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  1. so what is the play style of the focus tree?
  2. i know its been asked before some where. after looking around on the forms i cant find a build in the force tree. does anyone have input on this build? thanks
  3. no im not ************. trying to understand the point to the "Wave" im still some what of a noob to mmo's but i never heard of this.
  4. Ok so this whole "wave" thing is getting to me, like all of you guys. lets break this down. its a work day/ school day for most of us. it started at 0700 EST. you would think most of your population would be getting ready for class or work, not getting ready to sign in to swtor. also its the 1st day, so people who did not pre order in july should know its unlikely they will be playing today and should go about their lives. so is bioware doing this so called "wave" to keep the server lagg down or what ever? i dont think so. the servers should be able to handle stress now. due to some of the examples i gave up above we should have little problems getting into the game at the same time and skip this "wave" crap!! p.s its my normal day off for me thats why im home.
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