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Everything posted by Ravanofdarkness

  1. Currenlty just watching some Anime and a few YouTube Video's while waiting for a Message from BioWare/EA for some Reinforcements for the Republic. xD
  2. Love that all the European Servers are on Light... here's hoping we get invited tommorow.
  3. Yep, even the GameStop Poster at the Store says that.
  4. I Agree, if we don't get invited tommorow then we can start freaking out and getting all mad but for now let's just hope for the force to guide us in the early access.
  5. Just hope that BioWare/EA will start adding some Custom/Private Houses later down the road, to bad i wasn't much of a PC Gamer more of a Console Gamer or else i would of loved to try out Star Wars Galaxies. Atleast i'm going to give Star Wars: The Old Republic a shoot for PC.
  6. That's an easy one it has to be Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
  7. While i'm abit upset i don't really care about some People getting an advantage of playing it early, stuff like that always happens in MMO's but i was hoping to get in early and enjoy playing the Game with a few friends for whom i've bought some Pre-Order Codes for so they could try out the Game and get convinced to buy the game themselfs. Here's hoping that we all get into the Early Access tommorow, may the force be with you all my friends.
  8. Wish they would put me in an Server already, i've checkt all the EU Server and they are light at the moment.
  9. Lol, now that would be funny and sad at the same time.
  10. Also die Server für EU/US sind alle auf Wenig oder Standard. Hoffe mal das wir alle morgen eine tolle Email bekommen wo drin steht viel spaß mit SW: TOR du kannst jetzt los zocken. xD
  11. I've had alot of fun playing the Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta for 2-3 day's then decided to Pre-Order the Game because it was that good and usally i don't play PC Games, i'm a hardcore Console Gamer but because SW:TOR impressed me that much i've decided to Pre-Order a Copy of the Game including two more Copies so i could have two more Pre-Order Codes to give to my friends so we all could enjoy the Early Game Access and maybe this way i can convice them both to play the Game with me and maybe get them interested enough to buy the Game too but since i don't think that we will get Invited for the Early Game Access or atleast early enough to really enjoy the Game and that there is no free trial to really try out the Game without having to atleast bought a Copy of the Game they might not get it, which makes me think twice about picking up my Copy at release or not since i've been Gaming with them for over 10 years. I know BioWare/EA is trying their best at the moment and hopefully they will manage to get most of us into the Early Access tommorow. May the force be with you all. MMO's ive played: Final Fantasy XI (Xbox360) (For 8-12 months) World of Warcraft (For 2 weeks) Lineage II (For 3 months) Guild Wars (For 2 months)
  12. This wouldn't of been so terrible if they where sending out more Waves then just 4 for today, but some of you Guys are right. We aren't sure how many People do get invited per Wave but i can understand how alot of People are feeling about this. In some cases like myself when you Pre-Order the Game for starters it's 10€ (13$) and that's just for Pre-Ordering the Game to get the early Access and a Pre-Order Item and a Copy Reserved but when the Game comes offically out you still have to pay the same Price as anyone else that didn't Pre-Order. So i personally do feel abit robbed for my Money especially since the Pre-Order Box did not say "May play up to 5 Day's early" It says "Pre-Order now to gain Early Game Access and an exclusive Ingame Item look for your Weapon". So that's misleading Information but i can understand why BioWare/EA is taking their time sending out these invites so they can make sure that everything runs fine without every Area being totally overflooded.
  13. Seriously? it's only going to be 4 Waves today. I expected more and over here if you Pre-Order the Game you won't get it any Cheaper when you pick it up. You pay the same Price as anyone else that didn't Pre-Order only diffrence is that you have a copy reserved. I hope i get invited today or atleast tommorow or else i'm gonna cancel my Pre-Order and get my 10€ back since i could use that Money to purchase the Game instead of making sure it's reserved and still having to pay the full Price like everyone else that didn't Pre-Order. Thought it was worth Pre-Ordering because of the early Access but if that's not the case then it isn't.
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