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    I smoke weed, lots and lots of good weed
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    IT Mothr ****
  1. lolololol troll. -Fenix and the rest of McO-E is pre-NGE SWG. -Fenix using the phrase "battlegrounds" is not purely directed toward's WoW's PvP staging system as many other MMO's have used such a phrase. Maybe he and others like him (i.e. me) are used to more open PvP and felt we enjoyed it that it more than being "fenced in". I also noticed you do alot of assuming. You should stop assuming what you cannot possibly know anything about.
  2. I support this thread for the following list of reasons: It's a Great Idea! It doesn't suck! It'l be good for the player environment! It'll be lots of fun! This is what we missed from SWG and other MMO's! Open PvP = Fun PvP!!!!!!! It's a Great Idea! It doesn't suck! It'l be good for the player environment! It'll be lots of fun! This is what we missed from SWG and other MMO's! Open PvP = Fun PvP!!!!!!! It's a Great Idea! It doesn't suck! It'l be good for the player environment! It'll be lots of fun! This is what we missed from SWG and other MMO's! Open PvP = Fun PvP!!!!!!! It's a Great Idea! It doesn't suck! It'l be good for the player environment! It'll be lots of fun! This is what we missed from SWG and other MMO's! Open PvP = Fun PvP!!!!!!! It's a Great Idea! It doesn't suck! It'l be good for the player environment! It'll be lots of fun! This is what we missed from SWG and other MMO's! Open PvP = Fun PvP!!!!!!! Also, Ganking is a part of zerging - can't have 1 without the other...So just shoot them faster!
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