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Everything posted by Yopoko

  1. I had troubles with this fight when I was in my T2/T3 gear. Now that I am in full T3 we really hardly wipe on Sav. Reading the thread I noticed a few mechanics that everyone seems to watch for but my party does not avoid. Our party make-up was usually a sin tank (in his offtank specs), a hybrid sorc (Pretty much a non cast pvp spec) and the last dps is usually another merc or a mara. We usually stack relatively close together so I can bust out my SCG and put out that shield for the pipes. Sav always picks a target to fling crap at, so I usually make sure everyone is at least 50% and just work on who is taking dmg. . Communication is really the key here; I will let them know if I'm running high on heat, and they can pop a defensive cooldown. In the dps phase I didn't have a lot of issues healing through the debuffs of the rot, I have noticed that even if i'm a nice distance (say 5-10m) I still get the rot transferred to me. We never had an issue where the rot was key, so my party pretty much just believed I could heal through it. (This was our decision, we like to check out various mechanics and see which ones we can easily not worry about. ) When we have to stack for him jump, (this was when we still had mostly columi gear) we would have the tank stack a tiny bit further from the dps, that way right out of the jump we are not in his range of the aoe and I can pop another aoe heal without anyone running off. Now that we have T3/T4 gear, the party gets lazy and makes me heal through the whole thing. I'm in no way a pro healer, and I've spend hours honing how to heal this with my group make-up and their playstyles to heal accordingly. I learned the other day that if you are having a hard time managing heat, after you hit the SCG, manually cancel that buff so you can use the RS to build up around 30 charge to vent 8 more heat. The non cd is heal is pretty awesome, but its useless if you don't have the heat for it. Odds are we would just rapid shot until we can have more heat, so why not just let it build something up instead of wasting 13ish secs for it to be over? My party is really on top of getting to their prospective pipes when Sav jumps up. If Sav rock hops from the sorc's pillar to another he will stop and heal himself up. ^Before we figured out the mechanics properly, I've had to heal through a lot of the sorc running around trying to get to the pillar and burn him down. Final boss makes me feel like he needs save points, but not as bad as the final boss frrom Denova. The last dps phase, we have the tank on the wall, and the dps right behind the boss. if the dps pull threat, he just runs to us.. the knockback doesnt affect my aoe heals too much and the dps ( hybrid sorc/mara) doesn't have too hard of a time making their way back. I would have to say that for beating the final boss we were all in mostly rakata pieces. Our tank also does a run around the staircase to avoid his satchel charges so the first part is really easy on the healing if we stay out of the rakghoul virus and just cleanse when the stack gets too big.
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