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Everything posted by Rashaverak

  1. to the people saying swg had no content are sorely mistken. It had the best content i've ever played, the mission terminals dont count. The real content was completely player-made ie. assembling 100+ players to raid an imperial base, or just going out with a friend and slaughtering any red or tef'd players you saw. Like people have said crafting was a whole other game in itself, the complexity was mindblowing. There was something for literally everyone, politics, image designer, bio engineer ect. Lets not forget about the macro system by far the best and most complex than any game i've played. Granted i can see why this would not appeal to the current gaming community since like others have said having your hand held to each and every quest hub is the norm now. I'll say there is a lot of nostalgia related to swg, but that doesnt mean it wasnt a fantastic game. Most people that say it was horrible are the ones that never played it, couldnt get into the social aspect of it ( guilds) or couldnt get a character mastered.
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