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Posts posted by ArthasDaracon

  1. What this thread =


    Bioware: "Hey guys we're sorry we made the game completely unplayable for most of an entire day to give you a 30 minute of playtime content patch, as reimbursement you can come beg us for CCs by playing a stupid forum game because we don't give enough of a **** about you to just reimburse you for our completely epic failure."

  2. I believe that some people forget that by playing the game they agree to play by Bioware's rules. Even if they are arbitrary rules, you have agreed to play by them by continuing to use the service. I believe it is also a legally binding agreement to play by their terms and agreements. That being said, stripping so much was an attempt to make it feel like punishment not simply remove items. It would sound as if it has served it's punitive function properly.


    Whether or not it was Bioware's job to fix the bug, it was never their job to make people hold themselves to better standard of conduct. If you understand the concept of cheating well enough to quibble over semantics and nuanced meanings, you understand enough to know you weren't supposed to do it. You can do it any way, but it's not completely without consequence. Sometimes you'll get away with it and sometimes you'll lose more than you gained. It's a gamble. If you can't afford to lose, don't gamble in the first place.


    Again this would all be a totally valid point if they weren't handling it so badly that they are punishing people who didn't even exploit and obeyed the terms of service as well.

  3. The biggest problem with how this is being handled isn't in the banning of the people who exploited. It the overzealous crazed ban hammering that is going on with people that are "Suspected" of helping hide exploited credits. People being banned for selling GTN items at Above average prices to someone who exploited, people who had credits from items they sold on the GTN that were legitimate sales but the person who bought it used exploited credits have also in several cases that I am aware of had credits taken away, and not had the item they sold returned to them as well.


    The problem isn't that exploiters got punished, they should have. The problem is that people who didn't even do anything are being caught in a crazed gestapo witch hunt by Bioware. When this entire thing is Biowares fault to begin with for allowing ridiculously stupid bugs like this to make it to the live server because of lack of testing, if they bothered to ever open up PTS anymore crap like this would get caught much more often.

  4. The problem is not that the Selkath Console has been replaced, but that it no longer exists in the list of decorations and is apparently using the next item, because if you go through the list of all available decorations, the Selkath Console is no longer in it at all. And I expect if you do not already have them placed you cannot place them.
  5. This is quite frankly just another example of how terrible Bioware's GMs are in this game. There are multiple reports of people being Squelched for absolutely no reason, people who just log into game and get automatically squelched for 24 hours. It's just another example of Bioware's failure of relying on automated systems for all of their GM services. The Actual GM's don't appear to do much of anything at all anymore. They take weeks to respond to tickets only to tell you that "I'm sorry we cant do that" or "This is handled by an automated system and out of our control." People who actually get reported for Racial Slurs and Serious Harassment issues remain un-banned for months before action is taken, sometimes no action is even taken at all despite 20+ reports by multiple people.


    Not only do the GM's not seem to actually do any real work anymore, but their automated systems are **** and don't function properly. The automated system to turn over guild leader is notoriously buggy and known to cycle through multiple inactive players before it actually gives it to an active one, the squelching system isn't any better. Not to mention there is really no reason for the Squelch to apply globally to ALL chats, I have multiple times had planned events for multiple people ruined because of a Squelch that doesn't even allow people to talk in group chat or guild chat...this is stupid, lazy and bioware and its GM's should be ashamed of their poor implementation of yet another attempt for them to push everything off onto automated systems.

  6. yeah that utility is all around a bad utility in my opinion, it reduces the interrupt but still makes it the longest cool down in the the game, it lets you build supercharge with recharge and reload but you can already easily do that with kolto shot, leaving its only really useful effect the shorter cool down on your cure which is rarely going to be an issue for non healers.
  7. If we're talking about -- for example -- the champions on Oricon, well, it's an Heroic area after all. Even with Interrupt having a lower CD, it's pretty much impossible to interrupt them all.


    Those actually aren't that bad because they dont have boss immunity, I was talking more about random champions that are spread about.

  8. People have other abilities that also allow to interrupt enemies, namely stuns, pushbacks, etc etc.


    Use them. :p


    If by the time you've used them all and your enemy is not dead, your character and companion are seriously undergeared. Unless it's a champ or something like that.



    That's really kind of the point though? Champions and things that are usually immune to stuns, knockbacks etc are the things you most need interrupts on, and as it is most of the time interrupting is now completely pointless. Most fights now work like this.


    Champion Mob begins casting Ambush


    You interrupt it


    4 seconds later it casts ambush again


    You get hit by ambush because you still have 20 seconds of cooldown on your interrupt.


    Imagine trying to kill the droid in Lost Island before it was nerfed with current interrupt system? You'd need people to have an interrupt order to catch incinerates from hitting the tank. That just makes the chances of GF groups completing things like that even more unlikely than it already is. Multiple operation bosses and flashpoint bosses that are in game right now were designed with the old interrupt cooldowns in mind, imagine trying to do nightmare pilgrim with current interrupts without the benefit of being over leveled? it already took 5-6 people interrupting with the old cooldowns.

  9. I don't normally post on the forums, but I haven't seen this brought up anywhere and I thought it should be.


    Ok so its a 30 meter interrupt right? and functionally Identical to Jolt and Distraction used by Sorcerers and Snipers.


    Why then is our interrupt as mercenaries now a base cool down of 24 seconds, compared to the Sorcerer and Sniper having cool downs of 18 seconds? What is it that warrants an extra 6 seconds of cool down time on our interrupt that does the EXACT same thing as the other two 30m interrupts?

  10. Anyone who actually expected them to provide refunds is naive, they didn't provide refunds for all the people who trained skills at launch before they lowered costs, they didn't provide refunds for all the people who trained speeder skills when it was 400k or 250k when Free to play hit. If they didn't refund when money was actually somewhat rare and hard to come by they sure as hell aren't going to do it now.
  11. Terrias / Altheasha (Prefered / Fastest)


    (Included non BIS as well just in case someone wants them for some reason or another)



    Might Armoring 34



    Deft 34

    Agile 34A

    Keen 34A

    Potent 34A

    Aptitude 34A




    Battle Enhancement 34

    Insight Enhancement 34

    Cognizant Enhancement 34

    Volition Enhancement 34

    Savant Enhancement 34

  12. Said every bully ever. There's always a reason among bullies to justify their actions. He's too fat, she's too perfect, these people are getting away with stuff they shouldn't be etc. Every bully feels justified in their actions. If ever the solution you reach is to bully/harass someone then you need to come up with a different solution. This is never the solution to any problem.


    So what are you trying to accomplish? Bullying and harassing them accomplishes nothing. They're not going to stop using their hilt, and they're not going to give in to you. All it does is create a bunch of drama on the server where there doesn't need to be any.


    It's kinda funny: you complain about others abusing the system but you're doing the same. Isn't the end goal in all of this to get BioWare to fix the issue? Let's not forget that it is BioWare's poor solution to address the issue of people accidentally overwriting their parts that allows others to exploit this. Unlike other exploits though AN EMPLOYEE ACTUALLY LOOKS AT EACH SITUATION. That's pretty damning that they haven't noticed the trend themselves. Another second longer in looking into the situation and binding the hilt to either the MH or OH is all that would be needed to resolve this once and for all. Any anger at this should be directed at them. No other MMO has this problem. So if you're so upset about it perhaps you should look into another MMO? At the end of the day, people will a way to exploit a system and take advantage. This is true in life and in video games. It may not be right and it may not be fair but in all these situations there are systems in place to voice your concerns and to try and get something done about it. None of these ways are through bullying. All bullying does is make you look bad and invalidates any argument you have on the issue.



    KBN here's the post on SWTOR.com I referred to. This user posted about this exploit on May 4, 2013 and also provided a screenshot of someone posting an unbound endgame hilt on the GTN:




    And I'm sure your defensiveness is in no way motivated by the fact that your a member of the guild that has abused it more than anyone right?

  13. Jumping for the most part is fine the only one that really needs to be fixed imo is the matrix shard on Nar Shaddah where half the time instead of jumping from the first to second pipe you just fall off the timing of hitting the jump and forward on this particular jump and succeding vs failing is a matter of under a second. It makes it very difficult for people with any amount of lag or keyboard lag to even think of getting it.
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