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Posts posted by Svii

  1. Tibbel is, ofc, correct. There is no substitute for the 2-set Field Tech bonus and it does come in handy every now and then to keep you in the 60+ energy bracket. I even find myself missing it in PvP :/ .. Then I remember 40m Takedown! :cool:
  2. In warzones, I never put up 450-600k damage because most of my damage is single target only, but I 'know' the contributions I make, especially if I'm allowed to 'free cast'.


    This might be a good as place as any for encouraging MM, this happens if you're left alone in Voidstar:



    IIRC I forgot to use OS on CD, so that is mostly single target damage, for some reason I was left alone most of the time ^^


    I do more total damage in Engineer, but I feel more efficient 95% of the time as MM. Often my kill shots are 40-50% of total kills!

  3. Actually answered in another thread while thinking about this one, so i'll just say it again here. Like we discussed on the PvP thread, there are many ways to Min/Max a Sniper, but I think we more or less reached a consensus that _balance_ is better than shooting for the stars on one stat :)


    I'd rather have 4-6% alacrity than 3% Surge. I mean, we're talking about 100-150 extra damage on a 6K crit.. Usually we're doing too high hits anyways, faster is better. Reason is, Diminishing Returns on Surge is really bad at that point, other stats are way more useful. I will never miss a Sorc with my 6k Ambush, but it might happen 1 in 20 with 95% accuracy. Are you OK with that trade? I'm not.


    Comparing one WZ to another is barely even anecdotal. Even if you were to run the same 8v8 10 times on the same map, the outcome would differ vastly! I don't doubt you're doing better, but I'd wager on you becoming a better player rather than 0.1% or less damage output :)


    Edit; It's your extra power that boosts your damage, not the minuscule surge, which was my point.

  4. I'm seriously against MM in PvP. The damage is not as good as Lethality or Engineering (MM may post the biggest numbers, but the damage is super easy to stop compared to Engi and Leth), the survivability is lower than Engi, and it has nowhere near the utility as full Engi. Then again, I'm advocating janky Engi hybrids, so I can't say much against playing MM for the playstyle.


    I do much better in full (33+/x/x) MM than any Hybrid or Lethality build. Especially the awful 16/2x hybrid. I did play it for a couple weeks, and it was fun. It's actually very nice in 1v1 when you feel like LoS/kite'ing to win. Ultimately, like the above poster, it's prolly better as a fresh 50 when you want to delude your usefulness :p


    Do not blind yourself looking at the scoreboard, DoTs and AoE inflate your (useless) DPS. MM is primarily single target, so 400k MM damage is usually more game changing than 400k Eng or Leth DPS. Just today I was top damage dealer as 35xx MM in about the 8 or 9 WZs I played among a ton of smashers and what not. Kill shots, objectives and minimum deaths were mostly among the top 1-3 of the board as well. Yes, I struggle against tanks, then again they're not my most important targets.


    It's very much up to your play style. I'm not very patient, so DoT's is not my thing. I like popping 10-15k inside one GCD, all at once! Full Engineer is the only other build I run these days. Even then, I always miss the MM specific skills, like Diversion and Siege Bunker. Tried running Lethality for a couple days, it was a disaster.. It's just too slow :(


    There is one MM/Eng build that I've had great success with; http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bsrbdRkRrMZrI0b.2


    No IP dot gives you control, while maintaining the MM burst. Negative side is energy management, you become useless in a long fight.

  5. As i said Svii, there is really not a consensus if a Sniper should min-max his build like for example a Concealment Operative. In the end, the individual player skill, spec, klass knowledge and execution is more important that a few extra percents of this or that stat. I have currently 102,5% ranged accuracy with 41% ranged crit. Somebody will consider these numbers absolutely stupid. Tell this to the sentinels i've sent back to respawn..


    Completely agree, I sit at 102% accuracy and 40% crit myself.


    This just makes a good argument for balancing your stats as a Sniper. You can Min/Max against certain classes, but it will make you less efficient against a different class. Balance seems to be the way to go, missing an Ambush is infuriating :p

  6. Indeed, Flash Bang is very situational. I sometimes use it to to trap people in my OS or tactical CC of someone away from the brawl, like a healer nobody is attacking.


    One other great use of FB is against Marauders/healers, if they do not have full resolve they will not break it. You can then load EP+Ambush+Takedown to kill them instantly before Undying rage or a cleanse. Great combo against healers you struggle to kill. It's situational and will not work if anyone else is breaking the CC.


    This is the reason it's a good idea to save EP for the sub 50% HP kill burst. I've started to change the way I DPS in PvP to just scratch at them with SoS/Snipe/FT until 60% HP, then load up EP+Ambush for the kill. It works because their HP doesn't drop too fast at the start, making them overconfident on killing you.. then suddenly: BHAM! :3

  7. Nice guide, NoTomorrow. You've managed to cover most of what makes a Sniper work :)


    My first contribution is an alternative Engineer build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bcMZrIMroRborsZh.2


    It trades energy regen for more survivability and Frag Grenade spamming. The 6% HP regen doesn't sound like much, but chain it together with EMP and it's a full 12%. I've actually earned the 75K healing medal a few times with this skill point!


    Frag grenades in Engineer hits almost as hard as Snipe, but on 5 targets. It's a very good in a brawl, potentially killing an entire team if they're also standing in your OS/PP. Extremely satisfying. It's also good for preventing caps, especially guarding Voidstar bomb plants.


    Snipe is useful for Engineers, it's sometimes a better energy dump between burst phases against single targets. But it's not a priority skill, Frag grenade is usually a better option.

  8. I've asked myself the same question.. We have very few main-Snipers in my guild, only beaten by DPS-Ops hehe


    Perhaps many struggle to get past the first barrier, which of course is the Cover mechanic. My first advice is always; Remove Cover bar function and bind a key to take Cover in place. Most seem to enjoy Sniper much more after these two small adjustments :)

  9. For PvP I would not roll that spec, and that is not standard, as I know nobody who specs that way lol.


    In my experience it is the max PvE DPS spec. With they way Ops bosses are designed, the extra damage on OS and EP for burst phases trumps 31/5/5 with 4% alacrity. I guess it mainly comes down to play style though..


    For PvP it is different, 35/3/3 is very solid :)

  10. Sounds like fun OP, I'd love to see fraps and ops chat from the other team :rak_03:.




    Same, especially relevant these days. I <3 when someone smashes and then pauses for a split second, like a little thought bubble should appear by their head saying "WT*?"


    I'll continue this pyramid, simply can't live without Siege bunker anymore. Also, beating lolsmashers with 80% hp left is too much fun! :3

  11. P.S. Orbital strike.


    Also, does it really just add an extra tick as you think? My damage on the tooltip doesn't increase at all by 30% for the extra tick... does this mean it's better to not have the bonus? Someone should test this!


    It does add an extra tick, but tool tip doesn't reflect the set bonus.

  12. Are you kidding me?! Hover over Cunning on your character sheet...

    It gives both Ranged and Tech crit chance.


    If you're still confused:

    Crit chance = Crit rating

    Crit Multiplier = Surge


    Try to hover over Crit Chance instead, it shows that Cunning and Critical rating are on separate DR curves :)

  13. I've been working for over a month now to get my raid DPS boosted to the level that I've seen other Snipers at - that being the 1500-1800ish range for boss encounters. I'm usually around 1100-1300.


    Let me start by asking which Augment (22) you guys are using on gear? Overkill for Power or Skill for Cunning and why?


    Any other ideas?


    Depends on what boss you're talking about. Talking EC HM, I do 1400 to high 1500s as marksman. When you have the gear, it's mostly about knowing the fights and being more or less optimized stat wise. DPS also depends on the rest of your group and tactics. A month doesn't sound like a long time to me :p


    If I can sit and shoot in peace without moving, I can pull 1800+.. but that's not happening in a real fight unless there are damage buffs in the fight mechanics, like Fabricator in KP or Kephess in TfB.


    Skill Augments, all the way. No question about it. You get about the same bonus damage from Cunning point per point, but also some crit rating.


    Other ideas.. try to squeeze out more Followthroughs on cool down. SoS and FT are often over 45%+ of my total damage during a fight.

  14. i don't think it is pointless . but saying all classes do equal dps ,without adding any further explanation on how you came to this conclusion, makes it seem that maybe your input is not needed in this discussion.


    ps: "they hit like a truck" or "they tear people apart" are phrases that have about 0 meaning when there is no defenition on how hard a truck really hits (it might be a toy truck) ;)


    I'm stating a fact proven many times over. Anyways, I have experience with good Sorcs and Mercs in my groups: We have all 3 classes in our raid group and we're all fighting for 1st place in deeps, usually depends on fight mechanics and raid roles. I didn't elaborate because it was not asked for. In general, all ranged classes does well. Also true for PvP, a _good_ player is able to play to their strengths and make a difference. A general question is answered generally.


    RE ps. Of course it will have ZERO meaning to someone that strives to pick apart every little word in a statement, just to argue some more (and pointlessly). Most people would think a truck hits pretty hard, regardless of speed and mass of said imaginary truck. Thus, the statement makes sense to most people! :p

  15. You do have AOE stun which we lack. Escape for a commando doesn't exist.


    It's not a stun, breaks on damage. And doesn't always work, because of other people, full resolve etc. At best it can delay the inevitable for a couple seconds. _Slightly_ better off than Mercs for sure, in certain situations, but then I'm most likely out of cover and not better off. Focus fire = Mark of death.


    And like the guy above me argues, it's a team game.. Some teams are better than they should be.

  16. it ruins all pvp balance,

    how a pt can reach u?



    Several options:

    1. Run.

    2. Pull, we're not always in cover.

    3. Run, you know, between the roots and KBs. Plenty of time.

    4. PTs can still use some 30m ranged abilities, even Rail Shot.

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