, so there is going to be a few issues on the forums. It'll clear up soon ^^. Then you'll see the awesomeness that is TOR.

  5. Please give Bioware some time! Theyre in the middle of a huge launch and catching a lot of flak for giving their "loyal" customers a chance to play before the game even releases. Everything will come in due time ^^
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